ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 136
Hours of tutorials: 14
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Final Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Evolutionary Educational Psychology, Social, Basic and Methodological Psychology, Political Science and SociologyAreas:
Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments, Psychobiology, Evolutionary Educational Psychology, Behavioural Science Methodology, Basic Psychology, Social Psychology, Psicoloxía Organizacional e Xurídico-ForenseCenter
Faculty of PsychologyCall:
End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree ProjectsTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
End-of-studies Project
As stated in the Guide to the Psychology Bachelor’s Degree of the University of Santiago de Compostela and in the Rector’s Resolution of May 18, 2010, the general aim of the compulsory subject “End-of-Studies Project” is to have students prepare and orally defend an essay testifying to their acquisition of competences over the four years of study of the degree programme. Given that the Degree in Psychology belongs to the domain of Helath Sciences, the ESP will be oriented towards specific issues of health sciences and will incorporate the health care and welfare perspective.The specific contents of each ESP will be established individually for each student in accordance with the Faculty’s annual proposal, and will be concerned with a research and/or professional intervention line in Psychology.
The supporting literature to be used in developing the ESP will be related to the syllabus of each subject in the corresponding study programme. The teachers in charge of each ESP offer will provide their students with specific literature concerned with the target topic.
Competences of the program to which the subject contributes
1. To know the contributions and limitations of the diverse theoretical models for Psychology.
2. To know the basic laws of psychological processes.
3. To know the main processes and stages of psychological development throughout the life span regarding normal and abnormal development.
4. To know the biological basis of human behavior and psychological functions.
5. To know the psychosocial principles involved in the behavior of individuals and the functioning of groups and organizations.
6. To know the research methods and designs as well as the different procedures for data analysis in Psychology.
7. To know the main methods for psychological assessment, diagnosis and treatment in the different fields of Psychology: Clinical and Health, Social, and Educational Psychology.
8. To be able to identify the target recipients’ needs and to set appropriate goals for different fields of Psychology.
9. To be able to identify the most relevant traits of individuals, groups, organizations and contexts by using appropriate psychological techniques and instruments.
10.To promote health and life quality through professional psychological methods in individuals, groups, communities and organizations in the different fields of Psychology: educational, clinical and health, work and organizational, group and community contexts.
11.To be able to select and apply adequate and specific psychological intervention procedures and instruments.
12.To be able to set goals and to plan intervention procedures according to recipients’ needs and demands and to be able to assess intervention results.
13.To be able to communicate the results of psychological assessment to recipients in a proper and accurate way.
14. To elaborate psychological reports addressed to professionals and other recipients in the different professional fields.
15.To conform with the deontological duties of Psychology.
The specific competences of the Degree in Psychology are specified for the ESP in the following competences of the matter:
1. To be able to define the objectives of the project and identify the problem to be solved or the knowledge to be acquired.
2. To be able to design tasks and the steps to be followed in pursuance of the objectives, as well as to conduct them in accordance with the established plan.
3. To be able to find and select information of use for the target case, problem or object in advanced textbooks and supplement it with contributions from specialized scientific documents.
4. To be able to use acquired knowledge relevant to the project aim and supplement it with specific information gathered to facilitate development of the project.
5. To be able to organize available information and present it in a clear, systematic, accurate manner in order to facilitate understanding by others.
6. To be able to identify the limitations and/or shortcomings of the student’s work and propose suggestions for future improvement.The End-of-Studies Project is an original project, report or study to be self-developed by each student under the supervision of one or, exceptionally, more directors. The Project encompasses not only the specific competences assigned to this subject but also all others acquired during the student’s academic learning period.
Students can select among the three choices of ESP mode offered by the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Santiago de Compostela, namely:
(1) THEORETICAL REVIEW: Students choosing this ESP mode are to write a systematic review summarizing the results of previously reported scientific studies dealing with some topic in the Psychology programme. Students can also use their ESP to identify gaps in available knowledge on a given topic, assess whether empirical evidence contradicts or supports existing theoretical hypotheses or even help develop new hypotheses.
(2) EMPIRICAL RESEARCH PROJECT AND/OR PILOT STUDY: The research project should be written in accordance with the writing and style norms used in scientific papers. The norms are contained in various resources to be supplied to the students in due course. The ability to write papers should also be acquired through the continuous reading of this type of literature and also through writing of similar documents in the different subjects.
(3) INTERVENTION PROJECT: The project, which will focus on various individuals, groups, organizations or situations, should be written in accordance with the accepted norms for this type of document. Students will be provided with guidelines for writing case studies but are advised to read intervention papers on a continuous basis in order to help them write their projects.
Whichever the chosen mode, the ESP report (the body of the text) should be between 4000 and 8000. Tables, Figures and their titles and are not computed in this recount. ESP with more than the 5% of maximum limit are not allowed to be defended.As stated in the USC regulations (Article 9.1.), the ESP score will be assigned according to the criteria established in this program and in the Academic Guide. The evaluation system of the TFG of the Faculty of Psychology It admits two modalities: evaluation by examination board (allows obtaining a grade between 0 and 10) and evaluation by tutor (allows obtaining a grade between 0 and 7.5). In both cases, the evaluation includes a process of public exhibition and defense of the work, with an oral presentation (10 min maximum), and replying to any questions or comments by tutor/board members (15 min máximum).
In both modalities, the qualification of the works will be carried out according to the criteria established in the Teaching Guide / End of Degree Work Program in Psychology. The aspects to be evaluated are the following:
1) Work Development: the autonomy of the student will be taken into account, the deadlines set with the tutor, their ability to organize and plan the tasks, their capacity to handle the information. 25% of the final grade.
2) Final Report: the justification of the study, the use of appropriate and updated sources, the methodology and the formal aspects of the work will be evaluated ... 50% of the final grade.
3) Public defense of the work: the clarity of the exhibition, the time management, the adequacy of the answers to the questions of the evaluator (s) will be evaluated ... 25% of the final grade.
Evaluation by examination board
The final grade will be awarded based on the established evaluation rubric, which considers the evaluation of the tutor and the final evaluation of the court after the defense of work.
Thus, the final grade will be obtained by the following equation:
Final qualification = [(Work Development Report + Final Report Report) * 0.50 + (Final Report Report + Public Work Defense Report) * 0.50] / 2
The tutor must prepare a report including the evaluation of the Development of the Work and the final Report, according to the model that the Commission of the Degree proposes for these effects.
The students will make a public presentation of the work in front of the examination board, through an oral presentation and the answer to the questions and comments that the members of the examination board consider pertinent.
The student is solely responsible for the originality of the authorship of their work. The detection, by the tutor or by the examination board, of the existence of plagiarism, will be sufficient cause for not overcoming the subject in the call, regardless of the disciplinary process that can be followed against the offending student.
The examination board will be composed of three professors of the USC who teach in the Degree in Psychology, excluding the tutor or tutors of the work. The examination board may invite the tutor to the work and to the co-tutor, as well as to specialized professors in the matter being evaluated, as advisers, with voice but without vote. The members of the examination board will make a report of the final report and a report of the Defense of the Work, according to the model that the Commission of the Degree proposes for these effects.
The examination board will deliberate on the qualification that corresponds to the / the student according to the established criteria, that is, adjusting to the previous equation and granting the qualification according to the following numerical scale (from 0 to 10) with expression of a decimal, to which the corresponding qualitative qualification will be added:
• 0-4,9: Suspense (D)
• 5.0-6.9: Approved (C)
• 7.0-8.9: Remarkable (B)
• 9,0-10: Outstanding (A)
The Committee of the Degree, once the last opportunity of defense within the academic year has been exhausted, will grant the Mentions of Honor among those students whose grade is equal to or greater than 9, after being ordered based on the numerical grade obtained. In case of a tie, the average grade of the academic record will be taken into account.
If this is the case, the examination board of the second defense opportunity will be the same as that of the first.
Evaluation by Tutor
The final qualification will be given according to the established evaluation rubric, which considers the evaluation of the Tutor (reports on the development of the work, final report and public defense of the work).
Thus, the final qualification will be obtained by the following equation:
Final qualification = (Work Development Report * 0.25 + Final Memory Report * 0.5 + Public Defense report * 0.25)
The tutor must draw up a report on the development of the work, according to the model that the title commission of the degree propose for these effects.
Students will ordinarily make a public presentation in poster format of the work in front of the tutor, through an oral statement and the answer to the questions and comments that the tutor considers pertinent.
The student is solely responsible for the originality of the authorship of his/her work. The detection, by the tutor, of the existence of plagiarism, will be sufficient cause for the non-overcoming of the matter in the call, regardless of the disciplinary process that can be followed against the offending student.
The tutor will be able to invite the deliberations to specialized professors in the subject that is being evaluated, in the capacity of advisers, with voice but without vote. The tutor will make a report of the final memory and a report of the defense of the work, according to the models that the commission of the title of degree proposes for these effects, in which the competences associated to the GFR are evaluated.
The tutor will grant the qualification that corresponds to the student according to the established criteria and granting the qualification according to the following numerical scale (from 0 to 7.5) with expression of a decimal, to which will be added its corresponding Qualitative Qualification:
• 0-4.9: Suspense (D)
• 5.0-6.9: Approved (C)
• 7.0-7.5: Remarkable (B)
Students will have two opportunities each academic year to present and defend their ESP in one of the three periods established by the Faculty Council for this purpose.In order to gain the 6 ETCS credits allocated to the End-of-Studies Project, students are estimated to require a total of 150 hours of work (subject activity tutorials: 12h; student personal work: 137h; TFG defense: 1h) between the following tasks:
• Attending interviews with the project director.
• Attending the Compulsory library course for students enrolled for the first time in the ESP (Students who are in a position to meet the requirements in the second semester of the course to enroll in the TFG must also attend the mandatory library course).
• Conducting the different tasks of the ESP according to the chosen modality.
• Planning, preparing and writing the ESP report.
• Presenting and defending the report before the examination board.In order to be able to request TFG assignment, students have previously enrolled in the ESP. This in turn requires having no more than 75 ETCS credits left to complete their studies (ESP excluded) and having obtained at least 150 overall credits from compulsory subjects —all of the first two years included. The request and corresponding subject and tutor assignment will be made as indicated in the Teaching Guide for the End-of-Degree Project in Psychology, published in the intranet of the Faculty of Psychology.
In order to be able to present and defend their ESP before the examination board, students must previously obtain all other credits of the course programme.
Information on all aspects related to the regulations, assignment, realization, presentation and assessment of the TFG can be consulted on the Psychology Faculty's website.
IMPORTANT: Students who are in a position to meet the requirements in the second semester of the course to enroll in the TFG must also attend the mandatory library course.