Poderán acceder ás ensinanzas oficiais de Master:
1. As persoas que estean en posesión dun título universitario oficial español.
2. Aquelas que teñan un título expedido por unha institución de educación superior do EEES que faculta no país expedidor do título para o acceso a ensinanzas de mestrado.
3. Os titulados conforme a sistemas educativos alleos ao EEES sen necesidade de homologación dos seus títulos, previa comprobación pola Universidade de que os ditos títulos acreditan un nivel de formación equivalente aos correspondentes títulos universitarios españois e que facultan no país expedidor do título para o acceso a ensinanzas de posgrao.
Students must have an academic background that corresponds to the following qualifications, with the following order of preference:
1st. Biochemistry, Biotechnology or Biology.
2nd. Remaining degrees from the Branch of Sciences and Health Sciences.
3rd. Agricultural Sciences, Industrial Chemical Process Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural and Agro-Alimentary Engineering, Agricultural and Rural Engineering, Forestry and Natural Environment Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering and Natural Environment Engineering, Environmental Sciences.
No training complements are required to take the master's degree.
Foreign students, in order to be able to properly follow the teachings, must prove knowledge of the Spanish or Galician language through a B1 or Celga II level qualification respectively, or other higher-level qualifications. This requirement will not be applicable to students from Spanish or Portuguese speaking countries.
The student admission system will be carried out in accordance with the criteria and procedures established in the USC, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality, merit and capacity.
Information on the admission procedure for USC master's degrees can be found at the following addresses:
The admission of students will be based exclusively on the average mark of the academic transcript of the entrance qualification.