The Sustainable Development Plan (SDP) was approved by the USC in 2003. Subsequently, in 2011, the Office of Sustainable Development was created as an administrative support unit. The SDP aims to be a strategic reference framework for our university that ensures the inclusion of sustainability in the areas of management, research, training and university extension. The approval in 2015 of Agenda 2030 reinforces the new orientation of the SDP that seeks to incorporate the environmental dimension, justice and social equity. The impact of the university on its environment implies an exercise of responsibility in its management and in the coherence of the implemented policies, as well as the generation of alliances that facilitate a sustainable model based on an ecological awareness and social conscience.
Monitoring of consumption and management of waste. In support of the Energy and Sustainability Unit and the Hazardous Waste Management Unit. An annual monitoring is generated on the consumption of water, electricity, fuels, paper and the generation of waste
Mobility Plan One of the biggest impacts of the USC on its surroundings is the daily movement of more than 30,000 people in the cities of Santiago de Compostela and Lugo. Every year, the travelling habits of the university community are monitored, and loans of 250 bicycles and other tools linked to the possibility of sharing journeys, pedestrian maps or public transport are made available to the university community.
Education and training. Training of the university community is one of the priorities of the SDP. In addition to the development of awareness-raising and dissemination campaigns, specific activities are offered throughout the year aimed at students and in collaboration with the Teacher Training and Innovation Plan (PFID) and the Training Programme for PAS. In addition, the area of curricular sustainability is an objective that has gained special relevance in recent years.
Agenda 2030 . The Sustainable Development Goals mark great challenges towards 2030 that directly challenge higher education institutions. People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Alliances are the main areas of intervention. Within this framework, International Cooperation and Education for Global Citizenship are particularly relevant. The USC forms part of the RGCUD, with the University of A Coruña and the University of Vigo, which is financed by Galician Cooperation.
USClima . Within the framework of Agenda 2030, the Paris Agreement is approved in 2016 as a result of the Framework Convention on Climate Change. The USC adhered to the climate emergency declaration concerning the 2019 Summit on Climate Action convened by the United Nations and held in New York in September 2019. Aware of the challenge posed by climate change, as well as the University's capacity to generate opportunities for change, the USC is launching this programme that involves the entire university community.
Calculation of the Ecological Footprint. For more than 12 years USC has recorded the environmental impact generated from the calculation of the ecological footprint. We are currently in the process of adapting the methodology for carbon footprint registration at the Ministry of Ecological Transition.
Ethical public procurement, responsible consumption and fair trade . Support for the promotion of measures that support a model of ethical public procurement and fair trade, understood from three perspectives: international trade, local trade and short distribution circuits and education for responsible consumption.
Environmental impact assessment of the USC Participation in assessment models such as the environmental sustainability tool in Spanish universities promoted by CRUE, Green Metric or the environmental dimension and the Times Higher Education (THE) SDG.