ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 102
Hours of tutorials: 6
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Galician Philology, History of Art, HistoryAreas:
Romance Philology, History of Art, Medieval HistoryCenter
Faculty of PhilologyCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
· To announce, in outline, the historical - cultural from the origins of the christianity up to the Middle Ages.
· To study the concept and evolution of the holiness, as well as the literary production that generates both in Latin and in the different languages romances and his manifestation in the medieval art.
· To analyze the typology of the lives of saints and of the collections of miracles, centring the attention on Santiago and Maria.
· To know the development of heresies in the context of late medieval religiosity.
· To study the figure of crucial saints for the development of the medieval art in general, fell like san Benedictine monk and san Francisco and the respective orders that founded.
· To analyze the evolutionary process in the iconography of the Saint in the Middle Ages, from the interdisciplinaridad of the textual sources.
· Francisco and his friars Study the iconography of san as reflection of the integration of the Order in the spirituality and the company bajomedieval.
· To observe the peculiarities of the female mendicant monasteries and his singularity
· To study the manifestations of the devotion at the end of the Middle Ages1) THE CHRISTIANITY AND THE HAGIOGRAPHICAL PRODUCTION FROM HIS ORIGINS TO THE MIDDLE AGES.
2.1. Approximation to the origins of the Christianity.
2.2. Saint's definition / holy. Evolution of the concept of holiness (martyrs, ascetics. Bishops, "Saint kings"). The relics. The preaching.
2.3. Hagiography in Latin and languages romances. Evolution and typology of the hagiographical texts: martirologios, pasionarios, Vitae, legendae, miracula. The Liber Sancti Iacobi.
2.4. Irruption of the Virgin in the Hagiography. The collections of Marian miracles: 2.4.1. latin and romance collections; 2.4.2. Gautier de Coinci, Gonzalo de Berceo, Alfonso el Sabio; 2.4.3. The Cantigas de Santa María: liber miraculorum and documentary source.
1.1. Movements of voluntary poverty
1.2. Heresy and Inquisition
1.3. Cathar and Waldensian
1.4. Spiritual Franciscans and laic people in their environment
1.5. Female spirituality and heresy
3.1. Monastic holiness, begging holiness. Approximation to the principal founders of both spiritualities through its iconography. Sources textuais and iconographic for the production of a portrait.
3.2. Mendicant hagiographies and images in the spread of devotions. Textual and figurative sources: the codification of the episodes and the problematics in the transmission of the image.
3.3. Women’s proposals in the mendicant spirituality: spaces and images
4.1. When the death approaches
4.2. The devotions of the bishops in the end of the Middle Ages
a) Apostles
b) The Virgin
c) The Parents of the Church
d) The founders of Orders
e) Other saints related to the death
f) The saints belonging to the Begging Orders
g) Local Saints
4.3. The funeral episcopal sculpture like reflection of devotionsThe basic bibliography that distinguishes itself later is divided in four big blocks that correspond with the organization of the contents.
GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR, José Ángel, Historia religiosa del Occidente Medieval: años 313-1464, Madrid, Akal, 2012.
LENZENWEGER, J., STOCKMEIER, P., AMON, K., ZINHOBLER, R., (dir.), Historia de la Iglesia católica, Barcelona, 1989, pp. 231-398.
FERNÁNDEZ CONDE, Francisco Javier, La religiosidad medieval en España: Alta Edad Media (siglos VII-X), Gijón, Trea, 2008.
FERNÁNDEZ CONDE, Francisco Javier, La religiosidad medieval en España, Plena Edad Media (siglos XI-XIII), Gijón, Trea – Oviedo, EDIUNO, 2005.
FERNÁNDEZ CONDE, Francisco Javier, La religiosidad medieval en España: Baja Edad Media siglos XIV-XV), Gijón, Trea, 2011.
MITRE FERNÁNDEZ, E., Las claves de la Iglesia en la Edad Media (313-1492), Planeta, Barcelona, 1991.
VAUCHEZ, A., La espiritualidad del occidente medieval, Cátedra, Madrid, 1995
BAÑOS VALLEJO, F., La hagiografía como género literario en la Edad Media. Tipología de doce Vidas individuales castellanas, Universidad de Oviedo, 1989.
BARNAY, S., El cielo en la tierra. Las apariciones de la Virgen en la Edad Media (trad. G. Rosón), Ediciones Encuentro, Madrid, 1999.
DUBOIS, J. - J.L. Lemaire, Sources et méthodes de l’hagiographie, Cerf, Paris, 1993.
FIDALGO, E., “La gestación de las Cantigas de Santa Maria en el contexto de la escuela poética gallego-portuguesa”, Alcanate, 8, 2012-2013, pp. 17-42.
FIDALGO, E., Cantigas de Santa María, Vigo, Xerais, 2002.
FIDALGO, E. (coord.), As Cantigas de Loor de Santa María. Edición e comentario, Xunta de Galicia, Santiago, 2004.
GOODICH, M. E., Miracles and Wonders. The development of the concept of miracle, 1150-1350, Aldershot-Burlington, Ashgate, 2007.
GRÉGOIRE, R., Manuale di agiologia. Introduzione alla letteratura agiografica, Monastero San Silvestro Abate, Fabriano, 1987.
KIECKHEFER, R.,” Imitators of Christ: Sainthood in the Christian Tradition”, en Sainthood: Its Manifestations in World Religions, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1990, pp. 1-43.
LONGO, U., La santità medievale, Roma, Jouvence, 2007.
O’ CALLAGHAM, J. (1998), Alfonso X and the Cantigas de Santa Maria. A poetic Biography, Brill, Leiden-Boston-Köln.
PARKINSON, S.- D. JACKSON (2006), “Collection, Composition and Compilation in the Cantigas de Santa Maria”, Portuguese Studies, 22, pp. 159-172.
PHILIPPART, G., Les légendiers latins et autres manuscrits hagiographiques (typologie des sources du Moyen Age Occidental, 24/25), Brepols, Turnhout, 1977.
PIETRI, C., “L’évolution du culte des saints aux premiers siècles chrétiens: du témoin à l’intercesseur”, en Les fonctions des saints dans le monde occidental (IIIe-XIIIe siècles). Actes du colloque organisé par l’École française de Rome avec le concours de l’Université de Rome ‘La Sapienza’ (Rome, 27-29 octobre 1988), Roma, Palazzo Farnese, École Française de Rome, 1991, pp. 15-36.
PUECH, H.-Ch., Storia del cristianesimo (Trad. M. N. Pierini), Laterza-Mondadori, 2003.
PUECH, H.-Ch., Storia del cristianesimo (Trad. M. N. Pierini), Laterza-Mondadori, 2003.
SIMONETTI, M. – E PRINZIVALLE, Storia della letteratura cristiana antica, Casale Monferrato, PIEMME, 1999.
AMORES BONILLA, P. A. “Revolución o levantamiento. La herejía milenarista de los apostolici “. Historias del Orbis Terrarum, nº 23, 2019, 139-169.
ARCELUS ULIBARRENA, J.M., Visionarios y MSS. Proféticos (ss. XIV-XV) en los reinos hispánicos: Traducción y manipulación, Saarbrucken: Editorial Académica Española, 2013.
BAILEY, M. D. and Sean L. F. (ed.), Late medieval heresy: new perspectives: studies in honor of Robert E. Lerner, York, York Medieval Press, 2018.
BARBER, M., The Cathars: dualist heretics in Languedoc in the High Middle Ages, Harlow, England, Longman, 2000
Cathars in question. Ed by A. Sennis. York: York Medieval Press, 2018.
DUVERNOY, J., Inquisition à Pamiers: cathares, juifs, lépreux : devant leurs juges, Toulouse : Privat, 1985.
GRAU TORRAS, S., Cátaros e Inquisición en los reinos hispánicos (siglos XII-XIV), Madrid: Cátedra, 2012.
GRAÑA CID, Mª Mar, “Vivir la vida celestial: caridad y acción social en beguinas y beatas (siglos XIII-XV)”, en Estudios Eclesiásticos, vol. 93, n. 366, 2018, 511-550.
La represión de la disidencia religiosa: de la Inquisición Medieval a la Moderna. Clío & Crimen: Revista del Centro de Historia del Crimen de Durango, nº 2, 2005.
LAMBERT, M., Medieval heresy: popular movements from the gregorian reform to the reformation, Oxford, Blackwell, 1994 Las Herejías Medievales. Clío & Crimen: Revista del Centro de Historia del Crimen de Durango, nº 1, 2004.
Late medieval heresy: new perspectives: studies in honor of Robert E. Lerner, York: York Medieval Press, 2018.
LEFF, G., Heresy in the later Middle Ages: the relation of heterodoxy to dissent: c. 1250-c. 1450, Manchester: University Press, 1967.
LERNER, R. E., The heresy of the Free Spirit in the Later Middle Ages, Notre Dame, Ind: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007
Magia, superstición y brujería en la Edad Media. Clío & Crimen: Revista del Centro de Historia del Crimen de Durango, nº 8, 2011.
MITRE FERNÁNDEZ, E. “Al margen del valdismo y del catarismo: religiosidades "desviadas" y movimientos populares del Occidente (Panorama histórico y elenco bibliográfico)”. Norba: Revista de historia, nº 21, 2008, 181-203.
MITRE FERNÁNDEZ, E. “ La disidencia religiosa en el bajo medievo: ¿Una forma de contestación social?”. Edad Media: revista de historia, nº 4, 2001, 37-58.
MOORE, R.I., The war on heresy: faith and power in medieval Europe, London, Profile, 2012
NIETO-ISABEL, D.I., “«Qui spiritus ambo sunt unum». La red de espiritualidad beguina del Languedoc a inicios del siglo XIV”, en Blanca Garí, coor., Redes femeninas de promoción espiritual en los reinos hispánicos, Viella, 2013.
ORTEGA MARTÍN, E. “Heterodoxias medievales. La herejía del año mil en la Edad Media”. Proyección: Teología y mundo actual, nº 274, 317-332.
ORTEGA MARTÍN, E. “Heterodoxias medievales. El libre espíritu, el misticismo herético y Joaquín de Fiore”. Proyección: Teología y mundo actual, nº 276, 65-80.
POU Y MARTÍ, J.M., Visionarios, beguinos y fraticelos catalanes, Madrid: Colegio “Cardenal Cisneros”, 1991.
RÍOS RODRÍGUEZ, Mª L., “Conventualismo y manifestaciones heréticas en la Baja Edad Media”, en III Semana Estudios Medievales. Nájera 1992. Logroño: Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 1993, pp. 129-160.
SANTONJA, P. “Mujeres religiosas: Beatas y Beguinas en la Edad Media. Textos satíricos y misóginos”, Anales de la Universidad de Alicante: Historia Medieval, 14, 2003-2006, 209-228.
SANTONJA, P. “Fancesc Eiximenis y su época: finales del siglo XIV y principios del siglo XV”, Azafea: revista de filosofía, nº 2, 1989, 19-35.
SCHMITT, J.-C., Mort d'une hérésie: l'Eglise et les Clercs Face aux Béguines et aux Béghards du Rhin Supérieur du XIV au XV siècle, Paris, Mouton, D.L. 1978
SPARKS, C., Heresy, Inquisition and life cycle in medieval Languedoc, Woodbridge, York Medieval Press, 2014
SCHMITT, J. C. “¿Hubo imágenes heréticas en la Edad Media?”, Revista Estudios, nº 27, 2013,8-24. VAUCHEZ, A. Les Hérétiques au Moyen Âge. Suppôts de Satan ou chrétiens dissidents. CNRS Editions, Paris 2014.
ANDRADE CERNADAS, J.M.: El monacato benedictino y la sociedad de la Galicia medieval (siglos X al XIII). A Coruña, 1997.
BUTLER, C.: Monacato benedictino. Zamora, 2001.
COLESANTI, G.M.; GARÍ, B.; JORNET-BENITO, N.: Clarisas y dominicas. Modelos de implantación, filiación, devoción y promoción artística en la Península Ibérica, Cerdeña, Nápoles y Sicilia. Firenze, 2017.
FRAGA SAMPEDRO, D.: ““Il pellegrinaggio jacopeo e il Santo d’ Assisi. Tradizioni e immagini francescane nell’area geografica ispanica”, en Compostelle. Rivista del Centro Italiano di Studi Compostellani - Università degli Studi di Perugia 35, 2014, 13-39.
FRUGONI, Ch.: Francesco e l’invenzione delle stimmate. Una storia per parole e immagini fino a Bonaventura e Giotto. Torino, 1993.
GARCÍA ORO, J.: San Francisco de Asís en la España medieval. Santiago, 1988.
LAWRENCE, C. H.: Medieval Monasticism: Form of religious life in Western Europe in the Middle Ages, London: Longman, 1984
MANSO PORTO, C.: Arte gótico en Galicia: los dominicos. A Coruña, 1993. 2 vols.
PRINZIVALLI, E.: “Un santo da leggere: Francesco d’Assisi nel percorso delle fonti agiografiche”, en Francesco d’Assisi e il primo secolo di storia francescana. Torino, 1997.pp. 71-116.
SÁNCHEZ AMEIJEIRAS, R.: “Espiritualidad mendicante y arte gótico”, en Quintela, M.V. (coor): Las religiones en la historia de Galicia. Sémata 7-8, 1996, 332-353.
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BECEIRO PITA, I. (dir.): Poder, piedad y devoción. Castilla y su entorno. Siglos XII-XV, Sílex, Madrid, 2014.
CHIFFOLEAU, J. : La comptabilité de l'au-delà, Rome 1980.
FERRANDO ROIG, J.: Iconografía de los santos, Barcelona 1950.
HERKLOTZ, Ingo: "Sepulcra" e "Monumenta" del Medioevo, Roma 1990.
La mort au moyen âge, Colloque de la Société des Historiens Médiévistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur Public, Strasburg, 1975.
Les fonctions des saints dans le monde occidental (IIIe-XIIIe siècle). Actes du colloque organisé par l'Ecole française de Rome avec le concours de l'Université de Rome "La Sapienza", Roma 1991.
MITRE FERNÁNDEZ, E.: La muerte vencida. Imágenes e Historia en el Occidente Medieval (1200-1348), Madrid 1988.
PANOFSKY, Erwin: Tomb sculpture, London 1964.
REAU, Louis : Iconographie de l'art Chrétien, Paris 1958.
TENENTI, A. : La vie et la mort à travers l'art du XV siècle, Serge Fleury 1983.
VAUCHEZ, André. : La sainteté en Occident aux derniers siècles du Moyen Age, Rome 1981.· Compression of the process of the creation of a religious myth and of the literary production that this myth generates.
· Crystallization, expansion and model metamorphosis of holiness and his iconographic reflection in the traffic of the early Middle Ages to the full Middle Ages.
· Comprehension of the structure of the hagiographical texts (saints' lives, legends, miracles).
· Knowledge of two relevant saints for the Cristiandade, san Benedictine monk and san Francisco, across the hagiographical and iconographic sources and the interactions between image and text
. Perception of the importance and repercussion of san Benito de Nursia and of san Francisco of You Seize and his Orders in the spirituality bajomedieval across the artistic production
. Knowledge of the singularities of the female mendicant spirituality
· Analysis of the religious manifestations generated in the proximities of the death. Deepening in the devotions most spread in the XIVth and XVth century.· The theoretical classes are directed the analysis of the contents of the program, but they will complement each other with an offer of readings that has for aim enrich the theoretical speech and provoke the debate in the classroom.
· one will resort to the utilization of documentary and graphical sources for his study and debate.
· there will be used the tools of the virtual classrooms of the USC for orientations and materials of work of the practical classes.
· some practical classes will be realized, with obligatory character, by displacement to a place that allows the study in situ of the explained in the classroom, activity that remains subject to the grant of economic subsidy. . It is foreseen, in I make a visit in a date for determining and articulating the precise changes with the teacher who gives teaching the same day, if it was necessary.
The professor Elvira Fidalgo gives the first paragraph of the program (" The Christianity and the hagiographical production from his origins up to the Middle Age") in different meetings up to completing 2 ECTS of the total of the matter.
The second thematic block dedicated to the analysis of "Spirituality and Heresy" will be given by the professor Mariña Bermúdez in different meetings up to completing 1 ECTS of the total of the matter.
The professor Dolores Fraga gives the third paragraph of the program ("Art, devotion, and preaching. Of monastic sanctity to the beggar") in different meetings up to completing 1 ECTS of the total of the matter.
The professor Marta Cendón gives the last paragraph of the program (" The saints and the death. Texts and images like reflection of the devotions at the end of the Middle Ages ") in different meetings up to completing 2 ECTS of the total of the matter.All the pupils must take part in the classes attend them contributing his comments and personal observations to the topics that develop. So much in the examination of the texts as of the images, the competition necessary is expected from the estudante to be able to apply the theoretical offered contents and his recognition in the practical examples. The active participation of the student in the classroom (including the activities corresponding to the exits) will be equivalent to 30 % of the total qualification.
70 % remaining will be obtained by means of the presentation of a work written on a monographic topic, in which one will try to combine the artistic manifestations with the literary ones, and that will be selected of a relation provided by the teachers, or proposed by the student and accepted by the set of teachers of the subject. This work must be printed, one for each of the professors of this course.
The system of evaluation is ruled by the same criteria in the first and second opportunity
Date of delivery of the work: 8 May (first opportunity). 15 xuño (second opportunity).
Students with official attendance at class: Students who are exempt from class attendance, granted officially (according to Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat on exemption from attendance in certain circumstances), will be evaluated only (100% of the grade) with an individual written work Agreed with the teachers, who must also follow the guidelines and timetable indicated in the teaching guide and that will be assessed with the same criteria indicated for the work two ordinary studentsTheoretical classes: 30
Practical classes attend them. 10
Tutorships attend them: 4
Theoretical classes do not attend them directed: 5
Practical classes do not attend them directed: 10
Tutorships do not attend them: 5
Written work: 10
Hours of autonomous work of the pupil:
Theoretical classes: 20
Practical classes: 30
Written work: 25Assistance and participation activates during the course.
Reading of the bibliography recommended by the teacher.
The readings will have to be done in agreement to the calendar marked by the teacher to facilitate the correct advance of the program.Consult the Teaching Guide of the subject on the Master's website:http://www.usc.es/filrom/teaching/master/
Marta Cendon Fernandez
Coordinador/a- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- Phone
- 881812572
- marta.cendon@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Maria Dolores Fraga Sampedro
- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- Phone
- 881812598
- mdolores.fraga@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Mariña Bermudez Beloso
- Department
- History
- Area
- Medieval History
- Phone
- 881812620
- marinha.bermudez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Manuel Negri
- Department
- Galician Philology
- Area
- Romance Philology
- m.negri@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Intern Assistant LOSU
2º Semester - January 06th-12th Wednesday 16:00-17:45 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician, Spanish Aula 3 da Facultade de Historia