ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 1
Expository Class: 32
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 51Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Microbiology and ParasitologyAreas:
Faculty of BiologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
- Knowledge and correct use by the student of the basic terminology of the discipline.
- Identify and place in the context of living beings the different biological types under study in Microbiology.
- Acquire basic knowledge about the biology of microorganisms, including morphological, physiological, genetic, clinical and ecological aspects.
- Acquire the theoretical and methodological basis necessary to tackle without difficulty a subsequent specialization in any area of the discipline, whether basic or applied.
- Learn to correctly handle the materials and instruments of a Microbiology laboratory, acquiring the manual skills required by microbiological methods.
- Learn the most used techniques in Microbiology: microscopy, stains, isolation of pure cultures, identification of microorganisms, etc.
- Learn to manage documentation sources.
- That the student understands and values the interest of Microbiology within the framework of Biology studies, and the social repercussion of Microbiology.
In conclusion, it will try to favor the habits of initiative, creativity, critical spirit and teamwork, and the acquisition of basic knowledge that allows the student to understand what microorganisms are as living beings and easily approach a subsequent specialization in any area. of discipline.Theoretical Classes Program:
Unit 1. Microbiology in the World of Living Organisms. (1 h)
Unit 2. Study and Observation Techniques of Microorganisms. (1 h)
Unit 3. Bacterial Morphology and Structure. (2 h)
Unit 4. Plasma Membrane and Membrane Structures (2 h)
Unit 5. Bacterial Cell Wall (3 h)
Unit 6. Structures external to the cell wall (2 h)
Unit 7. Bacterial endospores (1 h)
Unit 8. Introduction to Virology (2 h)
Unit 9. Introduction to Microbial Genetics (2 h)
Unit 10. Microbial Nutrition (1 h)
Unit 11. Microbial Metabolic Processes. (2 hours)
Unit 12. Physical-Chemical Conditions for Growth (2 h)
Unit 13. Cultivation of Microorganisms (2 h)
Unit 14. Bacterial growth (2 h)
Unit 15. Control of Microorganisms by physical agents (2 h)
Unit 16. Control of Microorganisms by chemical agents (2 h)
Unit 17. Antimicrobial chemotherapy (2 h)
Program of Practical Classes
Practice 1. The Microbiology laboratory. Work rules. Preparation and sterilization of laboratory material. Types and preparation of culture media. Sterilization by moist heat and by filtration.
Practice 2. Cultivation of Microorganisms in solid and liquid medium. Isolation of microorganisms from natural samples. Obtaining pure cultures.
Practice 3. The optical microscope: handling and care. Morphology of different types of microorganisms. Observation of microorganisms in fresh by means of phase contrast microscopy. Dark field microscope. Fluorescence microscope. Autofluorescence and bioluminescence. Inverted microscope.
Practice 4. Microorganism staining methods. Simple staining. Gram stain. Capsule staining.
Practice 5. Growth measurement methods: counting under a microscope, spectrophotometric estimation of biomass. Determination of the growth curve. Plate viable cell count.
Practice 6. Antimicrobial agents. Measurement of antimicrobial activity. Antibiogram. Thermal resistance and lethal thermal time.
The seminars will be used as a complement to the theory and practical program and will cover: methods and techniques of microorganism cultivation and mathematical analysis of microbial growth.
The tutorials will try to clarify those aspects of theory, practices and seminars that are more difficult for the student to understand.
The final exam of the subject will include all theory topics. Some questions may be related to the content taught in seminars and practicals. The exam will include test-type questions and short questions.BASIC
- Madigan, M.T., K.S. Bender, D.H. Buckley, W.M. Sattley, D.A. Stahl . 2022. Brock Biology of Microorganisms. 16ª ed. Pearson, Harlow, UK.
- Martín, A., V. Béjar, J.C. Gutiérrez, M. Llagostera y E. Quesada. 2019. Microbiología esencial. Ed. Médica- Panamericana. Madrid.
- Tortora, G.J., B.R. Funke, & C.L. Case. Introducción a la Microbiología. 2017. 12ª ed. Editorial Médica-Panamericana. Buenos Aires.
- Willey, J.M., K.M. Sandman, D.H. Wood. 2020. Prescott’s Microbiology. 11ª ed. McGraw-Hill Education. New York.
- Cowan, M.K. & Smith, H. 2021. Microbiology. A systems approach. McGraw Hill, New York, 6ª ed.
- Schaechter, M. 2016. Eukaryotic microbes. Elsevier/Academic Press, Amsterdam.
- Gamazo, C., Sánchez, S. y Camacho, A.I. eds., 2013. Microbiología Basada en la Experimentación. Ed. Elsevier, Barcelona.
- Gamazo, C., Lopez-Goñi, I. y Díaz, R. eds., 2008. Manual práctico de microbiología. 3ª ed. Ed. Masson. Barcelona.
- Pérez Gracia, M.T., C. Galiana Roselló. 2018. Manual de Prácticas de Microbiología. 3ª ed. Psylicom Ediciones.
- Seeley, H.W., Van Demark, P.J. and Lee, J.J., 1991. Microbes in action: a laboratory manual of microbiology. 4th Ed. W.H. Freeman, New York.Knowledge/contents: Con01, Con06, Con07, Con09
Skills/Abilities: H/D01, H/D02, H/D03, H/D05, H/D07, H/D10, H/D11, H/D12
Competencies: Comp01, Comp02, Comp03, Comp04, Comp05, Comp06, Comp07- Theory: Face-to-face classes in the classroom (3 hours per week during the first semester). Attendance will be voluntary and will not be graded.
- Seminars: 4 face-to-face seminars of 1 hour. Attendance will be voluntary although it will be taken into account for the seminar grade.
- Laboratory practices: They will be carried out continuously for a week from Monday to Friday. Attendance is mandatory (100% of the hours) to pass the subject.
- Tutorials: A 1-hour tutorial will be held in small groups, to resolve questions about the subject. Tutoring attendance will be voluntary. Individual face-to-face tutoring can be carried out at any time, by e-mail or through the Virtual classroom using the discussion forum.
The Virtual Classroom of the Moodle platform within the USC Virtual Campus will be used as a support tool for all content.Summary: Final exam: 70%; Continuous evaluation of the subjects taught: 5%; Internships: 15%; Seminars: 10%.
- The continuous evaluation of theory topics will be done through online quizzes in the Virtual Classroom. They will account for 5% of the final grade.
- Internships Attendance at all practices will be mandatory and will be a requirement to be able to take the theoretical exam. Students will take an exam on the foundations, the methodology and the results obtained. Reports of laboratory work may also be requested, which will be evaluated together with the exam. The practical mark will represent 15% of the final mark of the subject.
- Seminars. The evaluation will be continuous and will be carried out through online questionnaires through the Virtual Campus. Attendance and participation will also be scored with a maximum of 10%. The weight of the seminars in the final grade will be 10%.
- Final exam of the theory subjects complementary to the continuous assessment. It will represent 70% of the final mark of the subject. The student must obtain a minimum grade of 5.0 in the final exam to include the rest of the concepts in the calculation of the final grade.
Repeat students
Repeat students who have evaluated their internships positively will keep their grade for the following two academic years.
Attendance at tutorials in small groups will be voluntary.
For the second opportunity, the same evaluation criteria and methodologies will be applied as for the first opportunity.
Assessment of learning outcomes
Exam: Con1, Con6, Con7, Con9, H/D01, Com1, Comp2, Comp3, Comp6,
Online quizzes: H/D01, H/D02, H/D03, H/D07,
Seminars: Con9, H/D02, H/D12, Comp3, Comp4, Comp6,
Practices: Con07, Con09, H/D05, H/D10, H/D11, Comp3, Comp4, Comp5, Comp7Course of 6 ECTS credits x 25 hours = 150 hours
Face-to-face: 54 hours:
- Expository classes: 31 hours
- Practical classes: 15 hours
- Seminars: 4 hours
- Small group tutorials: 1 hour
- Exam: 3 hours.
Personal student work: 96 hours
- Individual tutoring: 3 hours
- Individual study: 70 hours (4.5 hours per week)
- Elaboration of works and recommended readings: 20 hours
- Attendance at conferences and other activities: 3 hoursRegular attendance at classes and active participation in theoretical classes, practices and seminars. Individual completion of the online self-assessment questionnaires that will be proposed. Weekly review of the Units exposed in class. Comprehensive study, not rote, relating the contents of the course with those of related courses. Follow the teacher's recommendations that may arise throughout the course.
The Virtual Classroom of the Moodle platform within the Virtual Campus of the USC will be used as a support tool for all the contents of the course. This Virtual Classroom will be used to publish general information on the coourse, for the publication of downloadable content by students, as a communication tool, to conduct online questionnaires and for publishing the grades of all sections.
* For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for evaluating student academic performance and reviewing grades" will apply.
Manuel Luis Lemos Ramos
Coordinador/a- Department
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Area
- Microbiology
- Phone
- 881816080
- manuel.lemos@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Javier Dubert Perez
- Department
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Area
- Microbiology
- javier.dubert@usc.es
- Category
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Wednesday 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 01. Charles Darwin 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel Thursday 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 01. Charles Darwin 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel Friday 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 01. Charles Darwin 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel Exams 01.10.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 01. Charles Darwin 01.10.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel 01.10.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 03. Carl Linnaeus 06.20.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 01. Charles Darwin 06.20.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel