ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
History of ArtAreas:
History of ArtCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (No Implantada)Enrolment:
No Matriculable -
1.- Offer a plural vision and integradora of the art and of the Galician culture of this period in his diverse demonstrations.
2.- Know differentiate the basic characteristics and his evolution during this period
3.- Comprise the different formal languages and visual
4.- Know frame the work of art in the contexts in which gestó and relate it with other forms of cultural expression
5.- Know the distinct artistic technicians used and know deduce like these condition and act on the work of art.
6.- That the student purchase the coñecementos methodological and basic that allow him enter in the actividade researcherPART I.
1.- Art and architecture in the sixteenth century
2.- Art and architecture during the Baroque period.
3.- Art and architecture during the Enlightenment and the nineteenth century.
4.- A consecration ilustrada e o nacemento dunha escola galega na plástica a finis do século XIX.
5.- A pegada dos rexionalismos durante o primeiro tercio do século XX.
6.- Internal exile and external effervescence 1939-1978.
7.- Galicia looks to Europe.
The interactive sessions will be developed mainly with external internships within the city of Santiago de Compostela. These sessions will take place on the days indicated in the timetables by the centre. The school and the students will be informed in good time of the activity to be carried out.
1.- The historical city.
2.- The cathedral and its surroundings.
3.- The cathedral and its interior. (Conditional on the location of the building).
4.- San Martiño Pinario.
5.- Surroundings of San Francisco and Auditorio de Galicia.
6.- Surroundings of Santa Clara, San Roque, San Domingos de Bonaval and CGAC.
7.- University Residence.
8.- Cidade da Cultura.
9.- Santa María la Real de Conxo.
Required reading assessable through tests (test)
Bernárdez, C.L.: Unha histoira da arte galega. Laiovento. 2023. 978-84-8487-617-5
Field practice coordinated with the rest of the subjects of the first semester of the fourth semester to visit: Pontevedra, Tui, Valença, Ourense, Celanova and Lugo (provided that there is funding). @Dito internship will be compulsory for all students enrolled in the subject and will be assessable. The layouts may be modified within the Galician area according to the needs of each of the subjects.Basic bibliography (V. Aula virtual)
AA. VV., Historia del Arte Gallego. Madrid, 1982.
Enciclopedia temática de Galicia. Arte. Barcelona : Ediciones Nauta, 1996.
Galicia no tempo (Catálogo de exposición), Madrid, 1990
Galicia Terra Única (catálogo de exposición), A Galicia renace, Vigo, 1997.
García Iglesias, J.M., O Barroco (I). A época. Os patrocinadores. Arquitectos do século XVII. "Galicia. Arte". Vol. XIII, A Coruña, 1993
Garcia Iglesias, J.M., O Barroco (II). Arquitectos do século XVIII. Outras actividades artísticas. "Galicia. Arte". Vol. XIV, A Coruña, 1993
García Iglesias, J.M. (dir.), Santiago de Compostela. Laracha (A Coruña), 1993
García Iglesias, J. M. Santiagos de Santiago. Santiago de Compostela, 2010
García Iglesias, J. M. Secretos de Catedral. La basílica de Santiago de Compostela a través de sus tiempos y sus espacios. Santiago, 2013
Pulido Novoa, A (dir), Artistas Galegos. Pintores. Ata o Romanticismo, A Coruña, 1999.
Pulido Novoa, A (dir), Artistas Galegos. Escultores. Séculos XVI e XVII, a Coruña, 2004
Pulido Novoa, A (dir), Artistas Galegos. Escultores. Séculos XVIII e XIX, A Coruña, 2004
Pulido Novoa, A (dir), Artistas Galegos. Arquitectos. O Renacemento, A Coruña, 2006.
Vila Jato, M. D., García Iglesias, J.M.: Galicia na época do Renacemento. "Galicia Arte". Vol.XII, Santiago de Compostela, 1993
AA. VV., Historia del Arte Gallego. Madrid, 1982
Galicia no tempo (Catálogo de exposición), Madrid, 1990.
Castro Fernández, X.A. et alt.; Arte contemporánea (I), Vol. XVI, A Coruña, 1993.
Galicia Terra Única (catálogo de exposición), O século XIX, Pontevedra, 1997.
Galicia Terra Única (catálogo de exposición), A Galicia exterior, Vigo, 1997.
Galicia Terra Única (catálogo de exposición), Galicia 1900-1990, Ferrol, 1997.
Galicia Terra Única (catálogo de exposición), Galicia Hoxe, A Coruña, 1997.
García Iglesias, J.M. (dir.), Santiago de Compostela. Laracha (A Coruña), 1993.
García Iglesias, J.M. (dir.), La Catedral de Santiago de Compostela. Laracha (A Coruña), 1993.
García Iglesias, J.M., Galicia hacia a modernidade, Fundación Caixa Galicia, A Coruña, 1998.
García Iglesias, J. M. Santiagos de Santiago. Santiago de Compostela, 2010
García Iglesias, J. M. Secretos de Catedral. La basílica de Santiago de Compostela a través de sus tiempos y sus espacios. Santiago, 2013
López Vázquez, J.M.; Seara Morales, I.; Arte contemporánea, "Galicia Arte", Vol. XVII, A Coruña, 1993.
Pulido Novoa, A (dir), Artistas galegos. Arquitectos.
Da ilustración ó eclecticismo
Arquitectura modernista e rexionalista
Do racionalismo o modernismo
Cara ao novo milenio
Da modernidade ao século XXI
A Coruña 2002 e ss.1.- Date and classify the works of art
2.- Contextualise the different manifestacións artistic along the discurrir historical of this period
3.- Analyse and sintetizar the knowledges purchased
4.- Use the tools historiográficas more suitable
5.- Purchase skills in the handle of the nuovas technologies
6.- Involve in the defence and conservation of the cultural heritageExpositive sessions: In the sessions of docencia expositiva, the profesorado will explain the theoretical concepts-practical of the contents, supporting in presentations multimedia. As regards the material for the follow-up of the subject, to main of the bibliography recommended, the alumnado dispondrá of the material docente complementary.
Interactive sessions: the sessions of docencia interactive will carry out in the classroom and in sessions out of the classroom fixed with antelación. In this session also will work on the analysis of concrete cases for what the students dispondrán of the necessary material.
Personal Tutorship: The tutorships are used to the follow-up of the learning of the students. In the sessions of tutorships will realize a follow-up of the work of the students so much in the practical cases and in the resolution of problems derived of the work end of course.
1ª And 2ª weeks: 4 weekly hours.
3ª To 8ª weeks: 2 weekly hours.
10ª To 14ª weeks: 2 weekly hours.
3ª To 8ª weeks: 1 weekly hour.
10ª To 14ª weeks: 1 weekly hour.
15ª week: 5 weekly hours corresponding with the practice of field.
4ª And 5ª weeks: 2 hour.
9ª week: 1 hour.The learning assessment should understand both the process and the result obtained. The
student performance in the subject matter depends, among others, on the combination of two
factors: the effort made and the student's ability. The review undervalued the
result but does not allow accurate support for the learning process. This
process, through ECTS credits, adjusts the ongoing assessment that must be
contribute decisively to encouraging students to follow the process and get involved
more in their own training.
The evaluation will be carried out through two joint and complementary actions:
continuous evaluation, final theoretical-practical testing and voluntary group work.
The first will be developed with the periodic assessment of the interactive ones, with exhibitions
active participation in both theoretical classrooms and seminars, reaching a weight
in the final valuation even 30%.
This percentage shall be applied as follows:
1.- Classroom participation and performing work for the classroom, readings, ect.: 30 %
The final test, which will be theoretical and practical, will have a weight of 70% of the final valuation. In this
proof should be achieved a rating above 2 out of 6. Such evidence will consist of an examination
type test to be developed through the virtual classroom in the computer classrooms of the faculty with the following
Features: 60 questions, sequential navigation, 1 attempt, 90 minutes duration.
The assessment of group work will be equal to 20% of the final grade obtained by the student.
In the event that any student could not meet at firts opportunity with the
requirements for continuous evaluation, subject to justification for the reasons
prevent, you will be fixed the singularized procedure through which you can cover that part of the
final qualification through the materials, works and readings arbitrated pole professor.
Such materials must be delivered in good time
evaluation in the virtual classroom, five days before the date set for the examination.
This same procedure will apply to those students who could not comply in the call
July with the requirements for continuous evaluation, always prior to
justification for the reasons that prevent it. In this case such materials will be delivered to the
the day and time when the examination of that call for the subject was set.
Students who are granted the class attendance waiver (following Xeral Secretariat Instruction No. 1/2017 on the waiver of class attendance in certain circumstances) will be evaluated with a specific final test that will account for 100% of the qualification.
Fraudulent conduct of exercises or tests:
For cases of fraudulent conduct of exercises or tests, the requirements of the Evaluation Regulations of the
Academic performance of students and ratings review.ratings review.TIME PRESENCIAL OF THE STUDENT: 51 hours.
Expositive Session: 32 hours.
Interactive Session: 16 hours.
Personal Tutorship: 3 hours.
Individual autonomous study or in group: 60 hours.
Readings recommended, activities of library and similar: 28 hours.
Preparation of oral presentations, debates and similar: 8 hours.
Other tasks proposed by the professors: 7 hours.The assistance to the expositive and interactive sessions is basic for the follow-up and superación of the subject.
The student will have to realize all the activities recommended by the teacher (analysis of cases, review of bibliography and practical exercises) to surpass successfully the subject.
The material will put to disposal of the student through the Virtual Campus of the USC.Other complementary activities for a more complete development of the subject: practices of field, visits to museums and exhibitions, assistance to conferences, cycles of cinema, ect.
This subject is included in a degree in the process of extinction, so it will be valid in its face-to-face modality during the academic years: 2024-2025, 2025-2026 and 2026-2027. In the 2027-2028 and 2028-2029 academic years, students will have to take the subject remotely.
Juan Manuel Monterroso Montero
Coordinador/a- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- Phone
- 881812716
- juanmanuel.monterroso@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Luis Del Campanar Santos Muñoz
- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- luisdelcampanar.santos@usc.es
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 13 Tuesday 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 13 Exams 01.10.2025 18:30-21:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10 06.20.2025 18:00-20:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12