The selection of candidates, in the academic exchange calls in which the assignment of destinations is made by the Center, will de developed according to the regulations, Thus, it will be led by the academic responsible for mobility of the Center and integrated by the academic coordinators and by the person in charge of the Center and Department Management Unit, who will act as secretary.
The Faculty, besides the above-mentioned responsibles, counts with the collaboration of various teachers that act as academic coordinators and whose function is to tutor and assist our own and host students in their academic decisions.
Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programs are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programs (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
Portal Internacional
The syllabus of the Degree in Cultural Management includes the realization of external internships in the first semester of the last year with an extension of 6 ECTS. The main aim is to provide students with the opportunity of immersing themselves in the professional world and, likewise, of applying in an integrative way and consolidating the set of competencies and learning that they have worked on throughout the training itinerary.
During the completion of the internship, the student has a personalized educational monitoring by a professional who acts as an internship center tutor and a faculty member who acts as an academic tutor, who ensures that the internship is carried out respecting the agreed training project, following the principles of inclusion, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility.
Internships can be done in collaborating entities such as companies, institutions and public and private entities, related to the field of cultural management both national and international, offering the students the possibility of completing the training internship in European countries participating in the programme Erasmus+ with the aim of helping students adapt to the demands of the European labor market and develop linguistic, cultural and professional skills.
Procedures will be established for the configuration of the offer, dissemination, application and awarding of external internships in both classroom and blended learning modalities.