ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
This subject aims to train the student in the integral management of the furniture materials documented in any type of archaeological activity, which in general terms we can categorize in prospecting and excavation. This management involves:
- To learn the protocols of registration, treatment, preliminary identification and study of 'minimums' or realization of a basic inventory of the materials for the realization of a technical report;
- To know the basic resources needed to make a graphic record of the materials;
- To train in the construction and management of databases and manipulation of information through them;
- To be trained in the storage of materials for the study and / or return to the museum, and storage of the textual and graphic information generated through the management of materials.The theoretical contents are distributed in 6 topics that correspond to 6 classes:
T1. Registry and recovery protocols and preventive conservation of archaeological evidence.
T2. Management of archaeological evidence from receipt to delivery to the museum. Legislation, treatment, processing, storage, delivery and deposit.
T3. Basic classification systems: Typology and operational chain, archaeometry
T4. Graphic representation of archaeological materials
T5. Information management, use of databases
5 practices will be developed that correspond to 7 classes:
P1. Basic identification of parts, treatment and processing of materials of various types (parts and samples)
P2 and P3. Material registration
P4. Information processing and management
P5. Memory design, materials section
With the resulting material elaborated in the practices, a dossier will be delivered that will be evaluated.
There will be field practices that complement the theoretical and interactive classes.Basic Bibliography
COBAS FERNÁNDEZ, M.I.; PRIETO MARTÍNEZ, M.P. (1998). Criterios y Convenciones para la Gestión y el Tratamiento de la Cultura Material Mueble. Capa 7. Santiago: Grupo de Investigación en Arqueología del Paisaje.
LEI 5/2016, de 4 de mayo, del Patrimonio Cultural de Galicia (DOG, 16/05/2016; BOE, 18/06/2016).
MANNONI, T.; GIANNICHEDA, E. (2004). Arqueología de la producción. Barcelona: Ariel Prehistoria (1st ed. 1996, Torino).
ORTON, C.; TYERS, P.; VINCE, A. 1997. La cerámica en Arqueología. Barcelona: Crítica.
Complementary Bibliography
ARIAS VILAS, F. (1999). Sitios musealizados y museos de sitio: notas sobre dos modos de utilización del patrimonio arqueológico. Museo. Revista de la Asociación Profesional de Museólogos de España, 4: 39-51.
BAENA, J.; CUARTERO, F. (2006). Más allá de la tipología lítica: lectura diacrítica y experimentación como claves para la reconstrucción del proceso tecnológico, Miscelánea en homenaje a Victoria Cabrera. Zona Arqueológica, 7. Vol I: 144-161.
BAGOT FRANÇOIS (1999). Dibujo Arqueológico. La cerámica: normas para la representación de las formas y decoraciones de las vasijas. Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos. Colección Trace.
BENITO ÁLVAREZ, J.M. (2007). Dibujo digital del material lítico prehistórico. Consejos básicos para mejorar la cualificación profesional en Prehistoria y Arqueología. Arqueoweb. Revista sobre Arqueología en Internet 9 (1). http://www.ucm.es/info/arqueoweb/numero9_1/conjunto9_1.htm.
BERNAL CASASOLA, D.; RIBERA I. LACOMBA (eds. Científicos). (2008). Cerámicas hispanorromanas. Un estado de la cuestión. XXVI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores. Cádiz. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz.
CABALLERO, L.; MATEOS, P.; RETUERCE, M. (2003). Cerámicas tardorromanas y altomedievales en la península Ibérica. Ruptura y continuidad (II Simposio de Arqueología, Mérida 2001). Madrid: CSIC.
CALVO TRIAS, M. (2002) Útiles líticos prehistóricos. Forma función y uso. Ariel Prehistoria. Barcelona.
COBAS FERNÁNDEZ, M.I.; PRIETO MARTÍNEZ, M.P. (2003). La cadena tecnológica operativa como herramienta teórica y metodológica. Una perspectiva desde los planteamientos de la Arqueología del Paisaje. Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos, XLVIII: 1-19.
COBAS FERNÁNDEZ, M.I.; GONZÁLEZ PÉREZ, C.; PRIETO MARTÍNEZ, M.P. (1996). La Base de Datos Potes: un ejemplo de sistematización para el estudio de cerámica. Boletín Informativo del Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio, 13: 64-7. Sevilla.
COMENDADOR REY, B. (1998). Los inicios de la metalurgia en en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Brigantium 11.
COLL CONESA, J. (Coord.) (2011). Manual de cerámica medieval y moderna. Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid. Madrid.
DECRETO 199/1997, do 10 de xullo, polo que se regula a actividade arqueolóxica na Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia. Diario Oficial de Galicia, nº 150, 6 de agosto de 1997.
DOMÍNGUEZ-BELLA, S, RAMOS, J., GUTIÉRREZ, J.M., LÓPEZ, PÉREZ, M. (Eds.) (2010). Minerales y Rocas en las sociedades de la Prehistoria. Grupo de Investigación HUM-440. Universidad de Cádiz.
FÁBREGAS VALCARCE, R.; FUENTE ANDRÉS, F. de la (1988). Aproximación a la cultura material del megalitismo gallego: la industria lítica pulimentada y el material cerámico. Arqueohistorica 2. Santiago de Compostela: Tórculo Artes Gráficas.
GARCÍA HERAS, M.; OLAETXEA, C. (1992). Métodos y análisis para la caracterización de cerámicas arqueológicas. Estado actual de la investigación en España”, Archivo Español de Arqueología, 65: 263-289.
IFA, Institute of Field Archaeologists (1991). The Institute of Field Archaeologists; Guidelines for Finds Work. Birmingham: The Institut of Field Archaeologists. http://www.archaeologists.net/codes/ifa.
INIZAN, M.-L., REDURON, M.; ROCHE, H.; TIXIER, J. (1995). Technologie de la pierre taillée. T.4. Technologie de la pierre taillée. CREP, Meudon (France).
IRUJO RUÍZ, D.J.; PRIETO MARTÍNEZ, M.P. (2005). Aplicaciones del 3D en cerámica prehistórica de contextos arqueológicos gallegos: Un estudio sobre percepción visual. ArqueoWeb, 7 (2). Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
LEMONNIER, P. (1991). Technological choices. Transformation in material cultures since the Neolithic. Londres: Ed. Routledge.
MANSILLA CASTAÑO, A.M. (2005). Las postales: ¿un instrumento de divulgación del patrimonio arqueológico? PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural [en linea] 2005, 3 (Diciembre) : [Fecha de consulta: 13 de junio de 2014] Disponible en:<http://redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=88130204> ISSN 1695-7121.
MARTÍN LERMA, I. (2008). Análisis microscópico de la industria lítica: la traceología. Panta Rei III. 2ª época, 15-25.
MERINO, J. M. (1994). Tipología lítica. San Sebastián: Munibe, suplemento nº 9.
MOHEN, J.P. (1992). Metalurgia Prehistórica. Introducción a la Paleometalurgia. Editorial Masson, S.A. París.
MONTERO RUIZ, I. (Coord.) (2011). Manual de Arqueometalurgia. Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid. Madrid.
MONTERO, I.; GARCÍA, M.; LÓPEZ-ROMERO, E. (2007). Arqueometría: Cambios y tendencias actuales. Trabajos De Prehistoria 64 (1): 23-40.
MORENO MARTÍN, A.; QUIXAL SANTOS, D. (2012-2013). Bordes, bases e informes: El dibujo arqueológico de material cerámico y la fotografía digital. Arqueoweb. Revista sobe Arqueología en Internet 14,: 178-21.
MUSEUM OF LONDON. (1996). Guidelines for the preparation of archaeological archives to be deposited with the Museum of London. Museum of London. London. http://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/Collections-Research/LAARC/DeposResour….
PARCERO OUBIÑA, C.; MÉNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ, F.; BLANCO ROTEA, R. (1999). El registro de la información en intervenciones arqueológicas. CAPA (Criterios y Convenciones en Arqueología del Paisaje), 9. Santiago de Compostela.
PORTO TENREIRO, Y. (2000). Medidas urgentes de conservación en intervenciones arqueológicas. CAPA (Criterios y Convenciones en Arqueología del Paisaje), 13. Santiago de Compostela.
PRIETO-MARTÍNEZ M. P.; CRIADO-BOADO F. (coords.) (2010). Reconstruyendo la historia de la comarca del Ulla-Deza (Galicia, España). Escenarios arqueológicos del pasado. Traballos de Arqueoloxía e Patrimonio 41. Closas-Orcoyen S.L., Madrid.
PRIETO MARTÍNEZ, M. P.; LANTES SUÁREZ; O.; VÁZQUEZ LIZ, P.; MARTÍNEZ CORTIZAS, A. 2010. La cerámica de dos túmulos de Roza das Aveas (Outeiro de Rey, Lugo): Un estudio diacrónico del estilo y la composición. BSAA arqueología (Boletín del Seminario de Arte y Arqueología) LXXVI: 27-61.
PRIETO MARTÍNEZ, M.P., SALANOVA, L. (Coords.) (2011). Las Comunidades Campaniformes en Galicia. Cambios sociales en el III y II milenios BC en el NW de la Península Ibérica. Diputación de Pontevedra, Pontevedra.
ROCA ROUMENS, M.; FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, M.I. (coords.). (2005). Introducción al estudio de la cerámica romana. Una breve guía de referencia. Málaga. Universidad de Málaga.
SCIALLANO, M.; SIBELLA, P. (1991). Amphores. Comment les identifier? La Calade: Édisud.
TERRADAS, X., PARPA, A.; PLANA C. (eds.) (1992). Tecnología y cadenas operativas líticas. Reunión internacional, 15-18 enero 1991. Treballs d’Arqueologia 1. Bellaterra, Barcelona.
WHITTAKER, J.C. (1994). Flintknapping. Making & Understanding stone tools. University of Texas Press
- (CB-1) Students have demonstrated a systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of research skills and methods related to that field;
- (CB-2) Students have demonstrated the ability to conceive, design, implement and adopt a substantial research process with academic accuracy;
- (CB-4) Students are able to perform a critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas;
- (CB-5) Students know how to communicate with their colleagues, with the academic community as a whole and with society in general about their areas of knowledge;
- (CB-6) Students assume that they are capable of fostering, in academic and professional contexts, technological, social or cultural advancement within a knowledge-based society.
- (CB-7) Students have demonstrated throughout the research the ability to establish mutual relations between the two main axes that make up the program: historical, and archaeological-heritage.
- (CB-9) Students are able to open new routes of specialization in the field of archaeological studies.
- (EC-2) Preparation and drafting of historical and archaeological reports.
- (CE-3) Management of collections and museums.
- (EC-4) Advice on master plans, special plans, archaeological works, etc.
- (EC-5) Cultural management.
- (CT-1) Use of bibliography and searching tools for general and specific bibliographic resources, including Internet access, viewing its enormous possibilities and enhancing the student's discriminatory capacity over its contents.
- (CT-2) Optimal management of working time and organization of available resources, establishing priorities, alternative paths and identifying errors in decision making.
- (CT-3) To increase the ability to work in a team, in cooperative, multi-disciplinary or highly competitive environments.-In the theoretical classes, the basic contents of the subject will be explained. The visual and graphic exposition of the power-point will be used as support and complementary readings that the student will have to carry out will be attached.
- In the practical classes and seminars and in the field practices the student will approach the different phases in the management of the materials and the documentation they generate, from their recovery to their subsequent delivery to the corresponding organisms. He will learn the procedure to follow with each type of material, the realization of a basic description, its graphic representation and how to store the materials and information.
- Tutorials will be held whenever the students require it to resolve any doubts that may arise throughout the course.
- Field practices will be developed.
The subject is face-to-face, and the virtual classroom will be used as a framework for the development of the subject, posting useful materials to the students.
The subject plans a field trip to the Adai site and the Provincial Museum of Lugo, in the case that financing is available to carry out the visit.A continuous assessment strategy will be developed in which the following aspects of the subject will be assessed:
- There will be a multiple choice test of the theoretical topics: 1 points out of 10.
- Attendance and participation: 2 points out of 10.
- Each practice will be individual development. 2 points in all.
- Field practices: Its development will be in a group. It will be valued in a total of 1 points out of 10.
- Final group work: 4 points out of 10.
In the second call, in July, the student will have to take the same type of tests that have been carried out throughout the course for continuous assessment.
In the case of an official exemption, the student will be examined with the same criteria as those applied to the teaching being taught at that time, a job will be sought that involves the development of a practice equivalent to those done in face-to-face classes, and it must be agreed upon. at the beginning of the subject.
Qualification system: expressed by numerical final qualification from 0 to 10 according to current legislation (Royal Decree 1125/2003 of September 5; BOE September 18).Study time and individual work
- Master class: 9 hours.
- Practical classes and seminars: 9 hours
- Field practices (Pedra Castro site, RiAIDT): 3 hours
- Evaluation: 1 hour
In addition to class attendance, students must develop other activities that help improve and complete their training.
- Recommended reading, library activities: 12 hours
- Preparation of oral presentations, debates: 4 hours
- Individual or group autonomous study: 30 hours
- Other tasks assigned by the teacher: 4 hours
TOTAL 50 hoursThe student must know the basic management of general office packages, for example, Libre Office or Microsoft Office.
Likewise, and in the event that teaching cannot be face-to-face, students must know how to handle standard collaborative programs, such as Microsoft Teams, the official USC program, freely available in the USC repository.
In addition, it is recommended to buy two drawing tools at the beginning of the course: a vernier caliper or gauge, and a metal shaper, also called a profiler comb or plumber's foot. Instructions will be given on the day of the presentation.Class attendance is mandatory.
The following regulations must be taken into account:
The art. 16 of the Student Academic Performance Assessment Regulations (DOG 21 July 2011) establishes the following: “Fraudulent performance of any exercise or test required in the assessment of a subject will imply a failing qualification in the corresponding call, regardless of the process. disciplinary action that could be taken against the offending student. It is considered fraudulent, among others, to carry out works plagiarized or obtained from sources accessible to the public without re-elaboration or re-interpretation and without citations to the authors and the sources”.
In the case of academic fraud, as defined in Article 42 of the Regulations establishing the rules of coexistence of the University of Santiago de Compostela, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 11. g) of the University Coexistence Law, the sanctions provided by the regulations will be applied. Among the premeditated behaviors aimed at falsifying the results of an exam or assignment are plagiarism and the unauthorized use of Artificial Intelligence tools.
Mario Cesar Vila
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Archaeology
- mario.cesar@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOSU (Organic Law Of University System) Associate University Professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Wednesday 10:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 01, Laboratory Exams 01.15.2025 09:00-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 15 06.16.2025 11:30-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 15