ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 90
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 30
Interactive Classroom: 27
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and BromatologyAreas:
Nutrition and BromatologyCenter
Faculty of Veterinary ScienceCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
This matter is to train students in the foundations on which sits Food Safety so that students achieve the following learning outcomes:
Components and characteristics of food. Changes, alterations and adulterations that may suffer. Food risk analysis: determination, management and communication of risk. The investigation of outbreaks of food toxi-infections. Dynamics and demographics of infection and intoxication. Epidemiology and diagnosis. Monitoring and surveillance system. Good hygiene practices, hazard analysis and critical control points. Handling and control treatments. Food safety and public health. Health criteria and legal basis of the inspection. Inspection of facilities and products.
With these tools, in the future of their profession they can collaborate in the training and protection of the consumer and assistance to food business operators. For that they have to know all the types of hazards that can affect food and must-know the measures that can be applied to prevent and control them. They also should know and interpret the legislative framework pertaining to the production of safe food and their networks of communication.Presentation of the subject.
-Block of work I (15 h approx.):
• General concepts
• Edibility and quality.
• General concepts of food law.
• Food Inspection.
• Food Industries.
• Sampling.
• Natural toxins in food.
• Food abiotic pollution.
• Microbial ecology
• Methods of food preservation.
- Block of work II (15 h approx.):
• Food Safety.
• The system of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
• Biotic contamination of food.
• An overview of food-borne diseases.
• Food-borne bacterial diseases.
• Food-borne fungal diseases.
• Food and feed main hazard and their control regulation.
SEMINARS (approx. 10 hours):
Students will make individual works and in groups that will have as subjects aspects related to the matter and that should made and deliver as instructed by the teacher (S).
1) Laboratory (15 h)
Preparation of material for the Microbiological Analysis of Food Control (LB),
Microbiological Analysis of Food Control (LB),
Systems that establish the period of life in food (OR),
Fungal contamination (LB),
2) Active Visits (2 h, clinical groups, 10 students max.): Food safety in markets (C), Reading and interpreting the results.
Lab questions: students delivered unresolved issues and practices related results.BASIC bibliography:
- Legislation in force.
- Updated bibliography recommended by the teacher.
COMPLEMENTARY bibliography:
- - Agenjo, C. Enciclopedia de la inspección veterinaria y análisis de alimentos. Ed. Espasa, Madrid (1980)
- Ana Mª Rey y Alejandro A. Silvestre (2004). Comer sin riesgos 1 y 2.
- Bello Gutiérrez, J. (2000). Ciencia bromatológica. Principios generales de los alimentos. Madrid. Ediciones Díaz de Santos S.A.
- Bolton, A. Sistema de gestión de la calidad en la industria alimentaria. Ed. Acribia, Zaragoza (2000)
- Briz, J. Internet, Trazabilidad y Seguridad Alimentaria. Mundi-prensa, Madrid (2003)
- Código alimentario español y disposiciones complementarias. María Dolores Flores Cerdán y Paloma Deleuze Isasi. Ed .Tecnos, Madrid (2001)
- Código sanitario internacional para los animales acuáticos: peces, moluscos y crustáceos. Office International des Epizooties, Paris (2000)
- FAO /OMS. (1994). Programa conjunto FAO/OMS sobre Normas Alimentarias. Código Alimentario, volumen III 1994: Residuos de medicamentos veterinarios en alimentos.
- FAO. Sistemas de calidad e inocuidad de los alimentos: manual de capacitación sobre higiene de los alimentos y sobre el sistema de análisis de peligros y de puntos críticos de control (APPCC). Ed. FAO, Roma (2002)
- Federación Española de Hostelería. Guía de prácticas correctas de higiene e Hostelería. I. Restaurantes, Cafeterías y Bares. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (2000)
- Fehlhaber, K. & Janetschke, P. (1995). Higiene veterinaria de los alimentos. Acribia. Zaragoza.
- FIL-IDF Monograph on residues and contaminants in milk and milk products. Brussels. 1997. Derache R.
- Forsythe S.J. Alimentos seguros: microbiología. Zaragoza. Editorial Acribia. 2003.
- Johns, N. Higiene de los alimentos. Directrices para profesionales de hostelería, restauración y catering. Ed. Acribia, Zaragoza (1999)
- Mariott N.G. Principios de higiene alimentaria. Zaragoza. Editorial Acribia. 2003.
- Mortimore, S. y Wallance, C. HACCP : enfoque práctico. Ed. Acribia, Zaragoza (2001)
- Mossel D.A.A., Moreno B., Struijk C.B. Microbiología de los alimentos. Zaragoza. Editorial Acribia. 2003.
- Pascual Anderson (2000). Microbiología alimentaria. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo.
- Recuerda, M.A. (2012). Código de derecho alimentario. Thomson Reuters – Editorial Aranzadi, S.A., Navarra.
-Felipe, C. y Felipe, J. (2004). Manual de higiene y seguridad alimentaria en hostelería. Madrid, Paraninfo.
- Wildbrett G. (2000) Limpieza y desinfección en la industria alimentaria. Zaragoza. Acribia.General competences:(GVUSC):
o GVUSC01. Ability to learn and adapt.
o GVUSC02. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
o GVUSC03. General knowledge of the work area.
o GVUSC04. Planning and management of work.
o GVUSC05. Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
o GVUSC06. Ability to work independently and in teams.
o GVUSC10. Ethical commitment and accountability.
Disciplinary competences (CEDVUSC):
o CEDVUSC 12. Principles of Science and Food Technology. Quality Control of processed food and Food Safety.
o CEDVUSC 14. Knowing the rules and laws of veterinary and animal regulations and trade.
o CEDVUSC 15. Know the rights and duties of the veterinary, with special emphasis on ethical principles.
o CEDVUSC 16. Know the basic analytical techniques and its interpretation.
Academic competitions (CEAVUSC):
o CEAVUSC 01. Analyze, synthesize, solve problems and make decisions in the professional field of the veterinary.
o CEAVUSC 02. Maintain ethical conduct in the exercise of their responsibilities to the veterinary profession and society.
o CEAVUSC 04. Find and manage information related to the activity of the veterinary.
o CEAVUSC 06. Knowing how to find professional advice and help.
o CEAVUSC 08. Being aware of the need to maintain current knowledge, competences and attitudes of professional competences through a process of ongoing formation.
Transversal competences (CTVUSC):
- CTVUSC 01 Capacity for reasoning and argumentation.
- CTVUSC 02 Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information by various means such as bibliographic information and the Internet, and analyze it critically.
- CTVUSC 03 Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text.
- CTVUSC 04 Ability to make a public display in a clear, coherent and concise manner.
- CTVUSC 07 Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
Professional competences (D1VUSC):
o D1VUSC 03. Perform basic analytical techniques and to interpret clinical, biological and chemical results.
o D1VUSC 13. Conducting health checks of different types of businesses and restaurants and food establishments.
o D1VUSC 14. Carry out risk analyzes, including environmental and biosafety as well as the assessment, management and monitoring systems of quality management.
o D1VUSC 17. Make own technical veterinary reports.The contents are structured mainly in Master lectures where the fundamentals of the subject are basically established. These expository sessions will be explained with the help of the classic and audiovisual tools available, as indicated. An important aspect is that the students must complete the aspects contemplated in theory with the consultation of the bibliography and with the accomplishment of Works in inside and outside (independent formation) of the presential sessions, reason why it will be a very interesting part for the acquisition of competitions of the student. In these works, it will be necessary to gather information and to decide on some conclusions, thus promoting the capacity to defend one's own decisions and to be self-critical. The laboratory and visitation practices are considered a very important part of the student's training since they are fundamental complements to the theory. At the teacher's suggestion, the results and resolved questions on the whole Practices will be given, which will be evaluated and must be overcome as a compulsory requirement. Individual Tutorials and Tutorials in small groups will be at the indicated times or there may be the possibility of telematics, e-mail. All this teaching, tutorials and teacher/student communication will be supported by the Virtual Help Course on the platform that the USC has available for virtual teaching (e-mail @rai.usc, forum or Ms Teams), where it will be possible to locate the important announcements related to the subject and its activities as well as, for example, support summaries and additional material, updated bibliography, regulations, guides for carrying out the work and other activities, etc.
Exemptions from class attendance are not considered.- Continuous Assessment (up to 30%):
* Evaluation of work and student´s attitude during presencial classes and seminars will be evaluated (up to 25%): questions, problems and works proposed by the teacher and delivered as indicated will be evaluated. Student's attitude, respect to the basic norms of coexistence that allow the teacher´s work, and the student effort proving to learn this matter, will be evaluated.
* The realization and improvement (evaluation of the resolution of issues, results, etc.) of all Practices is mandatory requirement. Hands-on learning outcomes will be assessed (up to 5%).
- Final Exam (up to 70%): assessment of knowledge about the contents of the subject (requirement to reach 45% to evaluate this test. In the case that this test is not evaluated, only the score obtained in the Continuous Assessment will be indicated in the Acta). Type of test: can include multiple choice test questions and / or short and / or problems and / or topic questions.
In evaluating the second time: all the scores obtained by the student in the continuous assessment ,except the Final Exam, will be maintained.
Important notes:
In cases of fraudulent completion of all these exercises and tests indicated here, the provisions of the: "Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and for the review of grades" will apply.The subject consists of 6 ECTS credits, including the following hours of classroom sessions-telematic / student:
• Total Hours: 60.0
• Expository Sessions: 30.00
• Laboratory Practices: 15.00
• Active Visitation Practices: 2.00
• Seminars: 10.00
• Hours of Tutorials / small group students: 3.00
The number of hours of personal work for students in this area is estimated at 90 hours (52 h individual study, 20 h works, 10 h bibliography, 4 h resolution cases / issues, speaking 1h, 3 h written tests / examination, approx.).
The total number for this subject then is (25 x ECTS No.) 150 total hours.-Show attention and interest for this matter during the face-to-face assistance.
-Preparation of diagrams and summaries: understanding and memorizing them. Use the tutorials to answer questions on the matter.
-Check the recommended bibliography, especially food and feed legislation.Language: Spanish and Galician languages
(Occasional communication possible in Galician, English or French with students who need it).
On the basis of Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat on this matter, no dispensation is granted, as attendance at all face-to-face activities is required.
All the activities of the Continuous Assessment can only be developed during the period of the classes within the timetable established for this subject, it is reminded that non-attendance or failure to pass the practices will prevent the passing of the subject (compulsory requirement).
Carlos Manuel Franco Abuin
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- carlos.franco@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Beatriz Isabel Vázquez Belda
Coordinador/a- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- Phone
- 982822405
- beatriz.vazquez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Patricia Regal López
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- Phone
- 982822484
- patricia.regal@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Alexandre Lamas Freire
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- alexandre.lamas@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Alejandra Cardelle Cobas
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- alejandra.cardelle@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Wednesday 16:00-17:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician, Spanish Classroom 2 Thursday 16:00-17:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician, Spanish Classroom 2 Exams 05.16.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 1 05.16.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 2 05.16.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 07.02.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 07.02.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 4