ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 15ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 233
Hours of tutorials: 12.5
Interactive Classroom: 4.5
Total: 250Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
End of master’s Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Modern HistoryCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree ProjectsTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
Overall, the TFM intended that students learn to develop own research work of the historian. Its scope is broad and can be oriented either research focused on primary sources (archives, literary sources of time, library funds etc.) or to work towards development of historical research in its broadest sense and usually developed on secondary sources (historiographical reconstructions, development of up-to-day literature etc.). In any case, always within this broader dimension, it would be contacting the student with the characteristic problems of the office of historiar that largely must worry for the rest of his academic life.
The student will demonstrate that it is able to apply the knowledge and procedures acquired during their training to develop a research paper on a specific object, original character, well reasoned and argued. To do this you must implement their ability to seek information critically, analyze, organize and present it properly. He also must demonstrate that it knows how to use the terminology and specific methodologies, employ procedures appropriate presentation to academic requirements and propose well-founded assessments and critical judgments applied to its subject.
G1 - properly apply its own scientific methodology of history, in the execution of bibliographic work in the development of states of matter, in the analysis and interpretation of sources
G2 - Apply advanced level instruments collecting information such as library catalogs, archive inventories, electronic references, research and documentation and cataloging books archives and libraries related to the Modern History of Spain
G3 - Apply new technologies to historical research and the exercise of own work of professional qualification profiles
G4 - Learn to transcribe, summarize and catalog historical information.
G5 - Be able to use the specific tools necessary to study documents of particular periods (eg palaeography, epigraphy).
CB1 - knowledge and understanding that provide a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and / or applying ideas, often in a research context
CB2 - That the students can apply their knowledge and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study
CB3 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, and formulate judgments based on information that was incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
CB4 - That students can communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale underpinning to specialists and non-specialists in a clear and unambiguous
T1 - Identify and select the appropriate methodology to formulate hypotheses, to define problems and design strategies own academic research work.
T2 - locate, discriminate, analyze and evaluate relevant (written, oral and electronic) primary and secondary sources for academic work and reference them properly, according to the convection of academic texts.
CE1 - Know how to make original to the problematic subject of historiographical debate about modern history contributions.
CE2 - Know, at an advanced level, bibliographic resources and primary sources for the study of Modern History of Spain and especially in the area of the Monarchy of Spain.
CE3 - Apply advanced level, theories, methods and characteristics of human and social study of Modern History and especially to the monarchy of Spain science techniques.1. / the teachers / as direct reports wishing master must submit, before the start of the academic year (last week of September), the coordination of the Research Module, two proposed work item, indicating the main sources ( 25%) for processing and a short bibliography of authors / basic as.
2. / Coordinator / Research Module to publish, between the second and third week of the course, on the website of the Master, the list of all items proposed by teachers, so that the / the students can select it's / tutor / a research and theme they see fit. This will make it a presentation in classroom topics that 3. are offered Exceptionally, and by reasoned written, to be presented to the Coordination Commission of the Master may be accepted research proposals by the / the student, whenever there is a teacher / to take charge of them and comply with the research of the faculty of the Master.
4. Each teacher / a may address, per academic year, a maximum of two TFMS.
5. In the fourth week of the academic year, the / the students, presented to the Coordinator / a Research Module, a written application in which include at least two issues of the proposed TFM and prioritized.
6. In the fifth week of the course, he / Coordinator / a Research, assign each student master a subject and tutor / to research. The allocation made by the Coordination Module V will be submitted to the Masters Coordination Committee for approval. In the event that an issue-tutor / to have more than one / a candidate / a, be selected taking into account the academic record and a personal interview with the / Coordinator / a Research.
7. Once approved by the Coordinating Committee of the Master's relationship issues of TFM, students and tutors / ace in the sixth week of the course, he / Coordinator / V Module to make it public. This allocation / as students are entitled, if they consider it appropriate, to complain to the Master Coordination Commission within one week
8. In the eighth week, / the guardian / as research should convene a mentoring their mentees / as. It will be informed in detail of the proposal, method of work, etc.
9. In the first week of June, all / the students enrolled in the TFM, must submit to a committee appointed for the purpose and chaired by the / the Coordinators / ace Research, sources (discussed), the literature and the work schedule. A positive consideration by the court of the work presented by the / the student will be essential to continue with the research. Suggestions court always directed to try to improve the project presented by the student.
10.The specific dates for the days of deposit and reading TFM to be announced. / As USC students will present three copies bound in the secretariat of the Department of History.
11. The memory requirements will be adapted to the real possibilities of realization, with the aim that students can finish it within the deadlines set in enrollment. The work will span 50 pages minimum and 75 maximum, double spaced, letter CGTimes 12. There are counted in this extension sources and bibliography.A single Tribunal for the evaluation of the work will be established. It will be appointed annually proposal / Coordinator / a Working Module Master's Thesis of each university and will be approved by the Coordinating Committee of the Master. However, on reasoned request in writing to the Coordination Commission, it may establish a special session of the same court. For extraordinary reading a detailed description of the reasons for the request is made. The Commission will carefully study requests in order to avoid a massive use of this extraordinary way and may request clarification of doubts arising. The Tribunal shall consist of three members: Chairman / a, Secretary / a and Vocal. The / the President / to be the teacher / a senior and age of those who form the court and / Secretary / a the least. The / Coordinator / a Module will always be part of that court. One of the members, if possible, come from another university and / director / a Labour can not be part of it. alternates shall be appointed. The courts will always be appointed by the Coordinating Committee of the Master (either for the ordinary way, reading sources or extraordinary way).
The act of evaluation will be public, starting with an oral defense of the work by the student may not exceed 15 minutes (the exhibition will be supported by the use of audiovisual technical resources) and will continue with a presentation of each of the board members , not exceeding a whole 30 minutes. Then, for a maximum of 10 minutes, the student must respond to any questions or concerns you have raised the members of the Tribunal, being able to engage in a debate. Finally, the Court deliberates behind closed doors before deciding qualifying. To do so will take into account the quality of content, clarity of presentation and answers to the questions asked.
Written presentation of TFM 80 90
-Scientific and technical -quality of
TFG / TFM presented
-Quality Material delivered
Oral presentation and defense 10 20
-Exhibition -Clarity
-Ability To debate and defense argument15 ECTS .................. 375 Hours
Taller de Jóvenes Investigadores
Coordinadora: Marina Torres Arce.
Lugar: Universidad de Cantabria. Presencial.
En el caso de interrupción de la docencia presencial por razones sanitarias, el desarrollo de las tareas relacionadas con la elaboración de los TFM se ajustarán a lo indicado en el punto 2 “Medidas específicas para cada escenario”, del "Plan de continxencia para o desenvolvemento da docencia no curso 2021-2022" (Consello de Goberno da USC, 30/04/2021), en esta materia se adoptarán las medidas necesarias para cumplir con la docencia de la misma en los tres escenarios propuestos:
- Escenario 1 (Normalidad adaptada), el curso se ajustará a lo indicado en esta Guía Docente.
- Escenario 2, se priorizará la programación de las tutorías por vía telemática.
- Escenario 3, la programación será exclusivamente por vía telemática.