ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 100
Hours of tutorials: 6
Expository Class: 20
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Political Science and SociologyAreas:
Psicoloxía Organizacional e Xurídico-ForenseCenter
Faculty of Labour RelationsCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
- Understand the psychological processes and interaction between employee and work environment that influences their occupational health.
- Know the assessment and prevention tools of psychosocial risks faced by the worker in the workplace.OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH FROM PSYCHOSOCIAL PERSPECTIVE
• Psychosocial factors of psychosocial risks
• Towards a healthy organization concept
• Work well-being and Positive Organizational Psychology
• Measurement instruments of work well-being
• Stress: concept and measurement
• Risk factors
• Psychological, physical and organizational consequences of stress
• Techno-stress
• Burnout
• Concept and types of workplace violence
• Risk factors of workplace violence
• Consequences of workplace violence
• Mobbing
• Definition and measurement
• Vigilance and attention
• Human error
• Working fatigue
• What is psychosocial risk assessment?
• Scientific bases of PRA
• Steps in the process of PRA
• Methods of psychosocial risk assessment
• Concept
• Levels of intervention
• Primary prevention
• Secondary prevention
• Tertiary prevention- Cañas, J.J., y Waerns, Y. (2001). Ergonomía cognitiva. Madrid: Ed. Médica Panamericana.
- Del Lïbano, M. y Llorens, S. (2012). Adicción al trabajo. Guías de intervención. Madrid: Síntesis
- Díaz Cabrera, D., Hernández Fernaud, E., y Rolo Gonzáles, E. (2012). Carga mental de trabajo. Guias de intervención. Madrid: Síntesis
- Gil. Monte, P. y Moreno, B. (2007). El síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (burnout) : grupos profesionales de riesgo. Madrid: Pirámide
- González de Rivera, J.L. (2005). El maltrato psicológico. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe
- González-Camino, G. y Osca, A. (2004). Estrés y salud laboral. En A.Osca, (Ed.). Psicología de las Organizaciones. Madrid: Sanz y Torres.
- González Gutierrez, J.L., Moreno Jiménez, B. y Garrosa Hernández, E. (2005). Carga mental y fatiga laboral. Madrid: Pirámide.
- Institut of Work, Health and Organizations, I-WHO (2004). La organización del trabajo y el estrés. Organización Mundial de la Salud.
- LLorens, S, Salanova. M. y Ventura, M. (2011). Tecnoestrés. Guías de intervención. Madrid: Síntesis
- Martínez Selva, J.M. (2004). Estrés laboral: Guía para empresarios y empleados. Madrid: Pearson Educación.
- Morán Astorga, C. (2005). Estrés, burnout y mobbing: recursos y estrategias de afrontamiento. Salamanca: Amarú D.L.
- Moscoso, S. y Alonso, P. (2013). El bienestar laboral.Publicado en Cantera, L., Pallarés, S. y Selva, C. Del Malestar al Bienestar Laboral .VIPAT, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
-Rodriguez, A.Mª. y Cifre E. (2012). Flow y bienestar subjetivo en el trabajo. Guías de optimización. Madrid: Síntesis.
- Salanova, M. (2009). Psicología de la Salud Ocupacional. Madrid: Síntesis
- Salanova,M., Martínez, I y Lloréns (2005). Psicología Organizacional Positiva. En Palací, F. Psicología de la Organización. Pearson Prentice Hall. Madrid.
- Seligman, M. (2011). La vida que florece. Barcelona: Edciones B.
- Tous, J., Carrión, M.A. y López Barón, F. (2008). Promoción de la Salud Ocupacional. Colección Psicosociología de la Salud Ocupacional, 2. AEPA: Mollet del Vallés, Barcelona.-Be able to evaluate the influence of cognitive, emotional, sensory and social demands of work environment on workers.
- Be able to adapt the workplace to the worker in order to avoid various health problems.
- Be able to apply the main techniques of psychological assessment and intervention at the onset of psychosocial problems at work (stress, violence, burnout, mobbing ,...).The expositive lessons (theoretical) consist of expository and / or demonstrative sessions of content. To deepen and strengthen the exposed contents we consider the specialized seminars (interactive lessons), which favour the acquisition of specific competencies of the subject, and meaningful learning. In addition, practical lessons (interactive) have the objective that students acquire procedural and research competencies specific to the subject.
The tutor sessions are a direct and presential relation with the teacher, for continuous advice and deepening the theoretical and practical content of student work, and for answer questions.
Evaluation activities are twofold. On the one hand, the continuous evaluation activities, together with the sessions of tutoring, will allow the student to have a constant feedback of their progress along the course, with respect to their degree of skill acquisition as related to knowledge, as techniques and attitudes. On the other hand, the midterms and final exams will try assessing the level of knowledge acquired by the student on the contents of the topics included in the subject program.The theory lessons are evaluated using a theoretical test, considering the domain of theoretical and operational knowledge of the subject, in addition to attendance and participation. The seminars are designed to deepen into issues through reading and discussion of articles and specialized texts, they are assessed through individual or group reports (team work), based on its quality (structure, originality, presentation). The marks obtained by students in the final exam will be worth up to 70% of the final grade.
To pass the subject will require a minimum attendance of 80% of scheduled classroom teaching activities. The same evaluation criteria will remain in the different calls.Reading and preparation of material: 42
Previous reading, analysis and discussion of the material. Individual reports: 20
Making work: 40
Total hours of individual work: 102If the student has no previous knowledge of the contents of the subject, it is recommended that, in addition to following classes punctually, reads the bibliographic material presented in the program.
Luz Isabel Leirós Lobeiras
Coordinador/a- Department
- Political Science and Sociology
- Area
- Psicoloxía Organizacional e Xurídico-Forense
- Phone
- 881813894
- luzisabel.leiros@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
1º Semester - November 11th-17th Tuesday 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 4 Wednesday 09:00-14:00 Grupo /CLIL_01 Spanish Classroom 4 Thursday 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 4 Exams 01.23.2025 17:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 9 07.03.2025 10:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7