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Labour Relations and Human Resources Degree

Branch of knowledge
Social and Legal Sciences
Ambit of knowledge
Ciencias sociales, trabajo social, relaciones laborales y recursos humanos, sociología, ciencia polí
Escola Universitaria de Relacións Laborais
Complexo docente do campus de Lugo, 27002
982824800 (Conserxaría)
982824801 (Dirección)

The Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources aims to form experts in the area of work and its relations with the skills needed to properly perform the profession of Labour Relations and Law Expert, to intervene in the design and implementation of the strategy and human resources policies, as well as in the organisation of work in all types of organisations and provide advice, support and opinions in the social-labour environment.

  • Duration: 4 academic years
    RUCT code: 2500975
    Seats number: 45

    Dean or center director:
    Mercedes Montes Rodríguez

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician

    MECES Level: 2

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Decreto 385/2009 do 27 agosto (DOG 16/09/09)

    BOE publication date:
    05/03/2010 (correc. de erros 1: 6/07/2010. Correc. de erros 2: 29/09/2011)

    Last accreditation date:

    The general objectives of the Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources are, after passing a multidisciplinary training program, for the graduate, as an expert in the area of work and its relations, broadly understood (legal regulation of worker-employer relations, work organisation; leadership and management of individuals and groups in organisations...), to acquire the skills needed to properly perform the profession of Labour Relations and Law Expert, to intervene in the design and implementation of the strategy and human resources policies, as well as in the organisation of work in all types of organisations and provide advice, support and opinions in the social-labour environment.

  • Non se contempla

  • Mentions are not contemplated.

  • The centre has 5 classrooms for teaching, of varying capacities and a computer room for teaching.

    The School also has a reading room. In addition, there is a Shared Library with a capacity about 1615 reading stations, distributed in 9 rooms, including a room for group work. The Library is in the University Campus of Lugo.

    The Faculty has wifi network coverage throughout the building.

  • The principal goal of the Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources is that the graduate can be an expert in the workplace and its relationships, understood these in a wide sense (namely, worker-employer legal relationships; the organization of work; management of human resources in organizations and so on). According to a multidisciplinary program, the graduate should acquire the necessary skills to:
    Be proficient as a Social Graduate.
    To actively participate in the design and implementation of thestrategy and human resources policies and the organization of work regardless the kind of organizations.
    To provide advice, support and to formulate accurate opinionson the labor environment.

  • Mobility

    El Centro cuenta con la colaboración de varios profesores/as que actúan como coordinadores académicos, y cuya función es autorizar y asistir en sus decisiones académicas a los estudiantes propios y de acogida. En estos profesores recaen la responsabilidad de localizar y analizar titulaciones y planes de estudio de otras Universidades, con el objeto de descubrir similitudes que permitan realizar los intercambios sólo con aquellas titulaciones cuyos contenidos se ajustan a ésta.

    La movilidad de los estudiantes se realiza a partir del segundo año de estudios en la titulación, en períodos cuatrimestrales o anuales. La selección de los candidatos se lleva a cabo, para cada convocatoria o programa, por una Comisión de Selección, compuesta por el director, la responsable de la UAGCD (Unidad de apoyo a la gestión de centros y departamentos) y los/as coordinadores académicos, de acuerdo con los criterios de baremación, previamente establecidos, que tienen en cuenta el expediente académico, una memoria y, en su caso, las competencias en idiomas que exige la Universidad de destino.

    La movilidad de los/as estudiantes está regulada a través del “Reglamento de intercambios interuniversitarios”. A través de la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores se gestionan programas de intercambio tanto nacionales (SICUE), como europeos (ERASMUS) y extracomunitarios (intercambios con países de América Latina o países de habla inglesa):

    Portal Internacional


    Consonte el art. 12.8 del RD 1393/2007 podrán ser reconocidos hasta un máximo de 6 ECTS.

  • - Para poder inscribirse en el Trabajo de Fin de Grado el estudiante deberá de haber superado 150 créditos de carácter obligatorios. De acuerdo con los objetivos establecidos en esta materia, de carácter obligatorio, los estudiantes deberán realizar y presentar un trabajo en el que demuestren las competencias adquiridas a lo largo de los cuatro años de estudios. El Centro hará cada curso una oferta de trabajos/tutores.

  • To prevent excluding from the training, employment and social prestige benefits of this new degree students of study plans prior to the EHEA, the College of Labour Relations of Lugo teaches a Bridging Course for the Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources.

    Students interested can attend the Bridging Course in one of the two training itineraries, according to the degree of origin, whether they have a Diploma or Degree in Labour Relations and Law, or a Diploma in Labour Relations.

    In addition, it is offered under two modalities: classroom and blended learning for those students who cannot attend classes.

    In both cases the bridging course for the Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources will last for one academic year, with the possibility of taking the course full time or part time.

    Diploma holders in Labour Relations will have to take the following compulsory subjects, with a total of 40 credits.

    Diploma or Degree holders in Labour Relations and Law will have to take the following subjects, with a total of 63 credits.


    To obtain the degree it is necessary to credit having acquired Level B1 of a foreign language recognised in the European framework.

  • Faculty
    Josefina María Baamonde Méndez
    María Mercedes Cobo Carrasco
    María Devesa Maciñeiras
    Rosa Díaz Alonso
    Antonio Garcia Rojo
    Maria Gomez Barreiro
    María Teresa Hermo López
    Luis Lamas Novo
    Mercedes Montes Rodríguez
    Gonzalo Núñez Corredoira
    Carmen Redondo López
    Javier Rivas Costa
    Jackiline Brígida Salazar Torres
    Ana Victoria Santín Sánchez
    Santiago Zoilo Silva Lopez
    Diego Vilanova Da Costa
The contents of this page were updated on 07.03.2023.