ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.2
Hours of tutorials: 2.25
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 112.45Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Evolutionary Educational PsychologyAreas:
Evolutionary Educational PsychologyCenter
Faculty of PsychologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
This subject is intended to allow students to acquire a theoretical knowledge of its contents, develop the ability to learn and apply acquired knowledge, and to adopt certain value dispositions. Specifically, we aim to have students:
- Acquire the central concepts of the prevailing theoretical elaborations on psychoeducational guidance and intervention with a view to developing their own views and comparing them to such elaborations.
- Become acquainted with the use of psychological assessment and treatment techniques in the psychoeducational domain.
- Become acquainted with some psychoeducational guidance and intervention programms of wide acceptance and theoretical and empirical endorsement.
- Be able to adopt decision patterns and criteria in relation to psychoeducational guidance and intervention strategies.
- Be able to suit psychoeducational guidance and intervention strategies to the actual demands of the target recipients and their environment.
- Become aware of the psychologist’s role in optimizing psychological development and promoting learning.
- Acquire sensitivity to individual differences in psychological development and learning processes.The subject contents are organized in five units. The first unit introduces students to the most relevant theoretical guidance and intervention models for psychoeducational practice and reviews recent formulations. The others deal with different facets and application fields of educational psychology.
The subject contents are distributed on the following units:
1. Theoretical and institutional bases.
2. Promoting psychological development.
3. Supporting the teaching–learning process.
4. Vocational guidance.
5. Attention to diversity.Basic bibliography
Álvarez, M., & Bisquerra, R. (2012). Manual de orientación y tutoría. Modelos, áreas, estrategias y recursos. Praxis.
Arencibia, J.S. (2002). Modelos de orientación e intervención psicopedagógica. Univ. de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
González-Bertolín, A., & col. (2011). El aprendizaje por competencias en educación obligatoria. Brief.
González-Pienda, J.A., González-Cabanach, R., Núñez, J.C., &Valle, A. (Coords.) (2002). Manual de psicología de la educación. Pirámide.
Grañeras, M., & Parras, A. (2008). Orientación educativa: fundamentos teóricos, modelos institucionales y nuevas perspectivas. CIDE.
Lledó, A.I. (Coord.) (2007). La orientación educativa desde la práctica. Ecoem.
Rodríguez, S., Valle, A., & Núñez, J.C. (2014). Enseñar a aprender. Estrategias, actividades y recursos instruccionales. Pirámide.
Sanchiz, M.L. (2009). Modelos de orientación e intervención psicopedagógica. Universistat Jaume I.
Viguer, P. (2004). Optimización evolutiva. Fundamentos del desarrollo óptimo. Pirámide.
Complementary bibliography
Álvarez, L., González-Pienda, J.A., González-Castro, P., & Núñez, J.C. (2007). Prácticas de Psicología de la Educación. Evaluación e Intervención Psicoeducativa. Pirámide.
Ayala, C., & Galve, J.L. (2001). Evaluación e informes psicopedagógicos. CEPE.
Fernández-Gálvez, J.D. (2005). La orientación educativa: claves del éxito profesional. Buscando la magia del mago sin magia. Grupo Editorial Universitario.
González-Pienda, J.A., Núñez-Pérez, J.C., Álvarez-Pérez, L., & Soler-Vázquez, E. (Coords.) (2002). Estrategias de aprendizaje: concepto, evaluación e intervención. Pirámide.
López, F. (2008). Necesidades en la infancia y la adolescencia. Pirámide.
Martín, E., & Mauri, T. (2011). Orientación educativa. Atención a la diversidad y educación inclusiva. Graó.
Martín, E., & Onrubia , J. (2011). Orientación educativa. Procesos de innovación y mejora de la enseñanza. Graó.
Martín, E., & Solé, I. (2011). Orientación educativa. Modelos y estrategias de intervención. Graó.
Monereo, C. (Coord.) (2000). Estrategias de aprendizaje. Visor.
Monereo, C., & Solé, I. (Coords.). El asesoramiento psicopedagógico: una perspectiva profesional y constructivista. Alianza.
Olivares, J. Macià, D., Olivares P.J. , & Rosa, A.I. (2012). El ejercicio de la psicología aplicada. La profesión de psicólogo. Pirámide.
Pozo, J.I. (2008). Aprendices y maestros. Alianza.
Suárez-Riveiro, J.M,. & Fernández-Suárez, A.P. (2016). El aprendizaje autorregulado: variables estratégicas, motivacionales, evaluación e intervención. UNED.
Vaello, J. (2011). Cómo dar clase a los que no quieren. Graó.Specific Competences
CE1. To know the contributions and limitations of available theoretical models for Psychology.
CE7. To know the main methods for psychological assessment, diagnosis and treatment in different application contexts of Psychology – clinical and health, social, educational contexts-.
CE8. To be able to identify the target recipients’ needs and to set appropriate goals for different application contexts of Psychology.
CE9. To be able to identify the most relevant traits of individuals, groups, organizations and contexts by using appropriate psychological techniques and instruments.
CE10. To promote health and life quality through professional methods in groups, communities and organizations in different contexts: educational, clinical and health, work and organizational, group and community contexts.
CE11. To be able to select and apply adequate and specific psychological intervention techniques and instruments.
CE12. To be able to formulate objectives and to plan intervention techniques attending to receivers’ needs and demands and to assess their results.
CE13. To be able to communicate the results of psychological assessment in a manner suited to the particular receiver.
CE14. To elaborate psychological reports in different application contexts to be addressed to receivers and other professionals.
CE15. To fulfill the deontological duties of the Psychology profession.
Transversal competences
- Synthesis capacity
- Capacity for problem resolution and decision making
- Capacity for group working
- Self-criticism capacity
- Communication capacity
- Capacity to develop and update the characteristic knowledge and skills of the Psychology professionThe training proposal for the subject includes lectures, seminars, supplementary readings, self-assessment activities, practical activities in laboratory and small-group and individual tutoring. The “Student workload” section describes synthetically these methods and provides an estimate of the time required for the student to complete them.
Students will have the materials needed to study the subject at their disposal in the Virtual Campus of the USC.
As regards individual tutoring, the subject teacher will be available for consultation on theoretical and practical contents, and assignments. Tutoring schedule indicate professor availability except for coincidence with other academic activities.Students will be assessed via an exam and their reports on the seminars and two of the practical activities.
The exam will include multiple-choice and open-answer questions. The latter will be assessed in terms of pertinence and clarity of explanation. The score in the exam will be calculated as a weighted average of the parts contained, being 40% the load for the first part and 60% for the second.
Students will be provided with the materials and instructions needed to perform, as well as with assessment criteria for each task required. As a rule, tasks will include conceptually relating work to subject contents, describing the group or individual activity performed and the data or results obtained, and a personal commentary relating the activity to the knowledge acquired on subject contents.
The overall subject mark will be the weighted mean of the scores for the different activities. The exam will account for 60% of the mark, reports on seminars for 20% and reports on practical activities the remaining 20%.
Assistance will be controlled to ensure the readiness to individual or group reports. Reports delivered with delay and/or unjustified absences will affect the score of the work in question. Reports of practices from non-assistant students, will not be scored.
Students participating in a mobility program and those who obtained an exemption of class assistance, will be able to perform tasks programmed on a non-attendance and tutorized modality.Lectures
The professor will explain the theoretical bases of the subject and the students are to acquire the concepts, take notes, raise doubts, consolidating learning through complementary readings.
Number of class hours: 18
Number of personal work hours: 24
The professor will set objectives, provide advice and supervise students’ in-class work. Students will work individually and in groups to analyse, compile and compare documents and other information sources, exchange opinions with other students and deliver written reports on their activities.
Number of class hours: 5
Number of personal work hours: 15
Practical activities
The professor will set objectives, provide advice and supervise students’ work. Students will implement strategies, apply, correct and interpret assessment tests, examine cases and produce reports.
Number of class hours: 13.5
Number of personal work hours: 15
Small-group tutorials
The professor will guide and monitor students’ progress in the subject and their execution of individual and group tasks, and students will be able to raise doubts and difficulties.
Number of class hours: 1
Number of personal work hours: 1
Formative assessment activities
The professor will provide guidance and students can raise questions on academic tasks.
Number of class hours: 1
Number of personal work hours: 4
Number of personal work hours: 15
TOTAL WORKLOAD = 112,5 hours
Number of expositive hours: 24
Number of interactive hours: 13.5
Number of group tutoring hours: 1
Number of personal work hours: 70.5- Taking an active role in class.
- Timely completion of individual and group work.
- Keeping up with work on the subject.
- Compiling the information received in in-class and out-of-class activities.
- Striving to acquire an organized, clear view of the subject concepts.Face-to-face counseling schedule will be reported through the e-classroom application.
Carolina Tinajero Vacas
Coordinador/a- Department
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Area
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Phone
- 881813859
- carolina.tinajero@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 10 Wednesday 14:00-15:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 10 Exams 01.09.2025 16:30-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 01.09.2025 16:30-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 5 01.09.2025 16:30-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 6 01.09.2025 16:30-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7 06.12.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 1 06.12.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 2