ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
Students will understand and know how to:
- Offer a plural and integrated vision of medieval European art and culture in its various manifestations.
- Establish reciprocal relationships between the main axes that make up the subject: historical, artistic and literary (cultural in general).
- Acquire a general knowledge of the most relevant lines of research and critical proposals in the field of medieval studies on art and culture.
- Assimilate the basic methodological and critical foundations that will allow them to enter into research activity with a versatile and interdisciplinary training.
- To be able to handle the new information and communication technologies applied to the field of medieval studies, as well as to indicate their usefulness in the practice of the study and dissemination of cultural heritage.
- Assimilate the fundamental skills to take advantage of and apply the knowledge acquired to the correct interpretation and dissemination of the medieval cultural legacy.
- Contribute to the cultural development of Galicia through the correct valuation, interpretation and contextualisation of its medieval legacy.
- Explain the medieval past through the study of its archaeological, documentary and, above all, artistic remains: the aim is to be able to do so later in different environments such as teaching, working in public centres for the dissemination of knowledge such as museums, archives or public and private archaeological and tourist heritage companies.-The creation of a new Christian imaginary and the debt to the Greco-Roman tradition.
-The sumptuary and ornamental aesthetics of the so-called "invading peoples" and their assimilation of Greco-Latin culture. The singularities of Spain: from the art of the Visigoth monarchy to the year 1000.
-Insular monasticism and its artistic consequences.
-The Carolingian Renovatio.
- The Imperial Art of the Ottonians and their relations with the Byzantine East.
-Romanesque, Romance, Romanesque. Benedictine monastic power. The plural birth of Romanesque art. The Gregorian Reformation and its repercussions on the first monumental programmes. Pilgrimages and their artistic consequences. Symbolic and narrative languages. Different territorial traditions in the European Romanesque. 12th century "Renaissance" and full Romanesque. The survival of Romanesque forms.
-Sugerius, St. Bernard, the birth of Gothic and Cistercian art.
-The Europe of the cathedrals and the French paradigm. The Mendicant orders and their artistic consequences. Mediterranean Gothic: between classical tradition and northern forms. The peculiarities of English Gothic. Castilian Gothic. The art of the European courts in the 14th and 15th centuries.BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY:
Reference works are preceded by an asterisk (*), which, if necessary, can be taken as a handbook.
*- BARRAL I ALTET, X.: La Alta Edad Media. De la Antigüedad al Año 1000, Colonia, 1998 (en línea)
- GUREVICH. A.I.: Las categorías de la cultura medieval, Madrid, 1990.
*- Historia del Arte Medieval (dir. J.V. García Mansilla; C. Mancho i Suárez; I. Ruiz de la Peña González), Valencia, 2012.
*- La Edad Media (vol. 2 de Historia del Arte. Coord.: J. Ramírez), Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1996.
- SEBASTIÁN, S.: Mensaje simbólico del Arte Medieval. Arquitectura, Iconografía, Liturgia, Madrid, 1994 (en línea)
*- YARZA LUACES, J.: La Edad Media, Madrid, 1980.
*- Historia del Arte de la Alta y Plena Edad Media (Monteira Arias, I.; Vidal Álvarez, S.; Alegre Carvajal, E.; Vallejo Triano, A.), Madrid, Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces-UNED, 2014 (en línea)
*- PEÑA GÓMEZ, Mª del Pilar de la: Manual básico de Historia del Arte (en línea: https://www3.unex.es/publicaciones/files/1562-Manual%20b%C3%A1sico%20de…).
- BANGO TORVISO, I.G.: Arte prerrománico hispano: el arte en la España cristiana de los siglos VI al XI (vol. VIII-II de Summa Artis), Madrid, 2001.
- BECKWITH, J.: Arte paleocristiano y bizantino, Madrid, 1997.
- BIFFI, I.: Atlas histórico de la Cultura Medieval, Madrid, 2007.
- CAMILLE, M.: Arte gótico: visiones gloriosas, Tres Cantos (Madrid), 2005.
- DAVY, M.M.: Iniciación a la simbología románica, Madrid, 1996.
- DURLIAT, M.: El arte románico, Madrid, 1992.
- GRABAR, A.: Las vías de creación de la iconografía cristiana, Madrid, 1985.
- KRAUTHEIMER, R.: Arquitectura paleocristiana y bizantina, Madrid, 1984.
- MILONE, A.: Medievo: 1000-1400: El arte europeo entre el Románico y el Gótico, Barcelona, 2007.
- NÚÑEZ RODRÍGUEZ, M.: Arquitectura prerrománica (Arte galega), Madrid, 1978.
- Santiago, la catedral y la memoria del arte (coord..: M. Núñez Rodríguez), Santiago de Compostela, 2000.
- SCHLOSSER, J.: La literatura artística. Ed. Cátedra. Madrid, 1993.
- SUREDA, J.: El despertar de Europa (El arte del románico y del gótico), Barcelona, 2006.
- YARZA LUACES, J.: Arte y arquitectura en España, 500-1250, Madrid, 1990.
- YARZA LUACES, J.: Fuentes de la Historia del Arte. Ed. Historia 16. Madrid, 1997.
- YZQUIERDO PERRÍN, R. / YZQUIERDO PERRÍN, R. y MANSO PORTO, C.: Galicia. Arte. Arte Medieval (I) y (II), A Coruña, 1995.Students will be able to:
- Know and analyse the diachronic structure of medieval art history.
- Use, order and interpret artistic sources.
- Know and be able to use information gathering tools, such as bibliographic catalogues, archive inventories and electronic references.
- Know, analyse and transmit the history of general medieval art and the history of medieval art specific to the territory.
- Know and interpret the history of medieval art as a discipline under construction.
- Know and analyse the themes and problems of medieval art that are the subject of historiographical debate.
- Explain the characteristics, functions and basic lines of art in its different manifestations throughout history, as well as the causes of these characteristics, placing the work of art in the appropriate contexts in which it was created and connecting it with other forms of cultural expression.
- Understand the different formal and visual languages, know the different artistic techniques used throughout the history of art and assimilate the fundamentals and basic knowledge of the History of Universal Art.
- Work independently with responsibility and initiative.
- Work collaboratively in a team and share responsibility.
- Communicate information and ideas clearly and effectively in public.As this is a degree in the process of being phased out, this subject no longer includes face-to-face teaching. Bearing in mind that students enrolling in this course must have already been enrolled in a previous year, it is understood that at that time they were able to attend the expository and interactive face-to-face classes.
In any case, it also has a bibliographic recommendation that can guide and help students in reading and learning the most important methodological, thematic and practical aspects.
The teachers of this subject will be available, for any doubt or clarification that students may need, through their e-mail addresses: marta.cendon@usc.es; mdolores.barral@usc.es; david.chao@usc.es, with the possibility of arranging face-to-face or even online tutorials, depending on the part of the subject explained by each one, in this academic year 2023-24.-As this is a subject in extinction, the only evaluation system is the completion of an exam on the dates and times indicated for this purpose by the Faculty of Geography and History, which will account for 100% of the grade for the subject.
-Exceptionally, during the exams corresponding to the academic year 24-25, those students who have passed the interactivity in the academic year 23-24 will keep the grade of the same. Thus, the exam exercise will be evaluated with the maximum grade of 6, to which, if it is passed (minimum 3 points), the score corresponding to the interactivity will be added.
-FRAUDULENT PERFORMANCE: For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the ‘Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificacións’ will be applied.This course includes student work equivalent to 150 hours (6 credits).
- Study of the contents of the programme.
-Use of tutorials for the resolution of problems and doubts related to the contents of the subject.
-Knowledge and ability to read other foreign languages, especially English, Italian and French, is recommended.
Marta Cendon Fernandez
- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- Phone
- 881812572
- marta.cendon@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Exams 05.22.2025 09:00-11:30 Grupo de examen Classroom 07 07.02.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 07