ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.7
Hours of tutorials: 0.3
Expository Class: 45
Interactive Classroom: 10
EEES Clinics: 20
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Surgery and Medical-Surgical SpecialitiesAreas:
Faculty of Medicine and DentistryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Acquisition of the necessary knowledges on the foundations of the surgery. These are common to all the areas and branches of the surgery, by which the student has to know them before initiating in the study of the distinct surgical matters.
Lctures(45 hours)* in bracket number of hours devoted to each subject
1. Concept of Surgery. History of the Surgery (1)
2. Answer sistémica to the surgery (1)
3. Biology of the cicatrisation (2)
4. Wounds and contusiones (2)
5. Shock (2)
6. Sepsis and septic shock (1)
7. Local infection. Surgical infection (4)
8. Bleeding in surgery (3)
9. Traumatisms (3)
10. Burns (1)
11. Principles of surgery oncológica (3)
12. Principles of transplantation of organs (4)
13. Principles of Anaesthesiology: Assessment pre-anaesthetic, monitoring, replacement of the volemie, acute pain (4)
14. Nutrition in the surgical patient (1)
15. Complementary proofs in the surgical patient (2)
16. Preparation preoperatoria (1)
17. The act operatorio. Principles of surgical technician (2)
18. The period postoperatorio (1)
19. Surgical complications (2)
20. Surgery in the elderly (1)
21. Surgery mínimamente invasiva. Robotics. New technologies (1)
22. Principles of plastic surgery: Injertos. Plastias. Pathological scars. Ulcers of pressure (3)
Seminars-interactive (10 hours)
1. Clinical history in Surgery.
2. Surgical semiology I (neck).
3. Surgical semiology II (abdomen).
4. Surgical semiology III (abdominal wall).
5. Asepsis and antisepsia. Behaviour in the operating theatre and in the surgical area.
6. Surgical equipment. Instrumental, probes, cánulas, catéteres and drainages.
7. Surgical sutures: material and instrumental of suture. Technical principles. Mechanical suture. Anastomosis.
8. Security of the patient. Quality of the treatment.
9. Surgery ambulatoria. Pre-Habilitation and rehabilitation multimodal precocious.
10. Prosthesis and biomateriales in surgery.• Garden OJ, Parks RW. Principles and practice of surgery 7th ed. Elsevier. 2018. ISBN 978-0-7020-6859-1.
• Thomas WEG, Reed MWR, Wyatt MG. Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 2018. ISBN 978-0-19-882234-9.
• Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mattox KL. Sabiston Testbook of Surgery; The biological basis of modern surgical practice. 20th ed. Philadelphia. Elsevier. 2017. ISBN 978-0-323-29987-9.
• Brunicardi FC. Schwartz´s Principles of Surgery. 11th ed. McGraw Hill. 2019. ISBN 978-1-259-83535-3.
• Access from the library of the USC:
• Surgery 1. Surgical education, 6and Ed. Abel Archundia García. McGraw-Hill, 2017, https://accessmedicina-mhmedical-com.ezbusc.usc.gal/content.aspx?bookid….
• Surgery 2 Ed. Abel Archundia García. McGraw Hill, 2013, https://accessmedicina-mhmedical-com.ezbusc.usc.gal/content.aspx?bookid….
• Surgery base of the surgical knowledge and support in trauma, 5and Ed. Salvador Martínez Dubois. McGraw-Hill, 2012, https://accessmedicina-mhmedical-com.ezbusc.usc.gal/content.aspx?bookid….
• Diagnostic and surgical treatment, 14and Ed. Gerard M. Doherty. McGraw-Hill, 2018, https://accessmedicina-mhmedical-com.ezbusc.usc.gal/content.aspx?bookid….
• Articles of review and videos of the virtual campus, to criterion of each professor.Purchase a global vision and integradora of the general and essential appearances of the Surgery, and learn to relate them between yes, qualifying to the student to understand the surgical practice and the scientific base in that it supports : biology of the repair, wounds, infections, traumatisms, the act operatorio, surgical patient, transplantations, surgery oncológica and anaesthesia.
Lectures (3 groups) and seminars (6 groups), that are face-to-face activities.
They give in the Faculty of Medicine by the profesorado of the Department of Surgery and Medical Specialitys-Surgical: Julián Álvarez (chair), Evaristo Varo (chair), Jesús P. Walls (professor title), Fernando Fernández (labour permanent professor), Francisco González (professor associated of University) and PACS: Javier Baltar, Aquilino Fernández, Elena Gamborino, Salustiano González, Lucía Lesquereux, Unemployed Purification, Antonio Taboada.
Coordinator: Prof. Jesús P. Walls CotoréNormative 25 March 2010, 15 June 2011 (DOG number 140, 21-07-2011)
The students will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria that of explicit form appear in this educational guide.
In the final qualification of the subject will take into account:
1. The continuous evaluation
2. The final examination
The continuous evaluation will @realizar considering the assistance to the classes expositivas and interactive, that are face-to-face educational activities and compulsory. They will do random controls of assistance along the course, by means of document signed by student and professor. The manipulation or fake of the same will suppose the consideration of no assistance of the student and will communicate to the Rectorship for the eventual opening of the corresponding disciplinary file penalizing. To surpass the subject will be necessary a presencialidad minimum of 90% in the controls of assistance, except cause justified, independently of the note obtained in the examination.
will publish in the virtual campus the distribution of the students by classrooms, as well as the responsible professors in each one.
Situated the students will do a control of assistance. All the present students have to deliver the examination, (this is: the bulletin of questions and the staff signed and properly identified). In contrary case will appear like suspenses and will communicate to the academic authority in case it proceeds incoar disciplinary procedure.
The examination will @realizar with the modality test. It will consist of 100 questions with 5 possible answers and 1 alone correct, 3 errors subtract 1 point. It will have of 105 minutes for his realisation. There will be 5 additional questions of reservation, that contabilizarán only in case to cancel ask invalids, the order by which will be valued will be by order (of the 101 to the 105). The text of the examination will be form in Spanish and in Galician.
The examinations whose leaves of answers are not properly filled, with arrangement to the instructions indicated, will not be able to be corrected. The student will consider no presented.
For the approved of the examination, fulfilled the assistance to above-mentioned class, will demand a minimum punctuation in the examination of 5 on 10 (≥50% of net tarpaulins). The punctuation will establish with 1 decimal. When finalising the proof will publish in the virtual campus the staff with correct answers, so that the student autoevalúe his examination in inferior term to the 48 hours.
In the examination the professors will not attend doubts or claims on the questions. These will remit by email to the coordinator of the subject, only through the delegates of course. In a term of 3 to 10 days from the publication of notes, will fix 2 dates for the review of the examination by the student that wish it. The reviews will be individual and will leave proof of the same in a document signed by coordinator and student.
The examination of recovery (2ª opportunity) will govern by the same procedure.Work of the Student/to ECTS: 74.7
Hours of Tutorías: 0.3
Class Expositiva: 45
Interactive Class: 10• Use the sources and bibliographic resources advised.
• Participate actively in the face-to-face activities.
• Consult the virtual campus, where accesses to all the necessary information, updated of periodic form, for the educational development of the subject.
• Request tutorías when it was necessary.
• @Realizar the timely suggestions.
They will be allocated to solve doubts of the students and advise them in the study of the matter. The tutorías will be of individual character, face-to-face or telematic road, with the professors of the subject.ASSISTANCE To CLASS
25 March 2010, Article 126 of the statute of the USC, Articles 39 and 41 of the statute of the estudiantado of the USC, Instruction number 1/2017 of the General Office of the USC.
It is compulsory the assistance to the classes expositivas and interactive and to the formative activities established like compulsory in the educational guide, except when it have conceded dispenses it timely, by the board of faculty. They are causes justified of absence in class: official examination, presence in university organ referee, medical cause, grave illness or demise of familiar, complaint by bullying, realisation of work, strike, taken care of dependent and others to trial of the Deanship.
• The students with exemption of assistance to class have to inform to the coordinator of the matter to the start of course.
• The fault justified of assistance to class will have to be communicated to the coordinator, in a term of 10 days, by means of the suitable supporting document.
His situation will be determined by the competent organ of the USC, that will communicate it to the coordinator of the matter, the one who, to facilitate the realisation of the examination, will follow the instructions received in this regard.
will not be exigible the assistance to classes and seminars, @realizar already in courses precedents.
They have to identify to the coordinator of the matter to the start of course. This dispenses to the assistance to classes will not suppose in no case that the educational can @realizar changes in the content of the matter given and that these are matter of examination.
do not allow changes of group without the corresponding permission by the office of the Faculty.
The student/to, once authorised, has to communicate it to the coordinator of the matter.
It is absolutely forbidden the recording of the class, the photography of the slides or the filming of videos without the permission expresses of the present professor.
Julián Álvarez Escudero
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- Phone
- 981 950 6
- julian.alvarez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Jesus Pedro Paredes Cotore
Coordinador/a- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- jesuspedro.paredes@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Evaristo Varo Perez
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- Phone
- 981950622
- evaristo.varo@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
José Aquilino Fernández Pérez
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- joseaquilino.fernandez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Associate Professor of Health Sciences
Elena Gamborino Carames
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- elena.gamborino@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Associate Professor of Health Sciences
Antonio Taboada Suarez
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- antonio.taboada@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Associate Professor of Health Sciences
Fernando Fernandez Lopez
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- fernando.fernandez@usc.es
- Category
Lucia Lesquereux Martinez
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- lucia.lesquereux@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Associate Professor of Health Sciences
Francisco Javier Gonzalez Rodriguez
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- franciscojaviergonzalez.rodriguez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Associate University Professor
Francisco Javier Gonzalez Rodriguez
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- franciscojaviergonzalez.rodriguez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOSU (Organic Law Of University System) Associate University Professor
Purificación Parada González
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- pura.parada@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Associate Professor of Health Sciences
Francisco Fernando Santos Benito
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- Phone
- 981951621
- fernando.santos@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Associate Professor of Health Sciences
Salustiano Gonzalez Vinagre
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Surgery
- salustiano.gonzalez.vinagre@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Associate Professor of Health Sciences
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 18:30-19:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 7 19:30-20:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 8 Tuesday 18:30-19:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 7 19:30-20:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 8 Wednesday 18:30-19:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 7 19:30-20:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 8 Thursday 18:30-19:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 7 19:30-20:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 8 Friday 18:30-19:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 7 19:30-20:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 8 Exams 01.14.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 3 01.14.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 4 01.14.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 5 01.14.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 6 01.14.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 7 01.14.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 8 06.10.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 4 06.10.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 5 06.10.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 7 06.10.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 8