ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 5
Expository Class: 35
Interactive Classroom: 20
EEES Clinics: 30
Total: 90Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Surgery and Medical-Surgical SpecialitiesAreas:
Faculty of Medicine and DentistryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Know how to diagnose and design a treatment plan in oral surgery
Know how to perform a semiotic interpretation of oral surgical lesions
Perform an adequate radiological preoperative diagnosis of lesions
Know how to orientate the diagnosis and treatment of patients with oral and maxillofacial surgical pathologies
Know how to perform oral biopsies
Know how to perform tooth extractions of single-rooted teeth
Know how to perform tooth extractions of multi-rooted teethTheoretical contents
1. Surgical-orthodontic treatment of impacted canines.
2. Clinical-radiological diagnosis of other included teeth. Supernumerary.
3. Cysts of the jaws. Classification. Treatment. Complications.
4. Periapical surgery. Concept. Indications and limitations. Surgical technique.
5. Periapical surgery. Filling materials. Limitations and complications.
6. Odontogenic infection. Alveolitis. Periodontitis. Concept. Dissemination mechanisms. Clinical manifestations and treatment.
7. Odontogenic infection. Abscess. Cellulitis and adenoflemon. Diagnosis and treatment. Osteomyelitis.
8. Dental sinusitis. Aetiology. Clinical examination. Treatment and complications.
9. Odontogenic tumours. Classification. Diagnosis. Treatment.
10. Osteogenic tumours. Classification. Diagnosis. Treatment.
11. Treatment of diseases of salivary glands. Mucocele. Ranula. Sialolithiasis. Tumour disorders. Infectious disorders.
12. Facial pain. Trigeminal Neuralgia. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Other neuralgias. Diagnosis and treatment options.
13. Pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Definition. Aetiology. Physical examination. Investigations. Multidisciplinary approach.
14. Pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Conservative treatments. Indication of surgical techniques.
15. Pre-prosthetic surgery. Vestibuloplasty. Diagnosis and surgical technique.
16. Dentoalveolar trauma. Classification. Diagnosis. Treatment guidelines.
17. Trauma of the jaws. Classification. General treatment guidelines.
18. Cancer-risk lesions. Precancerous lesions. Diagnosis and attitude of the dentist.
49. The dentist and oral cancer. Treatment guidelines. Role of the dentist in the multidisciplinary treatment of oral cancer.
Practical contents
I. Incisions, flaps, and sutures in animal models
II. Biopsy techniques in animal models
III. Puncture and aspiration with fine needle
IV. Surgical treatments in selected patients
V. Patient treatment 1
VI. Patient treatment 2
VII. Patient treatment 3Basic references
Apuntes de Cirugía Oral. Cirugía oral II para alumnos de grado en la en la USC. Antonio Aguado Santos, Juan seoane, Pablo Varela Centelles et al. 2018
Libro de Prácticas Preclínicas de cirugía Oral II. Juan seoane, Pablo Varela-Centelles et al. Campus na nube. 2019
Complementary references
Berini L, Gay C. Anestesia Odontológica. Madrid, Ed. Avances, 1997
Bermudo L. Atlas de Cirugía Oral. Ed. Lacer S.A., 2001
Baladrón J. Atlas de Cirugía Oral. Ed. Doyma. 1998
Bascones A. Tratado de Odontología. Tomo IV. Ed. Avances. 2000
Donado M. Cirugía Bucal. Patología y Técnica. Barcelona, Masson, 1998
Esplugues J. Farmacología en la Clínica dental. Ed. Prous, Barcelona, 1993
Evers H. Manual de anestesia local en odontología. Ed. Salvat, Barcelona
Gay C. Cirugía Bucal. Madrid, Ed. Ergón, 1999
Gutierrez Perez, JL. El tercer molar incluido. Doyma, 2001
Horch HH. Cirugía Oral y maxilofacial. Barcelona, Ed. Masson, 1995
López Arranz. Cirugía Oral. McGraw-Hill, Interamericana, 1991
Peñarrocha M. Anestesia Oral. Valencia Promolibro, 1998
Peñarrocha M. Cirugía Bucal. Valencia, Promolibro, 2000
Pifarré E. Patología quirúrgica Oral y Maxilofacial. Ed. Jims, 1992
Raspall G. Cirugía Oral. Barcelona, 1993
Salagaray F. La anestesia en odontoestomatología. Hoechst. BarcelonaKnowledge
Con41. Perform limited invasive soft tissue diagnostic procedures (biopsies).
Con42. Appropriate prescription of drugs, knowing their contraindications, interactions, systemic effects and repercussions on other organs.
Con43. Apply loco-regional anaesthesia techniques.
Con44. Prepare and isolate the operative field.
Con46. Manage acute infections, including pharmacological prescription and simple surgical aspects.
Con48. Perform both medical and surgical treatment of common oral soft tissue diseases.
Con49. Perform simple surgical procedures: extraction of erupted primary and permanent teeth, fractured or retained roots and uncomplicated surgical extraction of unerupted teeth and simple pre-prosthetic surgical procedures.
Con50. Treat dento-alveolar trauma in primary and permanent dentitions.
Con54. Operatively treat destructive processes and traumatic dento-alveolar lesions.
Con22. Develop and implement oral health programmes and know the inter-institutional and inter-professional coordination required for their execution.
Con36. Take and interpret radiographs and other image-based procedures relevant to dental practice.
Con40. Assess motor and sensory function of the mouth, jaws and attachments.
Con04. Know the scientific principles of sterilisation, disinfection and antisepsis necessary to prevent cross-infection in dental practice.
Con06. Perform the necessary x-rays in dental practice, interpret the images obtained and know other diagnostic imaging techniques that are relevant.
Con07. Know the procedures and clinical and laboratory diagnostic tests, know their reliability and diagnostic validity and be competent in the interpretation of their results.
Con08. Know the normality and oral pathology, as well as the evaluation of semiotoxic data.
Con09. Identify the main reason for consultation and the history of the current disease. Perform a general clinical history of the patient and a clinical record that faithfully reflects the patient's records.
Con12. Know the dental biomaterials: their handling, properties, indications, allergies, biocompatibility, toxicity, waste disposal and environmental impact.
Comp01. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
Comp02. Capacity to organise and plan.
Comp06. Information management skills (ability to search for and analyse information from different sources).
Comp07. Problem solving
Comp08. Decision-making
Comp09. Critical and self-critical skills
Comp10. Teamwork.
Comp17. Ability to apply knowledge in practice
Comp19. Ability to learn autonomously
Abilities or skills
H/D18. Know, critically assess and know how to use sources of clinical and biomedical information to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate scientific and health information.
H/D20. Obtain and prepare a clinical history containing all relevant information.
H/D21.Know how to carry out a complete oral examination, including the appropriate radiographic and complementary exploratory tests, as well as obtaining appropriate clinical references.
H/D22. Be able to make an initial diagnostic judgement and establish a reasoned diagnostic strategy, being competent in recognising situations requiring urgent dental care.
H/D07. Promote autonomous learning of new knowledge and techniques, as well as motivation for quality.
H/D08. Know how to share information with other healthcare professionals and work in a team.
H/D09.Understand the importance of maintaining and using patient information records for subsequent analysis, preserving the confidentiality of the data.
H/D16. Understand the bases of action, indications and efficacy of drugs and other therapeutic interventions, knowing their contraindications, interactions, systemic effects and interactions on other organs, based on the available scientific evidence.
H/D01. Understand the essential elements of the dental profession, including ethical principles and legal responsibilities.Teaching Methodology.
Lectures and interactive sessions
Preclinical Practice. Simulation for acquisition of abilities
Clinical practice. Acquisition of competences
Seminars. Solving of simulated clinical cases
Clinical tuition. Student monitoring through e-mail or physical presence to ease learning
Written assignments undertaken in groups of five students.
Students will also have access to teaching materials and instructions through the virtual classroom, where the students will be able to work collaboratively and asyncrhonously.Knowledge test (60%). Written exam. 10 short questions.
Practical knowledge test using simulated clinical cases (25%).
Continuous assessment in practical sessions (5%).
Personal evaluation of seminars (10%).3 hours per week - Practice
Texts books
Use online resources
Basic management pubmed
Teaching resources of Oral surgery department
Using simulation models
Juan Manuel Seoane Leston
Coordinador/a- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Stomatology
- Phone
- 881812358
- juanmanuel.seoane@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Pablo Ignacio Varela Centelles
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Stomatology
- pabloignacio.varela@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Associate University Professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Tuesday 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Dentistry-Classroom 4 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLI_EEES01 Spanish Dentistry-Box 1.1 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLI_EEES02 Spanish Dentistry-Box 1.2 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLI_EEES03 Spanish Dentistry-Box 1.3 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLI_EEES04 Spanish Dentistry-Box 1.4 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLI_EEES05 Spanish Dentistry-Box 1.5 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLI_EEES06 Spanish Dentistry-Box 1.6 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLI_EEES07 Spanish Dentistry-Box 1.7 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLI_EEES08 Spanish Dentistry-Box 1.8 20:00-21:30 Grupo /CLIS_02 Spanish Dentistry-Assembly Hall 20:00-21:30 Grupo /CLIS_01 Spanish Dentistry-Classroom 4 Exams 12.18.2024 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Dentistry-A. Suárez Nuñez 12.18.2024 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Dentistry-Classroom 2 06.24.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Dentistry-A. Suárez Nuñez