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Faculty of Psychology
Faculty of Psychology

The Faculty of Psychology of the USC is a centre that is characterised by its commitment to the quality of its teaching (in 2019 it was recognised with the Institutional Accreditation granted by the Council of Universities) and its research, and by its firm commitment to promoting the link between the academic context and the professional field of psychology. To these objectives we should add our commitment to the social context and to the promotion of equality and sustainability as democratic values that should guide all the actions of a public education institution.

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Accede á información da xestión dos Servizos Académicos para o Grao e os Mestrados.

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Táboa de recoñecementos para o Grao en Psicoloxía (06-02-2025):

Publicación da táboa de recoñecementos de créditos dende o Grao en Psicoloxía da UNED.

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The contents of this page were updated on 01.16.2023.