ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.2
Hours of tutorials: 2.25
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 112.45Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Physical ChemistryAreas:
Physical ChemistryCenter
Faculty of ChemistryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
At the end of the Polymers and Colloids course, students are expected to be able to:
- Have the minimum theoretical and practical knowledge to understand the rationale for the use of polymer materials in industry, according to their chemical constitution and their physical-chemical properties.
- Understand the fundamental concepts of stabilization of polymeric materials. Know the basics of plastic recycling and familiarization with current regulationsPart I. Introduction to colloids, nanostructures and self-assembled systems.
Capillarity. Surface tension. Young-Laplace equation. Dependence of surface tension on temperature. Effect of curvature on vapor pressure and surface tension. Surface forces and origin of surface tension. Hamaker's constant. Dynamic surface tension. Superficial excess. Gibbs equation. Adsorption. Monolayers: Gibbs model. Two-dimensional gases. Surface elasticity.
Structure of different surfactants. Self-assembly: micelles. Critical micellar concentration. Kraft temperature. Micellar shape and critical packaging parameter. Other self-assembled structures. Liquid crystal mesophases.
Electrophoresis. Electro-osmosis. Potential, surface charge and colloidal stability. Electrocapillary. Electrochemistry in the dispersed phases. Photoelectrochemistry. Electrofloculation. Humidification and contact angle. Hysteresis: roughness and heterogeneity. Complexity of real surfaces: texture and scale. Wenzel equation. Cassie-Baxter analysis. Ultraphobicity. Dynamic contact angle. Tanner's Law. Surface energies and contact angles. Solid-liquid contact thermodynamics. Young-Dupré equation. Adherence. Contact mechanics. Heterogeneous nucleation. Detergency. Particles at interfaces.
Colloid classification. General properties of colloidal dispersions. Phase segregation. Aggregation. Coalescence. Preparation of colloidal particles and colloidal dispersions. Nanoparticles. Brownian motion .. Sedimentation-diffusion balance. Light diffraction. Emulsions: classification. Emulsifiers and stability of emulsions. Thermodynamics of emulsion formation and breakdown. Double or multiple emulsions. Nanoemulsions. Microemulsions. Foams.
Long-range van der Waals interactions. Electrostatic interactions. DLVO theory (Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey and Overbeek). Aggregation kinetics. Fractal aggregates. Smoluchowsky theory of diffusion limited aggregation (DLA). Polymeric adsorption and steric stabilization. Coating with nanoparticles. Flocculation. Non-DLVO interaction forces.
Part II Introduction to macromolecules and polymers.
Average molecular masses. Colligative properties. Sedimentation. Viscosity. Static and dynamic light diffraction.
Conformational Statistics: Flory's Theory. Thermodynamics of polymer solutions: Flory-Huyggins theory. Flory-Krigbaum theory. Theory of disturbances Concentrated solutions. Random path of self-exclusion. Correlation function. Creep theory.
Sol-gel transition. Percolation. Effect of excluded volume, critical dimension and hyperscaling law. Glassy temperature. Elastomers
Crystalline / amorphous state of polymers. Structure / property relationshipsGeneral
• Horta Zubiaga, Macromoléculas, UNED (1982)
• Katime, Química Física Macromolecular, Plenum Press (1994)
• R.B. Seymour y E. Carraher, Introducción a la Química de Polímeros, Ed. Reverte (1995)
• R.G. Larson, The Structure and Rheology of Complex Fluids,Oxford University Press (1999)
• D.J. Shaw, Introducción a la Química de Superficies y Coloides, Ed. Alhambra (1970)
• R.J. Hunter, Introduction to Modern Colloid Science, Oxford University Press (1993)
• R.J. HUNTER, Foundations of Colloid Science, Vol. II, Oxford University Press (1989)
• D. Fennell Evans y W. Wennerstron, The Colloidal Domain, Wiley-VCH (1994)
• B. Jönsson, J. Lindman, K. Holmberg y B. Kronberg, Surfactants and polymers in aqueous solutions, Wiley (1998)
• P.C. Hiemenz y r. Rajagopalan, Principles of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Marcel Dekker (1997)
• M. Takeo, Disperse Systems, Wiley - VCH (1999)
• D. Myers, Surfactant Science and Technology, VCH (1989)
• D. Myers, Surfaces, Interfaces and Colloids, VCH (1991)
1. Colloids
(T.F. Tadros, Solid/Liquid Dispersions, Academic Press, Londres)
(K.S. Birdi: Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry, CRC Press, NY, 1997)
(D. Avnir: The Fractal Approach to Heterogeneous Chemistry, Surfaces, Colloids, Polymers, John Wiley&Sons, NY, 1989)
(M. Shara, D. Tezak: Non-Equilibrium States in Molecular Aggregation and Fractals in Chemistry, Croat.Chem.Acta, Zagreb)
2. Polymers
(J.M.G.Cowie, Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials, Blackie Acedemic & Professional, Londres, 1991)
(S.F. Sun: Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules, John Wiley&Sons, N.Y., 1995)
(P-G. de Gennes: Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics, Cornell University Press, Londres, 1996)
(D. Stauffer: Introduction to Percolation Theory, Taylor and Francis, Londres, 1992)
(B. Ellis: Chemistry and Technology of Epoxy Resins, Blackie Academic&Professional, Londres)BASIC AND GENERAL
CG2 - That they be able to gather and interpret relevant data, information and results, obtain conclusions and issue reasoned reports on scientific, technological or other problems that require the use of knowledge of Chemistry.
CG3 - That they can apply both the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired and the capacity for analysis and abstraction in the definition and approach of problems and in the search for solutions in both academic and professional contexts.
CG4 - That they have the ability to communicate, both in writing and orally, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas in Chemistry to both a specialized and non-specialized audience.
CG5 - That they are able to study and learn autonomously, with organization of time and resources, new knowledge and techniques in any scientific or technological discipline.
CT9 - Develop skills in interpersonal relationships.
CT10 - Acquire critical reasoning.
CT11 - Achieve ethical commitment.
CT8 - Being able to work in an international context
CT6 - Carry out teamwork.
CT7 - Work in an interdisciplinary team
CE11 - Understand the relationship between macroscopic properties and properties of individual atoms and molecules: including macromolecules (natural and synthetic), polymers, colloids and other materials.
CE13 - Be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and theories related to the areas of Chemistry.
CE15 - Be able to recognize and analyze new problems and plan strategies to solve them.
CE18 - Be able to carry out standard laboratory procedures involved in analytical and synthetic work, in relation to organic and inorganic systems.a) Expository / interactive classes developed by the teacher
b) Laboratory practical classes. Given the reduced number of hours available, they can be replaced by 1) virtual classes with the exhibition through videos of practices related to some of the most important topics and / or 2) exhibitions of related works by the students.
c) TutoringThe qualification will be made through continuous evaluation and final exam.
The continuous evaluation will be carried out through written tests during the course and the presentation of works proposed by the teacher.
The final grade will be: 25% continuous assessment and 75% final exam.
The final assessment will be given by following equation:
Final Assessment= max (FEx0.75+CEx0.25, NEF), being FE= Final exam result and CE = Continuous evaluation result
In the seminar classes the competences will be evaluated: CG2; CG3; CG4; CG5; CT9; CT10; CT11; CE11; CE13 and CE15.
In the laboratory classes the competences will be evaluated: CG2; CG5; CT6; CT7; CT8; CT9; CT10: CT11 and CE18
In the tutorial classes the competences will be evaluated: CG3; CG4; CG5; CT6; CT7; CT8; CT9: CT10; CT11 and CE15
In the final exam the competences are evaluated: CG2; CG3; CG4; CG5; CT10; CT11; CE11; CE13 and CE15The suitable one for the understanding and assimilation of the knowledge developed throughout the course and that, in any case, will depend on the abilities of each student.
Luis Garcia Rio
- Department
- Physical Chemistry
- Area
- Physical Chemistry
- Phone
- 881815712
- luis.garcia@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 13:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2.11 Thursday 13:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2.11 Exams 05.28.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Organic Chemistry Classroom (1st floor) 07.02.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Technical Chemistry Classroom (ground floor)