ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
1. To familiarize the student with the methodological tendences in the interpretation of the artistic and patrimonial phenomenon.
2. To show the student the wealth of sources which he faces in a research paper on artistic heritage, and guide him in the choice of the appropriate ones for a specific topic.
3. To train the student to carry out the Master's Thesis with a correct structure, use of sources and method, bibliography and citation system, scientific conclusions and written and oral presentation.
4. To Make the student aware of the deontological codes that govern the market and heritage structures.Contents:
Introduction: History of Art History and Heritage: a review
Tema 1: The theme
Tema 2: The structure
Tema 3: The sources and method
Tema 4: The bibliography and citation system
Tema 5: The written presentation
Tema 6: The oral presentationAbout methodology and sources
ARIAS SERRANO, L. (2012). Las fuentes de la historia del arte en la época contemporánea. Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal.
BORRÁS GUALIS, G. M. (2012). Historia del arte y patrimonio cultural: una revisión crítica. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
SCHLOSSER, J. (1986). La literatura artística: manual de fuentes de la historia moderna del arte. Madrid: Cátedra.
VVAA. (1982-1983). Fuentes y documentos para la historia del arte, 8 volúmenes. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.
YARZA LUACES, J. (1997). Fuentes de la historia del arte I. Madrid: Historia 16.
About scientific papers
DAY, R. A. (2008). Cómo escribir y publicar trabajos científicos. Washington: Organización Panamericana de la Salud [4ª edición en español actualizada, 1ª edición: Filadelfia, 1979].
ECO, U. (1982). Cómo se hace una tesis. Barcelona: Gedisa [1ª edición en español, 1ª edición: Milán, 1977]
FUENTES, J. L. e CREMADES, R. (2021). Cómo escribir un trabajo de fin de máster. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis.
GALLUD JARDIEL, E. (2015). Manual práctico para escribir una tesis. Madrid: Verbum.
GARCÍA SANZ, M. P. & MARTÍNEZ CLARES, P. (coords.). (2013) Guía práctica para la realización de trabajos fin de grado y trabajos fin de máster. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia.
HERNÁNDEZ GUERRERO, J. A. & GARCÍA TEJERA, M. C. (2004). El arte de hablar: manual de retórica práctica y de oratoria moderna. Barcelona: Ariel.
MUÑOZ-ALONSO, G. (2012). Estructura, metodología y escritura del Trabajo de Fin de Máster. Madrid: Escolar y Mayo.
About deontology
CACHEDA BARREIRO, R. (2016). “La ética y su aplicación en los museos: el paradigma deontológico”. En BLANCO VALDÉS, C. F. e DOMÍNGUEZ FERRO, A. M. (eds.). ‘Madonna à ‘n sé vertute con valore’: estudios en homenaje a Isabel González. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, pp. 89-98.
SAN MIGUEL PÉREZ, E. (2013). Deontología profesional para historiadores. Madrid: Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces.
Manual de buenas prácticas profesionales en las artes visuales (Madrid, 2008): enlace
ICOM Deontology code for museums (Paris, 2017): enlace1. To acquire the appropriate methodological tools in order to interpret the artistic phenomenon.
2. To become familiar with the richness of the sources involved in the research process and discriminating those suitable for the own subject of study.
3. To improve the written expression, the scientific structuring of a text, the approach of conclusions and the correct bibliographic citation.
4. To improve oral presentations and the ability to communicate information and ideas through knowledge of the expressive techniques.
5. To know the legal regulations that protect the conservation of patrimonial heritage.Being a subject in extinction, face-to-face sessions of the subject are not contemplated, which will be replaced by material in the Virtual Classroom thanks to which the student will be able to complete a series of non-face-to-face training activities, of a practical nature, which ensure the understanding and assimilation of the contents.
The final grade will be the result of the sum of qualifications of the non-face-to-face training activities delivered through the Virtual Classroom.
Non-face-to-face: 75 hours (readings, review of contents, completion of non-face-to-face activities).
Total: 75 hours.For a good follow-up of the subject, it is essential to have motivation and capacity to work, complying with the non-face-to-face activities in the established times. We recommend that the student consult the bibliography proposed in the program, and that he/she attends the tutorials whenever he/she needs to. It would be advisable for the student to have the ability to read in a foreign language, in addition to basic computer skills.
- Attention to diversity: Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013 of November 29th, which approves the “Consolidated Text of the General Law on the rights of people with disabilities and their social inclusion”, published in the BOE (December the 3rd, 2013) will be applied.
- In the event of academic fraud, as defined in article 42 of the Regulations establishing the rules of coexistence of the University of Santiago de Compostela and in accordance with the provisions of article 11. g) of the Law on University Coexistence, the sanctions provided for in the regulations will be applied. Premeditated behaviors aimed at falsifying the results of an exam or assignment include plagiarism and the non-consensual use of Artificial Intelligence tools.
Ana Perez Varela
- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- ana.perez.varela@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Exams 06.26.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 15