ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.2
Hours of tutorials: 2.25
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 112.45Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Social, Basic and Methodological PsychologyAreas:
Basic PsychologyCenter
Faculty of PsychologyCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
1. Offer a global vision of the main current theoretical perspectives in Psychology of Thought
2. Provide basic theoretical knowledge on reasoning, problem solving and creative thinking.
3. Address the relationships between thought and other cognitive processes, especially language.
4. Establish the relationships between the theoretical knowledge of the subject with the empirical research on which they are based
5. Promote the ability to read, analyze and understand experimental research in the context of the Psychology of ThoughtTHEORETICAL PROGRAM
Theme 1
Psychology of Thought: Conceptual delimitation
The Psychology of Thought in the field of Cognitive Psychology. Levels of analysis in cognitive science. Taxonomy of Thought. Approaches and dimensions in the study of thought. Methodological issues in the study of thought.
Theme 2
Thought and Language
Main approaches to the relationships between thought and language. Language as a function of thought. Thought as a function of language. Vygotsky's approach.
Theme 3
Psychology of Reasoning
Reasoning within the framework of the Psychology of Thought. Research areas in the study of reasoning: Deductive Reasoning and Inductive Inference. Logic and Psychology in the study of reasoning. Controversy around human rationality.
Theme 4
Propositional Reasoning
Logical connectives. The negation. The disjunction: Characteristics. Theoretical approaches and empirical research on disjunction. The THOG problem. The conditional: Characteristics. Theoretical approaches and empirical research on the conditional. The task of the four cards.
Theme 5
Pragmatic Reasoning
Formal reasoning and pragmatic reasoning. The issue of bias in pragmatic reasoning. Pragmatic approaches to the study of reasoning. Critical approaches around the use of pragmatic schemes. Rationality and pragmatic reasoning.
Theme 6
Syllogistic Reasoning
Structural features of the syllogism. Experimental paradigms. Sources of error in syllogistic reasoning: Conversion, atmosphere effect and figure effect. Content effect and belief bias. Syllogistic reasoning models
Theme 7
Relational Reasoning
Three-term series problems: Structural characteristics. Propositional linguistic model. Image Models. Mixed theory on series reasoning.
Theme 8
Inductive reasoning
Characteristics of inductive reasoning. Biases and heuristics in inductive inference. Probabilistic reasoning. Decision making. Decision making in everyday life situations.
Theme 9
Scientific and Creative Thinking
Scientific thought: Elaboration and verification of hypotheses. The problem 2-4-6. Characteristics of the creative process. Approaches in the study of creative thinking.
Theme 10
Problem Solving
Definition and types of problems. Phases in solving a problem. Problem solving and information processing theory. Think aloud protocols. Analogies. Problem solving by experts and novices.
The practices of the subject will deal with:
Culture and Thought. Metainference tasks. Effect of content and context. Conditional reasoning. Pragmatic Reasoning. Problem Solving. Verbal protocols.Ayuso,MC(Comp)(1997).Razonamiento y Racionalidad¿Somos lógicos?Paidós
Bartlett,F(1988).Pensamiento:Un estudio experimental y social.Debate
Burton,A & Radford,J(1984).Perspectivas sobre el pensamiento.Alhambra
Bolton,N.(1978).Razonamiento y resolución de problemas.Introducción a la Psicología del Pensamiento.Herder
Bourne,LE,Ekstrand,BR & Dominowski,RE(1974).Psicología del Pensamiento.Trillas
Carretero,M,Almaraz, J & Fdez Berrocal,P(1995).Razonamiento y comprensión.Trotta
Carretero, M & Asensio, M(Coords)(2008/2011).Psicología del Pensamiento.Teoría y Prácticas(2ªed).Alianza
Carretero, M & Asensio, M(Coords)(2014).Psicología del Pensamiento.Teoría y Prácticas(2ªed).Alianza.EBook accessible vía PreLo
Carretero, M & García-Madruga,JA(Comps)(1984).Lecturas de Psicología del Pensamiento.Alianza
DelVal,J.(Comp)(1977).Investigaciones sobre Lógica y Psicología.Alianza
Espino,O.(2004).Pensamiento y Razonamiento.Pirámide
Fernández Berrocal,P, Almaraz,J. & Giménez de la Peña,A(1995).Prácticas de Psicología Cognitiva.Pensar.McGraw-Hill
Fernández Berrocal,P & Santamaría,C(Coords)(2001).Manual Práctico de Psicología del Pensamiento.Ariel Practicum
Fodor,JA(1984). El lenguaje del pensamiento.Alianza
Gabucio,F & cols(2005).Psicología del Pensamiento.UOC
García-Albea,JE(1993).Mente y conducta.Ensayos de Psicología Cognitiva.Trotta
García-Madruga,JA(1982).Modelos de razonamiento silogístico.(Tesis Doct.).Universidad Complutense,Madrid
Gardner,H(1987).La nueva ciencia de la mente.Una historia de la revolución cognitiva.Paidós
Garnham,A, & Oakhill,J (1996).Manual de Psicología del Pensamiento.Paidós
González Labra,MJ(1998).Introducción a la Psicología del Pensamiento.Trotta
González Labra,MJ(2019).Psicología del Pensamiento.Sanz y Torres. EBook accesible vía PreLo
Humphrey,G(1973).Psicología del Pensamiento.Teorías e investigaciones.Trillas
Johnson-Laird,PN(1990).El ordenador y la mente:Una introducción a la ciencia cognitiva.Paidós
Martín,M & Valiña,MD(1993).Procesos de inferencia condicional.Una aproximación al razonamiento cotidiano.Tórculo
Mayer,RE(1986).Pensamiento,resolución de problemas y cognición.Paidós (Orig en 1983)
Mayor,J(1985).Psicología del Pensamiento y del Lenguaje.V. 2.UNED
Mayor,J & Pinillos,JL(1991).Pensamiento e Inteligencia.Alhambra
Pérez Echeverría,P(1990).Psicología del Razonamiento Probabilístico.UAM
Piaget,J(1980).Lógica y Psicología.Alianza
Riviére,A(1986).Razonamiento y Representación.Siglo XXI
Sanford,JA(1990).La mente del hombre.Alianza(Orig en 1987)
Saiz,C(Coord)(2002).Pensamiento crítico.Conceptos básicos y actividades prácticas.Pirámide
Santamaría,C(1995).Introducción al razonamiento humano.Alianza
Sternberg, RJ & Funke, J(Eds)(2020).The Psychology of Human Thought: An introduction. Heidelberg University Publishing
Valiña,MD(1995).Razonamiento Silogístico:Una aproximación teórica (2ªed).Tórculo
Valiña,MD(2008).Razoamento pragmático.Unidade didáctica 6.1.CC Soc e Xurídicas, nº 55.USC. Vicerreitoría de Cultura. Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico
Valiña,MD & Martín,M(2015).Psicología Cognitiva.Perspectiva histórica.Métodos y metapostulados(2ªed).Pirámide. EBook en 2020
Vega,M(1984).Introducción a la Psicología Cognitiva.Alianza
Wason,PC & Johnson-Laird,PN(1980)Psicología del Razonamiento.Debate
In addition to the E-books recommended in the bibliography, book chapters, articles and other online bibliographic material will be used, as well as the resources accessible in the USC:Minerva institutional repository.Degree-specific competencies:
- Know and understand the functions, characteristics, contributions and limitations of the different theoretical models of Psychology
- Know and understand the basic laws of the different psychological processes
- Know how to prepare psychological reports in different areas of action, aimed at recipients and other professionals
Subject-specific competencies:
- Know and understand the basic laws and principles of the functioning of thought processes
- Develop the ability to understand and analyze the main theoretical perspectives and current debates in the study of thought.
- Be able to think creatively and develop critical reasoning skills
- Improve reasoning, problem solving and decision making skills
- Develop the ability to relate theoretical knowledge to empirical research
- Develop the capacity for analysis, synthesis and critical reflection
- Know how to use relevant documentary sources in Psychology of Thought
- Be able to select, understand and structure the relevant information from said sources, express it and communicate it adequately, through research reportsThe development of the contents of the subject will be carried out through lectures and interactive classes. The theoretical contents of the subject will be developed through oral presentations by the teacher, in face-to-face expository classes.
Interactive classes include laboratory practices. The practices will be carried out in laboratory groups, and attendance at them is mandatory. If possible, the practice groups will be split.
Students will have six weekly hours of tutorials, in office no. 40 (Module A of the Faculty), to resolve any issue related to the subject. In addition, there will be two small group tutorial sessions, which will take place in the spaces provided by the Faculty of Psychology in "Module A".There are two types of evaluation of the subject: a) traditional evaluation and b) continuous evaluation. The traditional evaluation will consist of a final exam, which will be carried out in person. In the case of continuous assessment, two controls will be carried out for the theoretical contents. Students who pass both tests will not have to take the final exam. In the event that a student does not show up or does not pass any of the controls, they will have the option to recover them on the date of the final exam. All tests will be multiple choice. Each test will have four response alternatives, of which only one is correct. It is advisable to answer all the questions, since errors or omissions are not penalized. In a test with 20 questions, it is necessary to have 14 correct answers to pass it.
A proposal of the dates of the controls of the matter will be indicated in the presentation class of the subject, pending confirmation of said dates by the students, before the last Friday of February.
At the beginning of the course, with a deadline one week before the first control, students must choose one of the two evaluation systems. The marks of the continuous assessment controls will be kept both in the June and in the July call.
The evaluation of the subject will include both the theoretical contents and the practical contents of the program. To pass it, it is necessary to have approved both and have participated in the practices of the subject. The evaluation of theoretical knowledge will have a weight of 60% of the final qualification, the practical contents will suppose 40% of it.
The practical contents will be evaluated by continuous evaluation. They will be valued both for the active work of the students carried out in the programmed laboratory practices, as well as for the reports of the same and for the student's autonomous work. To complete the first internship report, it is necessary to attend a previous session that will take place the second week of the course, in the afternoon. The practical contents will be graded up to a maximum of 4 points. Once the practices have been passed, the grade will be kept indefinitely until the entire subject is passed.
As stated in this teaching guide, the interactive classes include laboratory practices. These practices will be carried out in laboratory groups, and attendance at them is mandatory. Therefore, this subject cannot be taken with an attendance waiver.On-site hours: 38 hours.
Expositive classes: 24 hours. Interactive Laboratory Classes: 13 hours.
Small group tutorials: 1 hour
Non-face-to-face hours: 74.5 (Preparation of internship reports, autonomous work, readings, study, etc.)
Total workload: 112.5 hours (4.5 ECTS credits).The student is recommended to try to keep the subject up to date and to follow all the considerations that are made during the course, related to the continuous evaluation process.
The Psychology of Thought subject is taught in the second semester of the second year. It consists of 4.5 credits, of which three are theoretical and one and a half are practical.
In the USC Study Plan it is located after the following Basic Psychology subjects: Conditioning and Motivation and Emotion, Perception and Attention, Human Learning and Memory.
The subject manuals for expository and interactive classes will be the following:
Carretero, M., and Asensio, M. (Coords.) (2008/2011). Psychology of Thought. Theory and Practices. Alliance.
Carretero, M. and Asensio, M. (Coords.) (2014). Psychology of Thought. Theory and Practices (2nd ed.). Alliance. E-Book. Accessible in PreLo.
Fernández Berrocal, P. and Santamaría, C. (Coords.) (2001). Practical Manual of Psychology of Thought. Ariel Practicum.
Subject teacher: Montserrat Martín Rajo.
If it is not possible to carry out the face-to-face classes, the teaching will be carried out telematically, using the virtual campus of the subject and teams as the main tools.
In case it is not possible or development of small group tutorials in person, it will be done electronically through tool teams.
Montserrat Martin Rajo
Coordinador/a- Department
- Social, Basic and Methodological Psychology
- Area
- Basic Psychology
- Phone
- 881813930
- montserrat.martin@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLIL_07 Spanish Basic Psychology Teaching Laboratory 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLIL_08 Spanish Basic Psychology Teaching Laboratory 12:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 5 14:00-15:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Classroom 6 Thursday 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLIL_05 Spanish Basic Psychology Teaching Laboratory 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLIL_06 Spanish Basic Psychology Teaching Laboratory Friday 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLIL_03 Spanish Basic Psychology Teaching Laboratory 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLIL_04 Spanish Basic Psychology Teaching Laboratory Exams 06.06.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 06.06.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 3 06.06.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 3 06.06.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 5 06.06.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 5 06.06.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 5 06.06.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 6 06.06.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 6 06.06.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 6 06.06.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7 06.06.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 7 06.06.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 7 07.03.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 07.03.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 3 07.03.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 3 07.03.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 6 07.03.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 6 07.03.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 6 07.03.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7 07.03.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 7 07.03.2025 12:30-15:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 7