ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
-Know the systems del market and acquisition de art.
-Know the systems de cataloguing, valuation and appraisal de de art works
-To know the labor practice the different fields linked with the market del arte de.
-Manager del artistic and architectural heritage
-Historia del Arte
-Cultural Advisor
-Documentary filmmaker-Pink dog Batista (ULPGC)
Session 1. Marco de projects planning and Foundation del analysis
Economic and financial
Session 2. Basic budget concepts for exhibitions and events de art. Case studies.
Borrello, a. (2000) El plan de business. McGraw hill:bogota.
Hawk, B. and other authors (2010). Guide de social projects management. 3sbizkaia.
Sapag Chain, N. (2001) evaluation de de investment in enterprise projects. Prentice hall:Buenos
-Susana González (see you)
-Ana Castro (Gallantiqua)
Exhibition session.
Session 1. The sale at auction de de art works: background and types de auctions.
Session 2. Markets del art. Demand, brokers and markets.
Session 3. Professional experience online. Gallantiqua.
Session 4. The autonomous professional experience.
Session 5. Professional experience from the gallery.
Session 6. Practical principles de pricing.
Interactive sessions.
Session 1. Cataloguing and documentation about the author.
Session 2. Collection de information.
Session 3. Del de appraisal report preparationDe Coopet, L, Jones, A.: The Art Dealers . Nueva York. 1985.
Galbraith, J.K.: “Il sistema e il mercato delle arti”, en L’economia di interesse pubblico. Milán.
1974. pp. 58-78.
Hoog, M., Hoog, E. (1991): Le marché de l’art. París. 1991.
Poli, F.: Producción artística y mercado. Barcelona. 1975.
Kotler, P.: Alta visibilità. Milán. 1990.
Tiege, K.: Il mercato dell’arte. L’arte tra capitalismo e rivoluzione. Turín. 1973.
Watson, P.: From Manet to Maniatan. The Rise of the Modern Art Market. Nueva York. 1992.De
Coopet, L, Jones, A.: The Art Dealers . Nueva York. 1985.Basic skills.
-That students know how to apply the acquired knowledge and capacity de resolution de
problems in new environments or little known within broader contexts (or
multidisciplinary) related to your area de study
-That students be able to de integrate knowledge and confront the complexity de
make judgments from that information being incomplete or limited, include reflections
on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application de their knowledge and
-That students know how to communicate their findings, knowledge and latest reasons to
they support them to public specialised and non-specialised de a way clear and unambiguous
-Prepare to work in interdisciplinary teams.
-Train to apply knowledge to practice
-Training to adapt to new situations
-Enhance the interest in quality and management de information
Cross-disciplinary skills.
-Ability for interpersonal relationships
Specific competences.
-Provide the critical capabilities for professional or research activity in art, de
architecture linked with cultural heritage, historic city, de conservation areas and
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display del artistic heritage and art market
-Endow de sufficient knowledge to enter the professional field in the disciplines
taught in the master.
-To provide employersThe teaching will include exhibition developed by the teacher, through approaches
theoretical and
practical examples that will be the point de partida del student participation in the
development de them.
On the other hand, will be proposed to all students which, de individually, applying the methodology
and knowledge
presented in the different sessions to a specific case de your close environmentDe assessment criteria
The evaluation will consist a realizatión a work: 100%Time de study and personal work
Work: 50 hThe students will have in the virtual classroom de all the necessary material for the follow-up to de the
matter, as well as
documentation exhibition sessions.
Individual face-to-face attention
Face-to-face tutorials will be held, request de appointment, or by email, to the
professors de the two participating universities
Groups de work eye care
The attention to students to carry out de works will be held, request de appointment, or
by e-mail.
Phone service
The call will be limited to cases in which it is impossible to make tutorials
face to face-Acquire a rational and critical knowledge de de del art valuation processes
-Raise the importance de cataloging del artistic heritage as a base de del
knowledge and de asset management
-Reflect on the need and importance de know, to preserve and to bequeath to future
generations the artistic heritage
Juan Manuel Monterroso Montero
- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- Phone
- 881812716
- juanmanuel.monterroso@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor