ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 143.5
Hours of tutorials: 5
Interactive Classroom: 1.5
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Final Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Parasitology, Physiology, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Morphological Science, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology, Botany, Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Functional Biology, Mathematics, Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and MedicineAreas:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Physiology, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Human Anatomy and Embryology, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology, Analytical Chemistry, Botany, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology, Plant Physiology, Geometry and Topology, Toxicology, Preventive Medicine and Public HealthCenter
Faculty of PharmacyCall:
End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree ProjectsTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
1. Descriptive data of the subject.
Character: compulsory.
Announcement: second four-month period.
Credits: 6 ECTS.
Coordinator: Raquel Sendón García. Departamento de Química Analítica, Nutrición e Bromatoloxía. tel. 881814964; mail: raquel.sendon@usc.es.
Description: the Final Degree Project (TFG) in Pharmacy with MECES level 3 (TFGM3) consists of carrying out, presenting and defending a project or study that involves the integration of the training received throughout the Pharmacy degree.
Participating departments: All USC departments taught in the Pharmacy Degree.
2. Requirements to start the TFG
Those students who have a maximum of 75 ECTS to pass, including the Tutored Practices, will be able to start the work, choosing the subject and tutor. It will be necessary to pre-inscribe in the period indicated in the calendar of the TFG of the corresponding course published on the website of the Faculty of Pharmacy.1.-Training activities
• Basic aspects in the search and management of information for the TFG. The realization of the course of competencies in pharmacy information is recommended. Advanced level, organized by the Faculty Library of Pharmacy.
• Keys to oral defense of the work end grade.
2.-Tutoring: The student will have to maintain along the semester at least two sessions with his tutor, at least one documented. For the documentation of the sessions, the tutor must cover the information in Annex I and introduce it into the corresponding field of the Virtual Secretariat.
3.- Realization, Public Presentation and defense of the TFG.
Individually, the student will have to perform, write and defend a job, autonomously and tutored by a professor, which can be of different types.
4.- Types of work.
The different work modalities end of grade can be:
• Research Project: The student can carry out an experimental work of a basic or applied nature related to the degree, in a university laboratory or research center, as well as companies and institutions within the framework of study agreements.
• Review or bibliographic research works. Compilation, reading and critical analysis of works focused on a topic of interest in relation to the degree..
• Project to be performed during PT.
• Technical, organizational and / or economic studies: carrying out studies of equipment, systems, services, products and / or markets that deal with any of the aspects of design, planning, production, management, exploitation, communication, information and / or any other Own pharmacy degree..
5.- TFG structure.
Work format
The memory of the work can be written in Spanish or Galician.
It must have a maximum extension of 10,000 words (excluding the bibliography) and include the following sections:
Cover: According to the unified model (winner of the corresponding annual cover price of the Faculty of Pharmacy). Includes the title in Spanish or Galician and in English, the author.
Index: indicating the corresponding page of each heading.
Summary: (maximum 250 words) in Spanish or Galician and in English.
Key words: 5-6 words that define or place the TFG in their field of knowledge.
Introduction / presentation / contextualization of the TFG
Objectives / Hypothesis: The objectives that the student intends to achieve with the performance of work will be defined.
Material and methods
Results / Work development
Conclusions: they must respond clearly and precisely to the exposed objectives.
Bibliography: according to unified format (see, file in the Virtual Classroom of the TFG)
The memory should be presented (in its paper format, bound stuck with a blue sizes) using A4 pages, upper and lower margins of 3 cm and left and left of 2.5 cm. 1.5-line spit. The pages must be numbered in the central lower area.
The selected letter must be "Sans Serif" (without curves) (Arial, Calibri, Verdana or the like). Its size in the text and feet of figures and graphs should not be less than 10.
The training that will be developed, in accordance with the ORDE CIN/2137/2008 de 3 de xullo (BOE 174) will be guided towards the achievement of the general competences of the pharmacy degree. At the end of the TFG, the student must:
• Know how to properly use the sources of scientific information, including those found in English.
• Be able to analyze and synthesize basic information both in the Spanish language and in English language and summarize it correctly and intelligible.
• Be able to structure, develop and summarize a work on a specific aspect of the profession.
• Be able to orally expose a report on a general or concrete aspect of the profession clearly and defend it publicly.Choice of theme and tutor.
Assignment of topics and tutors
The student will be able to make a proposal to the Commission TFG or to choose a topic for the TFG among those proposed by the professors of the areas that impart lectures in the degree
Proposals from students:
Student's proposals must have the approval of a tutor and include a subject, a goal and a work plan, following Annex III of this guide. This Annex III will be delivered on the dates provided for it the TFG calendar for the corresponding academic year.
Proposals of the Areas
Before the start of the corresponding academic year, from the Faculty of Pharmacy, the departments with lectures in the grade of pharmacy, a number of TFG topics with their corresponding tutors calculated according to ECTS credits taught by each area in the Grade in Pharmacy. Thus, a single annual list will be made public, which will include proposals from all the teaching scopes of the curriculum.
Students who have not presented a proposal previously, will choose a proposal from those presented by the areas. The choice of the topics proposed by the areas will take place at a public act, which will be held at the Grade Room of the Faculty of Pharmacy on two occasions throughout the course according to the TFG calendar of the Faculty of Pharmacy, published in The virtual classroom and on the website. For the election, students will be ordered based on their weighted academic record by the number of credits overcome.
If the student could not go to the public act, she will be able to delegate the election of the subject in another person who must go to the act with a copy of the student DNI and annex II duly covered and signed.
The student may only modify the tutor in exceptional cases, for which he must request it reasoned by writing to the TFG Commission (Annex IV) through the Secretariat of the Decan of the Faculty. The Commission will analyse the case, and if applicable, it will take a new assignment
Recommendations for choosing work issue.
• It should be a subject that is original, pertinent, relevant and linked to the pharmacy degree.
• You must integrate different knowledge and skills acquired in the degree.
• It should contribute to the progress of your field of knowledge and / or profession, or to be socially useful.
• It must be beneficial for your work or professional insertion.
• Above all, it must be a topic that you are passionate about and with which you can enjoy.1.- Presentation and defense of the TFG.
The student must expose the work done before an evaluation court, constituted by three elected teachers, in a rotating basis, among those who impart lectures in the pharmacy degree.
The student will carry out a brief oral presentation of his work (maximum 10 min) that will include at least, the objectives, the methodology, the results and the conclusions of the work carried out.
Evaluation of the TFG.
The enrollment entitles the student to two exam chances. The dates for the Defense of the TFG will be made public through the webpage of the Faculty and in the Virtual Class as well.
The final rating of the TFG will be awarded according to the established assessment heading, which considers the tutor's report and the final evaluation of the evaluation committee after the defense of labor by the student.
Rubric of evaluation
1. Evaluation of the tutor. 20%
1.1 Memory assessment (0-5 points)
1.2 Assessment of the acquisition of competences (0-5 points)
2. Evaluation of the committee: 80%
2.1 Memory assessment (0-5 points)
2.2 Oral exhibition and defense of work (0-5 points)
2.3 Option to honor registration.
The final rating will be obtained according to the assessment rubric by the following equation:
Final Rating = Final Tutor Rating * 0.2 + Final Committee Qualification * 0.8
Each evaluation committee will select those that consider the best jobs (maximum 2) as candidates for the mention of honor registration.
After the evaluation of all the work of the call, the honor enrollment will be granted by the TFG Commission at the proposal of the coordinator together with the presidents of the different evaluation courtsActivities -------------Time (h) Methodology
Tutorials ----------------2 -------------Formulation and tracking of the TFG. Assessment of progress and proposals for improvement
Evaluation session ------1 ------------Oral presentation and defense of the project to the Commission
Personal work---------145------------ Individual and autonomous work of the student, oriented by the tutor
Total 150 hours
Memory assessment criteria, oral exposure and the development of competences are collected in Annexes V and VI and in the virtual classroom of the subject. The student should revise them in depth.
The student should make an exercise of self-assessment of the memory taking into consideration each of the sections that the tutor and the members of the evaluator court will take into account to assess his/her work. The student should deliver the memory when he/she is convinced that will get a high score in each of the sections
The student should rate his/her slides based on the instructions and suggestions to prepare PowerPoint presentations that he can find in the Virtual Classroom of the TFG.For the tutors to evaluate whether or not they consider that the TFG has been plagiarized, they will use the Antiplagio Turnitin tool. All TFGs will remain after their defense in deposit on the Antiplagio Turnitin platform.
All information related to the TFG appears on the website of the Faculty of Pharmacy, in the section of the same name within the corresponding course guide and also in the virtual classroom of the subject.
The student should check the Webpage of the Faculty and the Virtual Classroom of TFG for more information.
The student should use the institutional mail (nameAlumno@rai.es)