ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 20ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 340
Hours of tutorials: 20
Expository Class: 60
Interactive Classroom: 80
EEES Clinics: 300
Total: 800Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Practicum for Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and MedicineAreas:
Faculty of NursingCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
* Learn the operation of the unit which carried out their practices.
* Develop Assessment, Care and Evaluation activities of the people it serves in specific states, the vital stage and special situations of risk, using appropriate procedures at all times.Transfer to practice clinicians, in the units listed below, the content reflected in the materials "ER, emergencies and major disasters P2051201 code," "critical patient handling code P2051101", "P2051203 code Preprácticum simulated cases."
The following websites critical scientific societies are available: protocols, publications, consensus documents, scientific meetings, etc.
.- SEMICYUC: Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Critical and Coronarias.eN Units: http://www.semicyuc.org/
.- CoBaTRiCE Competency-Based Training Programme in Intensive Care in Europe. eN: http://www.cobatrice.org/en/index.asp
.- Spanish Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation. In: http://www.sedar.es/
-European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. eN: http://www.esicm.org/
.- @ Electronic Journal of Intensive Care Medicine Targeted at healthcare professional.
.- Critical Care On-Line Journal Club (via JournalReview.org). In: http://www.uninet.edu/remi/. Especialinterés as recent performance reflects patterns.
.- Seeiuc. Spanish Society of Intensive and Coronary Care nursing. In: http://www.seeiuc.com/enlaces/asocia.htm
.- AACN: American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The AACN was established in 1969 to help the education of nurses working in newly established intensive care units. The American Association of Critical Care Nurses is the world's largest organization of nursing in a specialty, with more than 65,000 members representing the United States and 45 other countries. IN: AACN. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses [online]. Available online at:. [Query: March 28, 2004].
.- ACCCN. Australian College of Critical Care Nurses. The ACCCN respresented more than 2,500 professionals engaged in Australian nursing critical care. Its members work in all areas of critical care (emergency, cardiothoracic care, general intensive care units, pediatric intensive care units, coronary care units, etc..), As well as academic and educational fields. IN: ACCCN. Australian College of Critical Care Nurses [online]. Available online at:. [Query: March 28, 2004].
ANECIPN.Asociación .- National Nursing Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care
ANECIPN is a nonprofit association whose objectives are: a) promote the study of nursing in the Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, b) Acting as an advisory body on all aspects pertaining to this facet of nursing; c) Establish relationships between this association and other associations, national or foreign, as well as people interested in the health sector of pediatric and neonatal intensive care to treat the study of issues and topics of interest in relation to it; d) To organize all social activities , cultural and scientific institutions in relation to this sector of nursing, and e) To promote recognition of the specialty of pediatric and neonatal intensive care.
EN ANECIPN. Nursing National Association of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care [online]. Available online at:.
.- NIARTI.ssociazione Infermieri Nazionale di Area Critica
.- BACCN.British Association of Critical Care Nurses
.- CACCN.Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses. in: http://www.caccn.ca/
Standard protocol
Provided by the coordinator in fucntión da da Unidade das elixir to conduct practical.A professional orientation aimed at the training of professionals who are able to act in situations of emergencies and health emergencies and who are trained in the field of health management.
A research orientation that enables students in the field of research and development of care in emergencies and management, in such a way that the student is able to master the advanced contents of the program in the field of the profession and to value and produce new knowledge through their own research. In addition, it aims to train students to exercise research capacity in the field of health.
Use theoretical concepts and knowledge of nursing care as a basis for prioritization,
problem solving and decision making in the care of patients in critical situations and intensive monitoring.
Know the methodology of critical care nursing care.
Know the importance of ethical principles in the care of critical patients.
Gain the ability to recognize anxiety and stress in patients in critical and emergency situations.
Acquire the necessary knowledge to effectively assume the performance of competencies in the field of critical care and emergencies.
To know the pathophysiological processes that threaten the life of the critical patient.Organization:
· The clinical practices are organized in practices in special hospital units of devices of the SERGAS in the Galician Autonomous Community and in mobile units of the-Public Foundation Sanitary Emergencies of Galicia-061. Special units include Emergencies, Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Pediatric Unit (ICU), Coronary Unit, Abdominal Transplant Unit (UTAB), etc.
· Development:
o According to the curriculum, being a second semester subject it is developed from January-February to May-June according to the established calendar
academic approved by the Governing Council of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
o The periods of rotations / schedules can be adapted to circumstances such as compatibility with family and work life, etc.
· The internships are supervised by tutors / collaborators / associate professorsContinued according to the acquisition of skills by the student.
1. -The teacher will evaluate among the mentioned competences those that can fit in the unit where the student rotates.
2.- The qualification of each competence will do in a scale of 0-10.
3.- The general rules of supervised practices will be taken into account.
The grade will be issued by completing an assessment form.
Mandatory attendance.
Recovery from the training period is required when absences exceed 20% of the period.
Continuous evaluation.
Evaluation criteria
- Evaluation report of the associated teaching staff or teaching collaborators: It is an instrument of evaluation of competences completed by the clinical tutors, responsible for the training of the students in the different centers where the students carry out the Practices.
Each care center where the practical training is carried out will designate the figure of teaching collaborator (which in no case will be comparable to the figure of USC professor) with sufficient academic qualifications, under this supervision each student will carry out the practices, and who, together with the associate professor appointed by the USC, they will be in charge of monitoring and controlling the training of students during their internship period.
On the other hand, there will be the participation of the teaching collaborator in the student evaluation process through the completion of the evaluation form.
In the evaluation of the competences it will be taken into account that the equivalences between the scales of qualification and the degrees of dominion of the competence are:
Grade 1 = Suspension (0-4.9) - F / FX (Fail)
He makes no effort to acquire the competition and does not show that he has acquired it or does so infrequently.
Grade 2 = Approved (5-6.9) - Y (Sufficient) / D (Satisfactory)
He studies, trains and demonstrates that he sometimes applies the competition.
Grade 3 = Notable (7-8.9) - C (Good)
He has learned the competition and with his behavior shows that he applies it.
Grade 4 = Outstanding / Honors (9-10) - B (Very good) A (Excellent)
He has integrated competition into his behavioral habits.
Communication will be verified to the General Sub-Directorate of Teaching and Health Research of the possible incidents that occurred during the practical training stays.20 credits = 500 hours
Face-to-face work
Case preparation
Clinical sessions
Practice report-
For the offer of prazas and its awarding, an action procedure will begin in the month of October:
1) Offer of places on the 1st fortnight of October
2) Provisional award 2nd fortnight of December (by academic record).
3) Final award, 1st fortnight of December.
4) Publication of the planning of the practices in the 2nd half of January.
To be modified according to the specific characteristics of the units or centers where practical learning takes place.
Is required:
-Identification card; it will be collected at the Concierge of the Faculty of Nursing or at the Concierge of the Roberto Novoa Santos Teaching Building.
-Commitment of confidentiality available at the Concierge Office of the Faculty of Nursing or at the Concierge Office of the Roberto Novoa Santos Teaching Building.
-Negative certificate of sexual crimes.
Compliance with the regulations on practices and monitoring of the Accident Protocol.
consult the following link: http://www.usc.es/export9/sites/webinstitucional/gl/centros/enfermaria_…
The internship periods will be carried out in 7-hour days in the morning shift (from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) and afternoon shift (from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.). This schedule may be modified according to the specific characteristics of the units or centers where practical learning takes place.
Making a report, signed by the tutor, and proposing a qualification to the coordinator of the practices.
"In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the one set out in the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of qualifications will be applied."
In view of the criteria of gender equality in the university environment, it is recommended to use non-sexist language both in daily classroom work and in requested academic work. The information can be obtained at the following link:
Other measures will also be used to apply the gender approach in teaching, such as the recognition and consideration of the particular situations of students, the promotion of an egalitarian climate of interactions, the egalitarian organization of groups whenever possible, the deployment of scientific contributions and techniques. of women in the subject and of the students themselves, and the introduction of gender as a category of analysis of students' work.
The regulations on privacy and protection of personal data available at https://www.usc.gal/gl/normativa/protecciondatos/index.html will be followed.
The use of the mobile phone in the classroom is restricted to its use as a work tool, following the instructions given by the teacher, holding the student responsible for the legal and academic consequences that may arise from improper use of it.
The general and specific measures of the "Contingency Plan for or development of teaching not academic year 2021-2020" (Government Council April 30, 2021) will be applied as appropriate.
"In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the one set out in the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of qualifications will be applied."
María Del Carmen Agra Tuñas
Coordinador/a- Department
- Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and Medicine
- Area
- Nursing
- mariadelcarmen.agra.tunas@usc.es
- Category