ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Campus LugoAreas:
Labour Relations SchoolCenter
Labour Relations SchoolCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
Course objectives
The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the complex world of business management, emphasizing particularly the function of planning as it precedes and paves the way for other management functions. To that effect, we are going to detail the planning process by itemizing the phases and contents of it.
Then, bearing in mind the importance of designing a suitable organization structure in order to implement the strategy, we are going to study the concept and involvement of the organization function in general and the organization structure in particular.
Lastly, we are going to detail the tools and the most used models to design the organization structure.
2.1 Business decisions.
2.2 Decision types: strategy.
2.3 Components of the strategy.
2.4 Process of strategic management.
3.1 Business objectives: concept and typology.
3.2 Planning: concept and types of plans.
3.3 Control function.
3.4 Planning and control systems.
4.1 Concept of organization structure.
4.2 Relationship between strategy and organization structure.
4.3 Primary Structure.
4.4 Operative Structure.
5.1 Parts of the organization.
5.2 Dimensions of the organization design.
5.3 Determinant factors.
6.1 Structuring tools.
6.2 Job study.
6.3 Departamentalization criterions.
6.4 Forms of organization.Basic bibliography:
IBORRA et al. (2007): Fundamentos de Dirección de Empresas. Thomson Editores, España.
ROBBINS, S. Y COULTER, M. (2.005) : Administración. Prentice Hall- Pearson, México (8ª y 6ª Ed.)
ROBBINS, S. Y COULTER, M. (2.005) : La Administración en el mundo de hoy. Prentice Hall- Pearson, México.
Complementary bibliography:
Bueno Campos, E.; Organización de Empresas. Estructuras, procesos y modelos, Pirámide, Madrid, 1996
CHIAVENATTO, I., Introducción a la Teoría General de la Administración, Mc Graw-Hill, México, 1999
DE LA FUENTE SEBATÉ, J. M. y otros, Diseño organizativo de la empresa, Civitas, Madrid, 2002
HODGE, B. J.; ANTHONY, W. P.; GALES, L. M., Teoría de la Organización. Un enfoque estratégico, Pearson Educación, Madrid, 2003
KOONTZ, H.; WEIHRICH, H. (2004) Administración. Una perspectiva global, Mc Graw-Hill, México, (12 ED)
MINTZBERG, H., La estructuración de las organizaciones, Ariel, Barcelona, 1991
ZERILLI, A., Fundamentos de organización y dirección general, Deusto, Bilbao, 1985
Depending on the development of the lectures, these texts may be complemented with other ones.- It is expected that the students manage, understand and develop the systematic nature of the company, the interconnection of each one of its parts and the involvement of these interrelations.
- Ability to understand the integration need of the functional and hierarchical company subsystems in order to meet its aims.
- Conceptual ability
- Technical skill in the development of the organization structure.
- Language use and fluency.
- Exposition clarity.
- Analytic and synthetic ability.
- Ability to search and process information.
- Technical skill in the management of documentary databases.
- It has always to be respected and introduced the gender view in order to provide the students with skills and abilities related to this matter. To that effect several actions have to be carried out: from the the easiest (writing and exposition with non-sexist language) to the more complex ones (creation of jobs taking into account gender view).The involvement and development of the obligations set in the Bolonia Process will lay down, everywhere, the teaching methodology that has to be used. Nevertheless, the teaching development will fulfill the following general guidelines:
1.Theoretical lectures. These classes will basically deal with the theoretic framework of the course. Short outlines about the content will be handed in to the students in order to make the best of these lectures.
2. Practical lectures. Solving of cases related to each lesson, as well as exercises with organization design tools.
3. Group dynamics. Group techniques for the decision taking process related to the structure development of the
4. Exposition of essays. Some credits will be set for the exposition of individual essays carried out by the students.
5. Virtual lecture room. A virtual lecture room will be created to be in contact with the students and to provide information.In this course the assessment is going to be continuous in order to try to motivate the student to attend the lectures insofar as it is possible. Consequently, the following assessment parameters are set:
1. Attendance and participation. Until 10 %.
2. Solving of cases and exercises. Until 20 %.
3. Development and exposition of essays. Until 20 %.
4. Exam of the contents. Until 50 %.
To pass the course, it is essential to get the score in at least two of the above mentioned categories.The course complexity is not high and this way it is not necessary to make an enormous effort. Here is an approximate study time:
- Study. Between two and three hours per theoretical lecture.
- Personal workload:
1. At least half an hour before the lecture (to revise the contents)
2. Between two and three hours to carry out practical cases.
3. Between two and three hours to do exercises.
4. At least one hour and maximum four hours to carry out essays and solve cases in group.
5. The student should also spend at least one hour per week in revising the contents and informations of the virtual lecture room.The attendance to the lectures makes to a great extent easier the understanding of the subject. It is also important to carry out the case solving and the exercises as the course develops. Thus the objective of putting into practice the theoretical contents as they are introduced may be met.
The virtual lecture room is a powerful communication if used. That is why it is recommended to check it rigorously and constantly.
Among the skills that are expected to be developed, to be exact speaking and writing fluently, there is the use of the own language, but also of other EU-languages. Consequently, some of the essays that have to be carried out may include texts or information in these languages. The student will be motivated to expose some essays in the same way.
Maria Gomez Barreiro
Coordinador/a- Department
- Campus Lugo
- Area
- Labour Relations School
- maria.gomez@usc.es
- Category
- Not Applicable
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Wednesday 18:00-19:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Exams 05.19.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 7 08.03.2025 10:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 7