ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 85
Hours of tutorials: 5
Expository Class: 15
Interactive Classroom: 20
Total: 125Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
External department linked to the degrees, HistoryAreas:
Área externa M.U en Historia Moderna: Monarquía de España Siglos XVI-XVIII..., Modern HistoryCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The course aims to bring an introduction to the study of the historical development, urban development and the representation of the cities of the Spanish monarchy in modern times, from medieval heritage to the Enlightenment.
It will also encourage self-employment from materials on -line and the ability to analyze and synthesize information from artistic media, applying methods and techniques of the humanities.1. Cities, towns and villages in Modern Spain
2. From the medieval heritage to the Renaissance city
3. The baroque city and the Royal sites: Habsburg to Bourbon
4. The city as a space of power and conflictBasic bibliography:
BONET CORREA, Antonio (coord.), Urbanismo e historia urbana en el mundo hispano: Segundo Simposio, 1982. Madrid, Universidad Complutense, 1985.
FERNÁNDEZ CORTIZO, C.J.; MIGUÉS RODRÍGUEZ, V.; PRESEDO GARAZO, A., (eds.), El mundo urbano en el siglo de la Ilustración, Santiago de Compostela, Xunta de Galicia, 2009.
KAGAN, Richard L.,Imágenes urbanas del mundo hispánico: 1493-1780. Madrid: El Viso, 1998.
QUESADA, Santiago, La idea de ciudad en la cultura hispana de la Edad Moderna. Barcelona: Universitat, 1992.
VV.AA., Palacios Reales en España. Historia y arquitectura de la magnificencia, Madrid, Visor, 1996.
Complementary bibliography:
FORTEA, José I., "La ciudad y el fenómeno urbano en la España de la Ilustración", en El mundo urbano en el siglo de la Ilustración, Tomo I, Coruña, Xunta de Galicia, 2009, pp. 59-93.
FORTEA, José I. y GELABERT, Juan E.: La ciudad portuaria atlántica en la Historia (siglos XVI-XIX), Santander, 2005.
GELABERT GONZÁLEZ, J.E., “Ciudades, villas y aldeas (1538-1602”, en Fortea Pérez, J.I. y Gelabert González, J.E. (coords.), Ciudades en conflicto (siglos XVI-XVIII), Madrid, Junta de Castilla y León, Marcial Pons, 2008.
GELABERT, Juan E., "'Un gran palacio abandonado'. La España urbana del siglo de las Luces", en M.-R. García Hurtado (ed.), La vida cotidiana en la España del siglo XVIII, Madrid, Sílex, 2009, pp. 57-72.
LADERO QUESADA, Miguel Ángel, Ciudades de la España Medieval: introducción a su estudio. Madrid, Dykinson, 2010.
LUENGO AÑÓN, Ana, Aranjuez, utopía y realidad. La construcción de un paisaje. Madrid: CSIC; Inst. Estud. Madrileños; Doce Calles, 2008.
SAMBRICIO, Carlos, Territorio y Ciudad en la España de la Ilustración, 2 vols. Madrid, Instituto del Territorio y Urbanismo, MOPT,1991.
SANCHO GASPAR, José L., La arquitectura de los Reales Sitios. Catálogo histórico de los palacios, jardines y patronatos reales del Real Patrimonio, Madrid, Patrimonio Nacional, 1995.
TRUCHUELO GARCÍA, S., “Villas y aldeas en el Antiguo Régimen. Conflicto y consenso en el marco local castellano”, Mundo Agrario, vol. 14, nº 27, Diciembre 2013.
VIGO TRASANCOS, Alfredo (dir.), La ciudad y la mirada del artista. Visiones desde el Atlántico. Pontevedra, Teófilo Edicións, 2014.
VILLALTA, Mª.J., “Ciudades rurales” en la España Moderna. El protagonismo de las continuidades”, Revista de Demografía Histórica, vol.. 21, Nº 1, 2003, pp. 15-43.Generic Skills
-Posuir Advanced knowledge of the main bibliographical resources of the various subject areas and disciplines that include historical studies about the monarchy of Spain XVI-XVIII centuries.
To acquire a critical understanding of relationship between current events and processes and the past.
-Apply Properly it owns scientific methodology of history, in the execution of bibliographic work in the development of states of matter in the analysis and interpretation of the sources.
To apply the new technologies to historical research and the exercise of own work profiles
professional degree.
To be able to comment, annotate and edit texts and documents correctly according to the canons of history.
Specific skills
To know and understand advanced level systems and the social, economic, institutional, cultural, ideological, religious structures that make up the territories that formed the monarchy of Spain.
To understand and appreciate the different perspectives of researchers involved in the study of Monarchy
Spain in the Modern Age, knowing people from different cultural and national contexts.
Analyze and interpret historical documents to advanced level of the XVI-XVIII centuries.
Basic Skills
-Poseer Knowledge and understanding that provide a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and / or applying ideas, often in a research context.
That students possess learning skills that enable them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
Transverse competences
Identify and select the appropriate methodology to formulate hypotheses, to define problems and design strategies own academic research work.
-Be Able to design and implement advanced academic work both individually and collectively.Given that the subject has a blended nature, both expository and interactive teaching will be carried out completely in a virtual way, by telematic means, either with synchronous mechanisms (videoconferences: UNICAN WebEx), or with asynchronous ones (Virtual classroom, forums).
-In The lectures is to provide students with information about the historical development, urban development and the representation of the cities of the Spanish monarchy in modern times, from medieval heritage to the Enlightenment. It also seeks to strengthen the computer skills to the collection, cataloging and critical graphic and bibliographic information about the Hispanic urban spaces in modern times analysis.
-The Practical classes allow the acquisition of skills and development of the knowledge acquired through personal work of students. Self-employment is also encouraged from materials on -line and the capacity for analysis and synthesis of information from artistic media, applying methods and techniques of the humanities.
Students may use, in addition, the Virtual Classroom of the subject.A system of continuous formative evaluation will be used.
-50% of the grade will correspond to the evaluation of practical and theoretical works, and critical reviews.
-50% corresponds to continuous assessment of student attendance and participation in activities and seminars held remotely (videoconferences and virtual classroom)
Conditions recovery: Repeat or revision in the calendar of the course.
Book reviews or critical comments were made from a selection of images and texts that students will be provided at the beginning of teaching. Being a semi subject detail of book reviews and papers will be presented in the course on -line , along with the timing and conditions of presentation and materials used.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, it will be applied or included in the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and for the review of grades.Every hour of expository teaching should be accompanied by a complementary student work (in the form of readings and setting the discussion in class) about two hours.
In parallel it is estimated that to solve each of the hours of interactive teaching, students should use at least four hours of personal work.-Reading of the general and specialized bibliography provided by the teacher with the program, but also more specific than that given to each topic for a more complete view of who can be offered in the lectures.
- Ability to read in a foreign language commonly used in scientific production in the field of modernist studies.
-Clarify questions in class or in the tutorials, any doubt that may arise during the learning period and in the course of solving practical cases.In the case of academic fraud as defined in article 42 of the USC Coexistence Law of March 2023, the sanctions provided for in article 11 will be applied if plagiarism occurs in academic works or exams or non-consensual use of Artificial intelligence.
Hortensio Sobrado Correa
- Department
- History
- Area
- Modern History
- Phone
- 881812606
- hortensio.sobrado@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Art History Seminar