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Biology Degree (3rd Edition)

Branch of knowledge
Ambit of knowledge
Biología y genética.
Faculty of Biology
Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa, s/n, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
881813245 (Conserxaría)
881813308 (Decanato)
Santiago de Compostela

Biology, as a science that studies the living beings and the vital phenomena in every aspect, constitutes one of the main and wider branches of scientific knowledge. The knowledge about life offered by the study of Biology, has conditioned and conditions the development of humanity, both due to its impact on thought - let us think, for example, about the evolution theories-, and its consequences on the well-being and health of the population, the environment, economy and natural resources; all of these, aspects of great relevance to the development of society.
The teaching of Biology and research in its multiple aspects has been carried out for several decades in the Spanish University, and it is the most successful one, within the Experimental Sciences degrees, taking into account the number of students who access these studies.

  • Duration: 4 academic years
    RUCT code: 1500192
    ECTS Number: 240
    Seats number: 100

    Dean or center director:
    Jesús Ángel López Romalde

    Title coordinator:
    Francisco Javier Salgado Castro

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician

    MECES Level: 2

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Orde do 15/07/2024 (DOG do 24/07/2024)

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

  • · Basic training: 60
    · Compulsory: 126
    · Optional: 36
    · Compulsory Internship: 6
    · Final Dissertation: 12
    · Total: 240
    - Basic Training Module: 1st year.
    - Compulsory Training Module: mostly 2nd and 3rd years of the degree.
    - Compulsory Internship Module: 4th year.
    - Final Dissertation Module: 4th year.
    - Optional training Module: 4th year.

  • The study plan is structured in the following modules: Basic training, Compulsory Training, Internship, Final Dissertation and Optional Training.
    All the subjects are to be carried out within a semester, except the final dissertation.
    Students in the fourth year must carry out 36 optional credits pf a total of 81 optional credits offered (18 subjects of 4.5 credits) organised in two itineraries/modules with 9 subjects each one.
    The grouping of the fourth-year optional subjects in 2 itineraries/mentions offers a higher intensification of the training of the students and will enable two mentions:
    · The mention in Bio-sanitary Biology will offer the students a deepening/specialisation in the bio-sanitary field, enabling them to carry out their activity in clinical laboratories, human reproduction, public healthcare, nutrition, and dietetics, among others.
    · The mention in Environmental Biology is oriented to offer the students a training enabling them to carry out their work in the field of preservation, characterisation and biodiversity and natural environment management.
    To obtain the mention students must enrol in at least 48 credits ECTS pertaining to one of the mentions, constituted by optional subjects and a final dissertation specific to the mention as well (internships are not differentiated by mentions).
    Students enrolled in the Biology Degree can also opt to the possibility of graduating without mention.

  • The main objective of the Degree in Biology is to train professionals with a fundamental base of knowledge on this discipline and a general vision of the role of science in today's society. Furthermore, the purpose of the Degree in Biology is to train professionals with a scientific attitude in the interpretation of our environment and training in the field of biological experimentation and solid skills/abilities/competences, which will enable them to recognize and analyse new problems in the field of Biology, in order to plan or solve them, and thereby guarantee their incorporation into the professional practice.

    Training objectives of the mentions

    Major in Bio-sanitary Biology: it has a clear health/biomedical orientation and is focused on the study of the functioning of the human body. The objective of this mention is to begin the process of training professionals trained to, among other functions,: provide scientific-technical advice in the field of Biomedicine, teach and transmit knowledge related to the bio-sanitary field to specialized and non-specialized audiences, work in Biomedical research , clinical laboratories, assisted reproduction clinics, research/development/control of biotechnological processes, pharmaceutical/chemical/agro-alimentary industry or nutrition/dietetics.

    Mention in Environmental Biology: aims to train professionals competent, among others, on the: identification, study and classification of living beings included in our biosphere, preserve this biodiversity, analyse the relationships between different species and their adaptations to the abiotic environment and their organisation in higher structures (ecosystems), plan/manage/exploit/preserve these populations, ecosystems and natural earth and marine resources, or prepare technical reports to evaluate the consequences that a specific project, installation or human activity causes on the environment.

  • Mobility

    Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programmes are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programmes (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
    The centre organises information meetings for the students of the second and third year, about the different mobility programmes, in which the RAM (Academic Mobility Responsible), the manager of the centre and the mobility coordinator of the SICUE programme. Moreover, the academic coordinators of the programmes and the centre manager help the students in the management of documents for the establishment of agreements.


    The study plan for the Biology Degree considers the completion of compulsory internships valued in 6 ects.
    The student can enrol throughout the fourth year as long as he/she has completed 150 ECTS.
    Although the internships are programmed within the first semester of the fourth year, students can complete them throughout the academic year.
    The internship Will be organised and managed with the purpose of ensuring the quality, academic recognition, and the most appropriate use of these by the students. In order to do so, students must have an external tutor, from the institution in which the internship will be completed, who will be in contact with the academic tutor, which will be responsible of the assessment taking into account the quality of the Internship report made by the student and the report by the external tutor.
    Internships can be carried out in collaborating organisms or entities, such as companies, public and private entities, related to the field of Biology, as well as the USC installations; currently the Biology faculty has agreements with many entities.

  • To obtain the title of Graduate in Biology, it is mandatory to complete a Final Dissertation (TFG) of 12 ECTS credits, consisting of an original work prepared by the student, in which the training content received, the abilities, skills acquired during the studies of the Degree in Biology are integrated and developed.
    Each student will be able to enroll and, therefore, take the TFG throughout the fourth academic year of the Degree, as long as they do not have more than 75 credits pending to complete the studies, excluding those corresponding to the Final Degree Project.
    The TFG may be experimental (basic or applied research), industrial or bibliographic, and will include, at a minimum, bibliographic search and review tasks, reading and integration of information, preparation of results, writing, presentation and defense.
    There are two TFG subjects, one corresponding to each mention. Thus, the 12 ECTS of the specific TFG will be added to the 36 ECTS of optional subjects to obtain each mention.
    In this way, the TFG, which will be developed in the two semesters of 4th year, will serve as a practical reinforcement of the knowledge acquired in the optional subjects of said itinerary.

  • Faculty
    Jesus Ramon Aboal Viñas
    Maria Fatima Adrio Fondevila
    Pablo Aguirre Azorin
    Mª Jesús Aira Rodríguez
    Ricardo Alonso Alonso
    Francisco Javier Amigo Vazquez
    Leyre Aramburu Gonzalez
    Maria Elvira Ares Mazas
    Ma Del Pilar Arias Crespo
    Sabela Balboa Mendez
    Maria Isabel Bandin Matos
    Olga Barca Mayo
    Primitivo Barja Francisco
    Patricia Barral Rodiño
    Anton Barreiro Iglesias
    Andres Baselga Fraga
    Iñaki Beceiro Cillero
    Mª Isabel Ben Batalla
    Javier Besteiro Saez
    Maria Blanquer Garate
    Maria Del Pilar Brocos Fernandez
    Sebastian Buedo Fernandez
    Noemi Bujan Gomez
    Saray Busto Ulloa
    Sabela Caamaño Teixeira
    Maria Encina Calvo Iglesias
    Alba Camino Mera
    Eva Maria Candal Suarez
    Nestor Carrillo Barral
    Maria Angeles Casares De Cal
    Fernando Cobo Gradin
    Oscar Javier Cordero Santamaria
    Guillermo Covelo Artos
    María Crugeiras Ríos
    Óscar Cruz De La Fuente
    Cristina Diaz Jullien
    Pilar Diaz Tapia
    Jesus Dominguez Conde
    Maria Lourdes Dominguez Gerpe
    Javier Dubert Perez
    Alvaro Duran Bravo
    Maria Alicia Carolina Estevez Toranzo
    Pedro Faraldo Roca
    Jose Angel Fernandez Escribano
    Celia Fernandez Rial
    Yolanda Ferradas Rial
    Aroa Ferrer Pinos
    Carlos Garcia Suarez
    Alvaro Gil Gonzalez
    Aurora Gomez Duran
    Jaime Jose Gomez Marquez
    María Belén Gómez Pardo
    Carola Gomez Rodriguez
    Miguel González Blanco
    Maria Victoria Gonzalez Gonzalez
    Laura Gonzalez Llera
    Emma Gonzalez Rosales
    Francisco Javier Iglesias Piñeiro
    Jesus Lamas Fernandez
    Anton Manoel Leira Campos
    Manuel Luis Lemos Ramos
    Miguel Antonio Lopez Perez
    Óscar López Pouso
    Rodrigo Lopez Pouso
    Mª Del Carmen Lopez Rodriguez
    María Olalla Lorenzo Carballa
    Fabiana Martín Caramés
    Francisco Javier Martin Cora
    Antonio Manuel Martinez Cortizas
    Oscar Martinez Troncoso
    Maria Del Carmen Monterroso Martinez
    Maria Angeles Muñoz Crego
    Ruben Nogueiras Pozo
    Santiago Ortiz Nuñez
    María Do Carme Pacín Salvador
    Remigio Paradelo Nuñez
    Raquel Peña Romero
    Carlos Pereira Dopazo
    Maria Jose Perez Comuñas
    Manuel Perez Perez
    André Pérez Potti
    Marina Leonor Perez Sanz
    Diana Perez Velon
    Gonzalo Perez De Lis Castro
    Celia Maria Pombo Ramos
    Francisco Xabier Pontevedra Pombal
    Begoña Porteiro Couto
    Miguel Angel Prados Sanchez
    Beatriz Loreto Prieto Lamas
    Mayra Maritza Queme Peña
    Jose Carlos Rubén Retuerto Franco
    Otilia Reyes Ferreira
    Cristina Riobello Suarez
    Laura Rivadulla Costa
    Miguel Angel Rodriguez Diaz
    Maria Del Carmen Rodriguez Gacio
    Beatriz Rodríguez Lemus
    Javier Rodriguez Luis
    Jannette Rodriguez Pallares
    Maria Isabel Rodriguez-Moldes Rey
    Daniel Romaus Sanjurjo
    Manuel Romero Bernardez
    Maria Inmaculada Romero Bujan
    Antonio Rumbo Gómez
    Francisco Javier Salgado Castro
    Patricia Sanmartin Sanchez
    Maria Isabel Santos Rodriguez
    Luis Miguel Serrano Perez
    Sergio Silva Bea
    Pilar Suarez De Cepeda Fuentes
    Teresa Maria Taboada Rodriguez
    Anxo Vidal Figueroa
    Nicolas Vidal Vazquez
    Marcos Viejo Somoano
    Roman Vilas Peteiro
    Daniel Villar Castro
    Ana Maria Viñas Diaz
    Jose Carlos Zapata Babio
The contents of this page were updated on 07.30.2024.