ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Botany, Functional BiologyAreas:
Botany, Plant PhysiologyCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
Sin docencia (Extinguida)Enrolment:
No Matriculable -
The main objective of the course is to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of key issues of animal and plant biology to be applied within the study of the agronomic science.
Furthermore the course’s aim is to provide the ability to understand the function of cell, the basic unit of other courses.
Students shall develop the capacity to know, understand and use the principles of biodiversity.Contents in memory degree:
Brief description of main biomolecules. Structure and function of cell and organelles. Cell and energy. Cell division. Evolution and classification of living organisms. Main groups of organisms: General characters and life cycles. Internal and external morphology in plants. Reproductive biology in plants.
The above mentioned contents shall be developped according to the following subjects :
Programme of lectures ( HP:24 h, HNP: 72 h)*
Block I. MOLECULAR BASIS OF LIFE: Unit 1.- Water, carbohydrates and lipids. Unit 2.- Proteins and nucleic acids. (3 h)
Block II. CELULAR BASIS OF LIFE: Unit 3.- Types of cells. Unit 4.- The cell limits. Unit 5.- The cytoplasm and the endomembrane system. Unit 6.- Cytoplasmic organelles. (4 h)
Block III. ENERGETIC BASIS OF LIFE: Unit 7.- Cell and energy: Respiration. (2 h)
Blok IV. GENETIC BASIS OF LIFE: Unit 8.- Cell genetic information and expression. Unit 9.-Cell division. (3 h)
Block V. EVOLUTION AND DIVERSITY. Unit 10.- Evolution and classification systems of living organisms. (2 h)
Bolck VI. MAIN GROUPS OF ORGANISMS: Unit 11.- Main groups of organisms: general characters and life cycles. (3 h)
Block VII. INTERNAL STRUCTURE AND EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY OF PLANTS: Unit 12.- Plant histology. Unit 13.- Plant organography I. Unit 14.- Plant organography II. (4 h)
Block VIII. PLANT REPRODUTIVE BIOLOGY: Unit 15.- Plants without seeds. Unit 16.- Seed Plants: Gymnosperms. Reproduction. Unit 17.- Seed Plants: Angiosperms. Reproduction. (3 h )
Blocks I to IV (Plant Physiology)(HP:12h, HNP:38h)
Bolcks V to VIII (Botany) (HP:12h, HNP:34h)
Interactive Class Program: (HP:24h, HNP:18h)
Laboratory practicals: (HP:20h, HNP:8h)
Practice 1.- DNA extraction and visualization (2 h)
Practice 2.- Quantitative determination of proteins (2 h)
Practice 3.- Membrane permeability (2 h)
Practice 4.- Cell specialization (2 h)
Practice 5.- Mitosis (2 h)
Practice 6.- Diversity I: Thallophytes and Bryophytes (2 h)
Practice 7.- Plant histology I: Parenchyma, Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma (1.5 h)
Practice 8.- Plant histology II: Dermal tissues. Vascular tissues (1.5 hour)
Practice 9.- Plant anatomy I: Root (1.5 hours)
Practice 10.- Plant anatomy II: Stem and leaf (2 h)
Practice 11.- Diversity II: Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms (1.5 h)
Practices 1-5 (Plant Physiology-10 h)
Practices 6-11 (Botany-10 h)
Seminar Program (HP:4h, HNP:10h)
Seminars I-II: Plant Physiology (2h)
Seminars III-IV: Botany (2h)
Classroom tutorials (3h)
Tutorial I: Presentation of the subject (joint Plant Physiology and Botany Areas) = 1h (0.5h + 0.5h, respectively)
Tutorial II: Tutorials for the Plant Physiology exam= 1h
Tutorial III: Botany exam tutorial = 1h
*HP= Classroom Hours, HNP= Non Classroom HoursBasic bibliography
-Alberts, B.; Bray, D.; Hopkin, K.; A. Johnson. 2011. Introducción a la biología celular. 3ª edic. Ed. Panamericana.
-Curtis, H.; N. Sue Barnes. 2008. Biología. 7ª ed. Ed. Panamericana.
-Raven, P. H.; R. F. Evert; S. E. Eichhorn. 1992. Biología de las plantas. 2 tomos. Reverté
-Esau, K. 1987. Anatomía de las plantas con semilla. Ed. Hemisferio Sur.
-Sadava D.; D. M. Hillis; H. C. Heller; M. Berenbaum. 2014. Life: The science of Biology. 10ª edic. Ed. Panamericana.
Complementary bibliography
-Aira, Mª J., Vázquez, R.A. e Izco, J. Eds. 2014. Manual de prácticas de botánica: laboratorio y campo. Servizo de Publicacións e intercambio Científico. Santiago de Compostela.
-Buchanan, B. B.; Gruissem W.; R. L. Jones. 2015. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. 2ª edic. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
-Campbell N.A.; L. A. Urry, M. L. Cain, S. A. Wasserman, P. V. Minorsky, e J. B. Reece. 2018. Biology : a global approach. 11ª ed. Global ed., New York: Pearson, cop.
-Freeman, S.; Quillin, K. Allison, L. 2013. Fundamentos de Biología. 5ª ed. Pearson Educación
-Lodish, H.; A. Berk; C. A. Kaiser; M. Krieger; A. Bretscher; H. Ploegh; A. Amon; M. P.Scott. 2013. Molecular Cell Biology. 7th ed. Macmillan.
-Nabors, M. W. 2006. Introducción a la Botánica. Pearson Educación. Madrid.
-Rodríguez, Mª C., P. De Sáa; R.A. Vázquez. 2004. Citología, Histología y Organografía Vegetal. In: Rodríguez, F. (Ed.). Galicia Naturaleza. Tomo XLI, Botánica I: 17-134. Hércules Ediciones, A Coruña.
-Taiz, L.; E. Zeiger 2010. Plant Physiology. 4ª ed. Sinauer.
Webgraphy (Botany: cited May 2023)
Curtis, H. & N. Sue Barnes. 2001. Biología. 6ª edic. Ed. Panamericana (http://www.intercambiosvirtuales.org/software/biologia-sexta-edicion-%e…)
(Other links can be found in the Blocks and in the topics posted in the Virtual Classroom and new links can be added throughout the teaching progress).In this subject the students shall gain and develop a set of competences. Further to the competences specified within the subject, the following competences shall be achieved:
Basic competences:
CB2. Students shall be able to apply their knowledge to their work and vocation in a professional manner. Furthermore, students shall gain the competences usually shown in the field study through the preparation and defense of reasoning to solve any problems.
CB3. Students shall acquire the capacity to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within there are of study) in order to issue reflections and opinions that include relevant social, scientific and etic matters.
CB4. Students shall be able to communicate and express information, ideas and solutions to both a specialized and non- specialize public.
General competences:
CG1. The students shall acquire the knowledge on basic, scientific and technological subjects that enable a continuous learning , the ability to adapt to new situations and fast evolving environments.
CG2. The students shall have the ability to solve problems in a creative, proactive methodologic and critical way.
CG3. The student shall be able to demonstrate the capacity to lead, communication skills within the social areas in which would be required to interact.
CG5. The student shall be able to conduct his or her activities through the assumption of a social, ethic and environmental commitment according to the actual social and natural environment.
CG6. The student shall be able to work in multidisciplinary and multicultural team.
Cross curricular competences:
Students shall develop and acquire the following abilities:
CT1. The ability to make analysis and summary.
CT2. The ability to develop reasoning.
CT3. The ability to work individually with a self-critical attitude.
CT4. The ability to work as a team and face problematic situations within the team.
CT5. The ability to collect the adequate, diverse and up to date information and data.
CT6. The ability to prepare and present an organized and comprehensible writing.
CT7. The ability to speak in public in a clear, brief and consistent way.
CT8. The commitment to provide verified information.
CT9. The ability to handle information Technology and communication skills (TIC).
CT10. Use of bibliography data and internet.
CT11. Use of information in foreign languages.
CT12. The ability to solve problems through the acquired knowledge.
Specific competences:
Students shall develop and acquire the following abilities:
FB8. Understanding biological bases within the scope plant and animal in engineeringParticipative Lectures:
An expositive method will be used, together with multimedia presentations, audiovisual material and reference to website of interest. Teachers shall present the subject and objectives to be fulfilled during the session, solving doubts and queries and reviewing the most important items according to the curricular material and schedule. The material shall be available at the virtual area previous to the lecture class presentation. A summary of the class highlighting the more relevant points shall be done at the end of each class.
Interactive lessons:
1. Seminar-based classes (Classroom). Preparation and presentation of the ongoing work in teams (Forum). The teacher shall request students to prepare works related within the subject to teams of 3 or 4 students. The teacher shall surveille such preparation personally or through the dedicated forum in the virtual area. Each group shall submit a written exercise (maximum 10 pages) and make an oral presentation (Powerpoint or similar) to the course. The presentation will be a maximum of 10 minutes per group. Further to the exposition, a debate or round of clarifying questions or comments shall be made by the teacher and/students to the speakers. The referred presentations shall be undertaken during the 4 dedicated hours scheduled as “seminar-based classes.” As the other activities, these seminars are compulsory.
2. Practical-Laboratory Classes: Classes shall be performed in 11 sessions in which the student shall experiment with techniques related to biology (electrophoresis, spectrophotometry, microscopy ...), student shall solve question and prepare the obtained results. Students shall, before each session, prepare and know the practical protocol previously provided by the teacher through the virtual area.
3. Tutorials with small teams:
During each tutorial, the teacher shall direct questions oriented to determine the level of understanding of the students at that moment. Likewise, students will be expected to make questions, to both the teacher and their colleagues, in order to solve any query that may arise further to the study of the program.
Participative Lectures: CB2, CB3, CG1, CG2, CG5, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT5, CT10, CT11, CT12, FB8.
Interactive lessons: CB2, CB3, CB4, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5, CG6, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, FB8
Practical-Laboratory Classes: CB2, CB3, CG1, CG2, CG5, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT10, CT11, CT12, FB8
Tutorials with small teams: CB2, CG1, CG2, CG5, CT2, CT3, CT10, CT11, CT12, FB8
Personal tutorials: CB2, CB3, CG1, CG2, CG5, CT2, CT3, CT10, CT11, CT12, FB8For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations on the assessment of students' academic performance and the review of qualifications shall apply".
In order to pass the subject it is necessary for the student to pass both the theoretical and practical subjects given by Botanic and Plant physiology.
The criteria and the weight of each part to be evaluated shall be as follows:
- Written examination: 50%. Two written examinations of the contents of the subject will be made. The qualifications of the passed exams passed shall be kept to the final exams of the 1st and 2nd opportunity. The final qualifications can be maintained for two courses. Evaluated competences: CB2, CB3, CG1, CG2, CG5, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT5, CT10, CT11, CT12, FB8.
- Practice progress: 25%. The evaluation shall be made regarding the active participation in the laboratory and the results presented. The final qualifications can be maintained for two consecutive year courses. Evaluated competences: CB2, CB3, CG1, CG2, CG5, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT10, CT11, CT12, FB8.
- Written essays and presentations: 15%. The team and individual performance of the oral presentation and the written essay shall be evaluated. Evaluated competences: CB2, CB3, CB4, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5, CG6, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, FB8
- Student participation in the activities: 10%. The evaluation shall be based in the attendance and the qualification of the student participation and attitude along all the subject process, with a focus on the tutorials. Evaluated competences: CB2, CG1, CG2, CG5, CT2, CT3, CT10, CT11, CT12, FB8.
In both the first and the second opportunity, a final theoretical-practical exam may be held for students who do not pass the continuous assessment.There will be no possibility of a practical exam for those students who do not attend most of the practices.
Students who have given up attending any of the scheduled teaching activities due to work or family reconciliation, must comply with the provisions of Instruction 1/2017 of the General Secretariat. In these cases, to pass this subject it is compulsory to attend practical activities. Students who repeat will have a 50% dispensation in each of the expository parts (face to face) of the subject. Attendance at practical classes is compulsory. Practical classes will be kept for two academic years.
There are a detailed teaching guide at the virtual classroom, which contain evaluation rubrics for practices, written works and oral presentations.Classroom hours (HP)
Lectures: 24 hours
Interactive classes: 24 hours distributed in 20 hours of laboratory practices and 4 hours of seminars.
Tutorials: 3 hours
Evaluation: 4 hours
Total face-to-face hours (THP): 55 hours
Personal work of the student (HNP: Non Presential Hours)
Lecture study: 59 hours
Interactive work hours: 6 hours for reading and the protocols of practices
Interactive work hours: 12 hours for the preparation of seminars
Hours for preparation for exams: 18 hours
Total non-attendance hours (THNP):95 hours
Total student work hours (HP +HNP)= 150 hours- Attendance and participation in all scheduled activities.
- The students should consult every unit, previously to the theoretical or practical sessions, in the recommended manuals or protocols. Self-study everyday will facilitate to pass the assessment tests and exams.
- An active participation and implication in discussions raised in the lessons and lectures.
- Before evaluation you must consult the questions and/or questionnaires files at virtual classroom course.- Biology contributes but does not meet the achievement of basic competences and cross curricular competences referred, whereas in such process further subjects of the studies shall intervene.
- In relation to the group work to be carried out for the subject, the following indications of environmental responsibility will be taken into account:
- Preferably submit the work through the corresponding Forum on the Virtual Campus.
In the case of having to present the work in written format:
- Avoid the use of plastic covers or tops and other unnecessary external packaging
- Use staples whenever possible.
- Use the “print in both sides” and/or saving ink mode
- Do not use blank pages as separators chapters or parts.
- Avoid attachments that have no direct reference to the themes developed.
In the virtual campus the student will have different materials (audiovisuals,..) in English.
Joaquin Gimenez De Azcarate Cornide
- Department
- Botany
- Area
- Botany
- joaquin.gimenezdeazcarate@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Ignacio Garcia Gonzalez
- Department
- Botany
- Area
- Botany
- ignacio.garcia@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Rosa Ana Vázquez Ruiz De Ocenda
- Department
- Botany
- Area
- Botany
- Phone
- 982822466
- rosana.vazquez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Ramon Alberto Diaz Varela
- Department
- Botany
- Area
- Botany
- ramon.diaz@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Javier Veloso Freire
Coordinador/a- Department
- Functional Biology
- Area
- Plant Physiology
- Phone
- 982822467
- javier.veloso@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 12:00-13:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS02 Spanish, Galician Classroom 6 (Lecture room 2) 12:00-13:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS01 Galician, Spanish Classroom 6 (Lecture room 2) 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS04 Galician, Spanish Classroom 6 (Lecture room 2) 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS03 Galician, Spanish Classroom 6 (Lecture room 2) Friday 10:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician, Spanish Classroom 7 (Lecture room 2) Exams 05.19.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3) 05.19.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12 (Lecture room 3) 06.20.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3) 06.20.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12 (Lecture room 3)