ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
Sin docencia (Extinguida)Enrolment:
No Matriculable -
Context: This subject is the first dedicated to robotics in the degree and its main objective is to introduce the student to robots, their building and control. For this reason, through this course, the student is expected to handle the different components of the robots, and start to learn and understand the disciplines and technologies necessary to get a functional robot. In order to face this task, the student must apply the knowledge acquired in rest of the other subjects of the first year of the degree. This course will also serve as a practical introduction to the concepts of perception, decision and action, basic in any robot or robotic system.
Hence, the objectives enumerated according to the following list:
• Integrate in a global project the knowledge and skills acquired in the rest of the subjects of the first year of the degree.
• Assembly and control of a robot.
• Design and implement basic behaviors in a robot.
• Be able to identify and know the functionalities of the components of a robot.
• Understand the disciplines involved in robotics: automatic, control, electronics, mechanics, artificial intelligence, programming.
• Know how to prepare or deal with a robotic competition, working in a team, and by performing microprojectsThis subject consists of two clearly differentiated parts:
Theoretical introduction Methodology for the presentation of works. Morphology of a robot: structure, components and basic functionalities.
Block 1: assembly of a low cost robotic platform involving aspects of both, hardware and control (sensors, locomotion, electronics, control, communication and support): Design and choice of the chassis and mechanical characteristics. Power stage and DC motors (actuators). Basic sensors (types and operation). Embedded platforms or low level control by using microcontrollers or single-board computers (SBCs). Carrying out experiments.
Block 2: Robotic competitions and development of challenges in mobile robots. Control of mobile robots which are bigger and endowed with more sensors than the robots used in the first block. Proprioceptive sensors (odometry, inertial sensors), and stereoceptive sensors (sonar, contact sensors, Lidar and laser scanners, cameras). Locomotion with wheels, and different kinematic configurations. High level control systems, description of a navigation system.First part:
[1] Grimmett, Richard , “Raspberry Pi Robotic Projects, 2nd Edition”, O’Reilly, 2015.
Second part:
[2] R. Siegwart, I. R. Nourbkhsh“Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots”. The MIT Press. 2004
Complementary bibliography:
[1] Andrew K. Dennis, “Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino”, Packt Publishing 2013.
[2] Grimmett, Richard , “Raspberry Pi Robotic Projects”, Packt Publishing Ltd, 2014.
[3] J-D. Warren, J. Adams, H. Molle. Arduino Robotics. Apress. 2011
[4] Michael Margolis, “Make an Arduino-Controlled Robot”, O’Reilly, 2012.
[4] Jesús Vico Serrano, “Control de un robot móvil basado en Raspberry Pi y Arduino”, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática, Universidad de Sevilla, 2014.
[5] U. Nehmozow, “Mobile Robotics, A Practical Introduction.” Springer. 2003
[6] S. G. Tzafestas, “ Introduction to mobile robot control“. Elsevier. 2014.
[7] Morgan Quigley, Brian Gerkey & William D. Smart, “Programming robots with ROS. A practical introduction to the robot Operating System”. O’Reilly, 2015
[8] U. Nehmozow, Robot Behaviour, Design, Description, Analysis and Modelling, Springer, 2008
[9] J. Lentin, “Learning Robotics Using Python”, O’Reilly, 2015
[10] Fu, K.S.; González, R.C.; Lee, C.S.G. Robótica: control, detección, visión e inteligencia. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 1988. ISBN 8476152140
[11] F. Giamarchi, “Robots móviles: estudio y construcción”.
[12] Aníbal Ollero. “Robótica; manipuladores y robots móviles. “Marcombo, 2001As it is described in the verified memory of the title. The competences that are covered in this subject are the following ones:
Basic competences:
CB2: That students learn how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study.
CB3: Ability to meet and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of social, scientific or ethical nature.
CB4: Ability to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions either to a specialized or to non-specialized public.
CB5: Development of those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
General competences:
CG2: Ability to solve problems in the field of robotic engineering with creativity, initiative, methodology and critical reasoning.
CG3: Ability to use computer tools for the modelling, simulation and design of engineering applications.
CG07: Ability to work in a multidisciplinary group and to communicate, both in writing and orally, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas related to robotics and electronics.
Specific competences
CE2: Understand and know how to apply in engineering problems the physical foundations on which the engineering of robotics is based: static, kinematic, dynamic, electromagnetism and electrical and electronic circuits.
CE9: Know the usual sensors in robotics, as well as their operation, and the methods and techniques for the treatment of the information captured.The theoretical classes will be developed in the classroom, and in them the teacher will give the students the necessary guidelines to solve the projects and practices that will be raised during the practices of the subject.
Interactive teaching will take place in the computer and laboratory classrooms. In these practical classes we will use active or productive teaching methods based on problem solving. This will facilitate the acquisition of cognitive and creative abilities by the student. In this iterative classes the student will be faced with challenges that will require the use of basic simulation tools and robot programming. Through these practices the student will learn how to build and program a robot, as well as how to solve robotics problems with it, developing on a practical level the concepts of perception, decision and action, common in any robot or robotic system. Creative thinking will also be encouraged in these iterative classes.
In the tutorials the students will have the opportunity to discuss, comment, clarify or solve specific questions in relation to their tasks within the subject (information gathering, preparation of evaluation tests, works ...).
All the tasks and work carried out by the students, as part of their autonomous learning, will be guided and supervised by the teachers of the subject.
The Virtual Campus of the USC, will be used as a tool to support the students during the learning of the subject.Due to the practical nature of this subject, the evaluation will be 100% continuous, through the assessment of the different activities / practices proposed in it. This evaluation will be carried out in two ways: (1) evaluation of the practices in the laboratory in which students will present their work and show the results achieved. (2) Brief memory of practices.
If necessary, the assessment of practices can also be supported by the realization of some type of practical exercise in the laboratory.
Due to this type of continuous assessment, attendance at practices will be mandatory.
The particular form of evaluation of each competence will be the following:
The solution of the different challenges, will involve managing the knowledge acquired in other subjects: mathematics, physics - statics, kinematics, electrical circuits, etc., so that the quality of the solutions will allow evaluating competences CE2 and CB2. On the other hand, the assembly of small robots (block I), or the control of mobile robots (block II), will necessarily imply that the student must necessarily know how certain sensors commonly used in robotics work, and will have to apply basic methods for the treatment of the information provided by these sensors, so that the robot can make decisions and move autonomously (CE9). The solution of the practices of the second block might require the use of tools for the basic simulation and programming of robots (CG3).
It will also be assessed to what extent the student has been able to analyze the data obtained in the laboratory, or observe the behavior of the robot to formulate new hypotheses. These hypotheses should allow correcting deficiencies or suggesting new possible improvements (CB3). In this sense, the achievement of novel and creative solutions will be promoted, thus encouraging creativity, initiative, methodology and critical reasoning (CG2). Practices will be evaluated in the laboratory, but students must also submit a brief report describing the work carried out, as well as the solutions achieved (CG07). Finally, for the evaluation of the CB4, an eventual participation of students in activities aimed at robotics dissemination will be taken into account in their qualifications.HP=classroom hours, not classroom hour (personal effort) (NP)
Theoretical classes 0,4 (ECTS), 4 HP, 4NP
Interactive clases in the laboratory, 4,4 (ECTS), 44 HP, 68 NP
Group tutory 0,3 (ECTS), 3 HP, 3NP
Personal tutory 0,4 (ECTS) , 4 HP, 10 NP
Assesment and review: 0,5 (ECTS), 5 HP, 5 NP
Total 6,0 (ECTS) 60 HP, 90 NPIn the case of a repeating student, given the existence of two separate blocks in the subject, the qualification corresponding to all those exercises or microprojects already passed by the student, will be retained (if the student wishes it), and only those exercises or mircroprojects failed must be repeated.
A student granted with dispensation of assistance, will have more flexibility to perform the practices, but yet that student will have to pass a practical laboratory test, as well as the programming of a mobile robot. In those cases that are possible, the evaluation will be maintained through the same type of practical exercises that the rest of the students have to carry out, or very similar ones, allowing greater flexibility regarding the attendance to the laboratory.