ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 5
Expository Class: 15
Interactive Classroom: 20
Total: 40Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Contemporary HistoryCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
Advanced training in Contemporary History for teaching and research.
Knowledge of the basic lines of the forest, hydraulic and colonization policies in Contemporary Spain. Special attention to the context, laws, objectives, results and present state. The repercussion of these policies in the agrarian system and its impact on the ecosystems are other interesting aspects.
It is also intended to try to set certain concepts of recent use by with clear precedents in previous periods, so we will consider the existing links between past and present. Besides, it will be promoted the interest for those issues that have generated important historiographic debates and more recent ones. Si, it is necessary analyzing the different states of the art, the new hypotheses, problems and approaches.I.- The forest and hydraulic sectors in Spanish historiography. Recent researches and new perspectives.
II. Forest policy.
1. The traditional use of the forest and its pre-liberal legal status.
2. The creation of a new legal framework. The concept of public forest and the process of municipalisation.
3. Confiscation and administrative intervention in the 19th century.
4. Two important problems: individualism / communalism, agrarian economy / forest economy.
5. Spanish forest administration. Studies and forest research in Spain.
6. A century of forest repopulations, 1877-1975.
7. Marketing and industrialization of the forest products.
III. Hydraulic policy.
1. Precedents and precursors of the hydraulic policy in Spain. The Plan of Hydraulic Works in 1902: analysis and development.
2. The training of the technicians and the relations between forest policy and hydraulic policy. The creation of a doctrinal corpus.
3. Hydrographic Confederations: origin and development.
4. The Centre for Hydrographic Studies and the National Plan of Hydraulic Works of 1933. Guidelines, objectives, geography and results.
5. The hydraulic policy in Franco’s period. Myth and reality.
IV. A socioeconomic and environmental balance. Present situation: new necessities and perspectives.Abelló de la Torre, M.A. (1988): Historia de las repoblaciones forestales en España, Madrid, Universidad Complutense.
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Agnoletti, M. (2001): Storia e risorse forestali, Firenze, Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali.
Alvarado Corrales, E. (1983): El sector forestal en Extremadura. Economía y ecología, Badajoz, Institución Cultural El Brocense (Diputación Provincial).
Araque Jiménez, E. (1990): Los montes públicos en la Sierra de Segura. Siglos XIX-XX, Publicaciones del Instituto de Desarrollo Regional, Universidad de Granada.
Araque Jiménez, E. (1997): Privatización y agresiones a los montes públicos jiennenses durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, Diputación de Jaén.
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Cavestany Anduaga, Rafael (1958): Una política agraria. Discursos, Madrid, Dirección General de Coordinación, Crédito y Capacitación Agraria del Ministerio de Agricultura.
Corvol, A. (1987): L’Homme aux Bois. Histoire des relations de l’homme et de la fôret (XVII-XX siècle), París, Fayard.
Costa Martínez, J. (1911): Política hidráulica: (misión social de los riesgos en España), Madrid, Biblioteca J. Costa.
Dirección General de Obras Hidráulicas (1996): Embalses y medio ambiente, [Madrid], Centro de Publicaciones, Secretaría General Técnica, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.
Drushka, Ken (2003): Canada's Forests. A History, Forest History Society, McGill-Queen´s University Press, Montreal.
García Encabo, C. (1996): Cartas muertas. La vida rural en la postguerra, Valladolid, Ámbito.
Gil Sánchez, L. Y Manuel Valdés, C.M.: La transformación histórica1del paisaje forestal en España. Introducción al Segundo Inventario Forestal Nacional, 1986-1996, Madrid, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.
Gómez Mendoza, J. (1992): Ciencia y política de los montes españoles (1848-1936), Icona, Madrid.
Gómez Mendoza, J. y Mata Olmo, R. (1992): “Actuaciones forestales públicas desde 1940. Objetivos criterios y resultados, Agricultura y Sociedad, 65, pp. 15-64.
Gómez Mendoza, J. y Mata Olmo, R. (2002): “Repoblación forestal y territorio (1940-1971). Marco doctrinal y estudio de la Sierra de los Filabres”, Ería, 58, pp. 129-155.
Groome, H. (1990): Historia de la política forestal en el Estado español, Agencia de Medio Ambiente de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Grupo de Estudios de Historia Rural (1994): "Más allá de la 'propiedad perfecta. El proceso de privatización de los montes públicos españoles (1859-1926)", Noticiario de Historia Agraria,nº 8, pp. 99-152.
Grupo de Estudios de Historia Rural (1996): Política forestal y propiedad de los montes públicos españoles. Una visión de conjunto, 1861-1933, VIII, Simposio de Historia económica, Barcelona.
Grupo de Estudios de Historia Rural (2004): "Bosques y crisis de la agricultura tradicional. Producción y gestión de los montes españoles durante el franquismo (1946-1979), en SEBASTIÁN AMARILLA, J.A. y URIARTE AYO, R. (editores), Historia y economía del bosque en la Europa del Sur (siglos XVIII-XX), Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, SEHA, pp. 293-367.
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Jiménez Blanco, J.I. (2002): “El monte: una atalaya de la Historia”, Historia Agraria, 26, pp. 141-190.
Mangas Navas, J.M. (1984): La propiedad de la tierra en España: los patrimonio públicos. Herencia contemporánea de un reformismo inconcluso, Madrid, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación.
Manuel Valdés, C.M. (1996): Tierras y montes públicos en la Sierra de Madrid (sectores central y meridional), Madrid, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación.
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Ability to analyze those issues included in a multidisciplinary knowledge area, in which social scientists, technicians and engineers take part. Skills for maintaining a dialogue or discussion between humanists, scientists and technicians.
Knowledge of the main debates and polemics that may have arisen, in the past or nowadays, about the uses and profits of forests and water.
Knowledge of the historical evolution of the respective organization charts of the forest and hydraulic Administrations and the public and private institutions that influenced these policies.
Ability to do comparative analysis of the forest and hydraulic policies in other countries, specially those in our environment.
Ability to place the origin and evolution of those concepts that are very used in the present scientific terminology (ecology, social use of the forests, multifunctionality, biodiversity, sustainable development). Correct use of those terms.
Search and correct use of the specialized bibliography about hydrological and forest issues.
Ability to carry out and present orally an academic essay.
Competence for taking active part with your own opinions in debates about past and present agricultural and environmental issues.
Knowledge and ability for the use of the main historical sources related to the course’s topic, specially those with legal and quantitative nature.Joint sessions by the teacher for explaining the syllabus’ units. They will be followed by seminar sessions, with an out of classroom activity.
Preparation by the students of a supervised monographic essay, freely chosen by the students among those suggested by the teacher.
Oral presentation in the classroom of those essays carried out by the students and later debate about the topic.The assessment is a continuous process throughout the academia year. It is based on the constant valuation of the students’ attitude and work.
The activity that has been carried out, the attendance and participation in the sessions and the carrying out of the written essay, are the main elements for assessing the students.
The proportional participation of each element in the final grade is the following one:
- Written essay: 40%
- Regular attendance to the sessions: 30%
- Attitude and participation: 30%
The student's attendance at classes is compulsory, so, an unjustified absence of two sessions will make it impossible for a student to be evaluated.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and for the review of grades will apply.About 125 hours for students’ work, as a result of adding the hours of theoretical teaching and seminar debates (25), hours for reading primary and secondary sources (75) and hours for writing essays and prepare their presentations (25).
It is recommended to have a good command of the concepts that are very used in the present scientific discourse (ecology, social use of the forests, multifunctionality, biodiversity, sustainable development), so it is recommended to use a specialized dictionary.
Besides, it is also useful the knowledge and use of the main statistical and legal sources.
The use of maps and plans will be quite regular. Sometimes, we will use aerial photograph.
Jesus Leopoldo Balboa Lopez
- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- Phone
- 881812581
- xesus.balboa@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Eduardo Rico Boquete
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- Phone
- 881812735
- eduardo.rico@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Noelia Parajua Carpintero
- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- noelia.parajua@usc.es
- Category
- Researcher: Juan de la Cierva Programme
2º Semester - February 03rd-09th Tuesday 09:30-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Contemporary History Main Hall