ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 143.5 Hours of tutorials: 5 Interactive Classroom: 1.5 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician, English
Type: Final Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Parasitology, Physiology, Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology, Animal Pathology, Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, External department linked to the degrees, Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology, Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics, Anatomy, Animal Production and Clinical Veterinary Science, Plant Production and Engineering Projects, Statistics, Mathematical Analysis and Optimisation
Areas: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Physiology, Nutrition and Bromatology, Animal Medicine and Surgery, Animal Health, Pharmacology, Área externa Grado en Veterinaria, Genetics, Zoology, Toxicology, Comparative Anatomy and Pathology, Animal production, Clinical Veterinary Science, Plant Production, Statistics and Operations Research
Center Faculty of Veterinary Science
Call: End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
The Final Degree Project (TFG) will consist of the realization, presentation and public defense before a tribunal constituted for this purpose, of an original and autonomous work of the student, which must be prepared individually and will be related to the contents of the Degree in Veterinary Medicine.
There are 4 types of TFG:
RESEARCH ON UNPUBLISHED CLINICAL CASES: This work is based in the study and evaluation of new referral clinical cases in any of the animal species included in the syllabus of Veterinary Degree in Lugo.
DIVULGATION RESEARCH: Based on a scientific veterinary topic with social interest to the general public.
EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH: It may be focused on an experimental research work or a professional work. The student can develop it in a university department, laboratory or centre, or other establishments or companies collaborating with the Veterinary Faculty.
REVIEWS: The student must elaborate an updated research review on the selected topic.
Each TFG’s specific content will be defined individually in agreement with the offer of topics and tutors published in advance by the Faculty for each academic year.
Each tutor will indicate the student the resources to search the relevant bibliography in relation to the given topic, in addition to any other documents the student would consider as interesting.
Considering the nature of the TFG research work, there is no limitation to the number and type of competences to be acquired by the student from the list of competences published in the Veterinary Degree Memory.
In general, for the TFG, independently of the given topic, the acquisition of all soft, non-professional competences published in the Veterinary Degree Memory may apply.
TFG is a transversal subject mainly focused on the development of an individual research work by the student. Student workload is 127 hours of self-work plus 23 hours of personal tutoring by her/his tutor/co-tutors in order to design, lead and supervise the methodology and results of the research work.
In agreement with the “Rules for the preparation and defense of TFGs and Final Master Thesis in the University of Santiago de Compostela”, approved by the University Government Committee on 2nd May 2013 and updated by the same body on 16th March 2016, TFG must include a minimum of search and critical review of bibliography, reading and integration of information, elaboration of the relevant results, writing, presentation and public defense of the work.
Student assessment must meet the rules on the “Enrolment, elaboration and defense of the Final Degree or Master Degree Thesis Works in the University of Santiago de Compostela” and the “Regulation of the elaboration of the Final Degree Thesis in the Veterinary Faculty of the USC”, approved by the Faculty Board on 8th July 2016 and endorsed by the University Government Committee on 3rd March 2017.
The assessment committee must evaluate the following parts of the TFGs memory:
1) Introduction and Objectives (maximum 1 point)
2) Methodology (maximum 1 point)
3) Results (maximum 1 point)
4) Discussion and Conclusions (maximum 1 point)
5) Bibliography (maximum 0.5 points)
6) Presentation and written expression (maximum 0.5 points)
1) Introduction and Objectives (maximum 1 point)
2) Development (maximum 1 point)
3) Conclusions (maximum 1 point)
4) Bibliography (maximum 1 point)
5) Presentation and written expression (maximum 1 point)
1) Fluency and confidence during the exposition (maximum 1 point)
2) Summary abilities during the oral exposition and presentation of the contents (maximum 1 point)
3) Creativity (maximum 0.75 points)
4) Ability to answer questions (maximum 1.25 points)
TUTOR MARK (máximum 1 point)
On this basis, the TFG commission designed two rubrics to evaluate the assays, one for reviews/scientific dissemination assays and other for experimental/clinical cases assays. They are available on the Faculty website:, “Academic Information”/TFG tab.
In case the mark is less than 5, the student must present an improved version for its defense in the next call.
As indicated in the Regulations, the mention of "Matricula de Honor" can only be awarded once the defenses of all the works corresponding to the academic year have been completed. As, in general, students are evaluated by two or more tribunals, it will be the Final Degree Project Commission that awards these mentions always based on the qualification obtained for the works proposed by the tribunals, and only in the event of a tie will the academic record be considered. of the students.
For cases of fraudulent elaboration of exercises or tasks, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of students’ academic performance and the review of qualifications will apply.
TFG has a total of 6 ECTS credits. Considering the nature of TFG, each ECTS accounts for 25 hours, making a total of 150 hours to be dedicated by the student to perform the following tasks:
- Attendance to the meetings with the tutor/s
- Development of the TFG work related to the type of research
- Planning, elaboration and writing of the TFG memory
- Oral presentation and public defense to the TFG assessment Committee.
- With the exception of the own material; photographs, graphics, drawings, images, etc. are to be included in the document only if they have a licence to be shared and are labelled for reuse, always quoting the source/author of the same.
- It is essential to read the "Norms of work format".
- It is essential the reading of the “Regulation of the Final Degree in the Faculty of Veterinary Science".
In order to formalize the registration of the TFG, the rules established in the current enrolment for the academic year will apply.