ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 45
Hours of tutorials: 1
Expository Class: 19
Interactive Classroom: 10
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of BiologyCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
-To know the adaptive changes in the nervous system and organs of the senses during evolution.
-To manage and analyze specialized bibliography/literature.Program (2.5 credits)
1.Concept of evolution. Theories.
2.Levels of organization. Design patterns in animals.
3.Phylogenetic relationships: homologies and analogies.
Evolution of the nervous system: from invertebrates to vertebrates.
4.Origin of neurons (first nervous systems).
5.Models of nervous systems.
6.Evolutionary changes of the basic structural units of the central nervous system in vertebrates.
7.Evolutionary changes of the functional circuits of the nervous system in vertebrates.
Evolution of sensory organs: from invertebrates to vertebrates.
8.Photoreception: Evolution of the visual system.
9.Chemoreception: Evolution of taste and olfactory systems.
10.Mechanoreception: Evolution of the ear and lateral line.
During these sessions, students (individually or in pairs) will present the work they have carried out under the supervision of the teacher. For preparing the seminars, students will use recent scientific reviews and other sources
Virtual Discussion
A session will be devoted to the discussion of a specific topic (selected scientific article) by the students, intervening the professor as moderator.
Practicals (0.5 credits):
Students will observe under the microscope various histological preparations of central nervous system and sense organs from different species of vertebrates and invertebrates.Literature
Allman, JM 2003, El cerebro en evolución, 1ª edn, Editorial Ariel, Barcelona.
Arendt, D 2003, ‘Evolution of eyes and photoreceptor cell types’, Int J Dev Biol, vol. 47, pp. 563-571.
Butler, AB & Hodos, W 2005, Comparative vertebrate neuroanatomy, 2nd edn, Wiley-Liss, New York.
Collin, SP, Davies, WL, Hart, NS & Hunt, DM 2009, ‘The evolution of early vertebrate photoreceptors’, Phil Trans R Soc B, vol. 364, pp. 2925-2940.
Coyne, JA 2010, Por qué la teoría de la evolución es verdadera, Editorial Crítica, Barcelona.
Eccles, JC 1992, La evolución del cerebro: creación de la conciencia, Editorial Labor, Barcelona.
Fay, RR & Popper, AN 1999, Comparative hearing: fish and amphibians, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Fritzsch, B & Beisel, KW 2001, ‘Evolution and development of the vertebrate ear’, Brain Res Bull, vol. 55, pp.711-721.
Fritzsch, B, Beisel, KW, Pauley, S & Soukup, G 2007, ‘Molecular evolution of the vertebrate mechanosensory cell and ear’, Int J Dev Biol, vol. 51, pp. 663-678.
Gehring, WJ 2005, ‘New perspectives on eye development and the evolution of eyes and photoreceptors’, J Hereditv, vol. 96, no. 3, pp. 171-184.
Gregory, RL 1997, Eye and Brain, 5th edn, Princeton University Press.
Hubel, DH 2000, Ojo, cerebro y visión. Servicio Publicaciones Univ. Murcia.
Jarman, AP 2002, ‘Studies of mechanosensation using the fly’, Human Molecular Genetics, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 1215-1218.
Jorgensen, JM 1989, Evolution of octavolateralis sensory cells. In: Coombs, S, Görner, P, Münz, H (eds), The mechanosensory lateral line: neurobiology and evolution, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Kaas, JH 2007, Evolution of nervous systems: a comprehensive reference, Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam.
Kaas, JH 2009, Evolutionary neuroscience, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Kuhlenbeck, H 1967-1970, The central nervous system of vertebrates a general survey of its compararive anatomy with an introduction to the pertinent fundamental biologic and logical concepts, S. Karger, Basil.
Lad, MF 1979, ‘Ojos animales donde la imagen se forma mediante espejos’, Investigación y Ciencia, no. 29.
Laget, M 1973, Éléments de neuro-anatomie fonctionnelle, Masson, Paris.
Lamb, TD, 2009, ‘Evolution of vertebrate retinal photoreception’, Phil Trans R Soc B, vol. 346, pp. 2911-2924.
Land, MF & Ferdnald, RD 1992, ‘The evolution of eyes’, Annual Review of Neuroscience, vol. 15, pp. 1-29.
Manley, GA, Popper, AN & Fay, RR (eds) 2004, Evolution of the Vertebrate Auditory System, Springer-Verlag.
Melver, SB 1985, Mechanorecepcion, In Gilbert, LL & Kerkut, DA (eds) Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Pergamont Press, vol. 6, pp. 71-132.
Münz, H (eds) 1989, The mechanosensory lateral line, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Nieuwenhuys, R, ten Donkelaar, HJ & Nicholson, C 1998, The central nervous system of vertebrates, Springer, Berlin.
Nilsson S & Holmgreen S 1993, Comparative physiology and evolution of the autonomic nervous system, Hardwood Academic Publishers, Chur, Switzerland.
Paxinos, G 1995, The rat nervous system, Academic Press, New York.
Shichida, Y & Matsuyama, T 2009, ‘Evolution of opsins and phototransduction’, Phil Trans R Soc B, vol. 364, pp. 2881-2895.
Striedter, GF 2005, Principles of brain evolution, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland (Massachusetts).
Williamson, R & Chrachri, A 2007, ‘A model biological network: the cephalopod vestibular system’, Phil Trans R Soc B, vol. 362, pp. 473-481.Competencies and generic skills:
-Explain the process of adaptive change of the nervous system within the evolutionary framework.
-Know how to read and obtain relevant information from scientific publications.
-Express correctly, both orally and in writing, in the official languages of the autonomous community.
-Use the basic tools of information and communication technologies (ICT) necessary for the exercise of their profession and for the learning throughout their life.Lectures
Interactive classes (seminars, virtual discussion and practicals)
Tutorials (individually or in small groups)
EvaluationIn order to be evaluated, students must attend regularly throughout the course.
Students must participate and present the seminars assigned, which will account for 40% of the final grade.
The discussion of a specific topic (selected scientific article) by the students will represent 10% of the final grade.
Take a written and/or oral test will account for 50% of the final grade.Lectures: 17 hours
Interactive classes (seminars,virtual discussion and practicals): 5+5 hours
Tutorials (individually or in small groups): 1 hour
Individual study: 34 hours
Preparation of expositions: 11 hoursGeneral knowledge on anatomy and structure of the nervous system is desirable.
2º Semester - February 24th-March 02nd Tuesday 16:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 - Classroom 05 (video-conference). Rita Levi Montalcini