ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.2
Hours of tutorials: 2.25
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 112.45Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Evolutionary Educational PsychologyAreas:
Evolutionary Educational PsychologyCenter
Faculty of PsychologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
- Know the basic concepts and procedures related to the psychological foundations of educational intervention in individuals with developmental/learning difficulties.
- Deepen the concept, classification and specific aspects of the difficulties in development and learning, as well as different causal factors that explain its emergence and development.
- To know the characteristics, types and origin of the developmental and learning difficulties most commonly encountered in educational practice.
- To recognize the significance of early indentifying children in risk of developing learning difficulties and of providing them with appropriate care.
- To learn how to design and plan educational response strategies suited to each type of difficulty in the framework of the teaching–learning process.
- To strengthen scientific and methodological research abilities in Educational Psychology, and incorporate them into professional practice.
- To develop the specific communication, discussion and negotiation skills needed to help improve interpersonal and group relations in formal and non-formal educational contexts.LECTURES
UNIT 1. Developmental and learning difficulties. Psychological development difficulties: historical background; causal analysis; main difficulties in psychological development. Learning difficulties: conceptual delimitation; explanatory models; causal analysis; main difficulties in learning.
UNIT 2. Psychomotor development difficulties. Introduction. Psychomotor difficulties in children 0–3 and 3–8 years old. Psychoeducational intervention. Consequences on learning.
UNIT 3. Cognitive development difficulties. Introduction. Main difficulties in cognitive development: perceptual, attentional and mnemic. New approaches to the study of cognitive development difficulties: executive functions. Psychoeducational intervention. Consequences on learning.
UNIT 4. Language development difficulties. Introduction. Main difficulties in the development of psycholinguistic processes: specific language difficulties; articulatory difficulties. Psychoeducational intervention. Consequences on learning.
UNIT 5. Socioemotional development difficulties. Introduction. Main socioemotional difficulties in the pre-school and school age. Psychoeducational intervention. Consequences on learning.
UNIT 6. Instrumental learning difficulties. Reading difficulties. Writing difficulties. Arithmetic difficulties. Psychoeducational intervention.
PRACTICE 1. Differentiation disorders vs. neurodevelopmental difficulties.
PRACTICE 2. Case study. Detection of psychomotor difficulties.
PRACTICE 3. Case study. Detection of cognitive difficulties.
PRACTICE 4. Case study. Detection of linguistic difficulties.
PRACTICE 5. Case study. Detection of specific learning difficulties.BASIC READINGS
AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION (APA) (2014). Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales. DSM-5. Editorial Médica Panamericana.
AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION (APA) (2022). Guía de consulta de los criterios diagnósticos del DSM-5-TR. Editorial Médica Panamericana.
ARNEDO, M., BEMBIBRE, J., MONTES, A. Y TRIVIÑO, M. (2015). Neuropsicología infantil. Médica Panamericana.
ARNEDO, M., BEMBIBRE, J., MONTES, A. Y TRIVIÑO, M. (2018). Neuropsicología del Desarrollo. Médica Panamericana.
CASTEJÓN, J. L. Y NAVAS, L. (Eds.) (2011). Dificultades del aprendizaje y del desarrollo en infantil y primaria. ECU.
CLASIFICACIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE ENFERMEDADES, undécima revisión (CIE-11), Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) 2019/2021, https://icd.who.int/browse11.
LÓPEZ, M. D. Y POLO, M. T. (2015). Trastornos del desarrollo infantil (2ª ed.). Pirámide.
MARCHESI, A., COLL, C. Y PALACIOS, J. (2007). Desarrollo psicológico y educación 3. Trastornos del desarrollo y necesidades educativas especiales. Alianza Editorial.
RIVAS TORRES, R.Mª. Y LÓPEZ GÓMEZ, S. (2015). Dificultades en el desarrollo y del aprendizaje. Pearson. (eBook en formato PDF).
ROSSELLI, M., MATUTE, E. Y ARDILA, A. (2010). Neuropsicología del Desarrollo Infantil. Manual Moderno.
ALONSO GARCÍA, J. Y ROMÁN SÁNCHEZ, J. Mª. (2003). Educación familiar y autoconcepto en niños pequeños. Pirámide (Colecc. Ojos Solares).
AMAR-TUILLIER, A. (2007). Trastornos infantiles del lenguaje y del aprendizaje. Octaedro.
COBOS ALVÁREZ, P. (2007). El desarrollo psicomotor y sus alteraciones. Manual práctico para evaluarlo y favorecerlo. Pirámide (Colecc. Ojos Solares).
DIAZ-AGUADO, M.J. (DIR.) y MARTÍNEZ ARIAS, P.(1995) . Niños con dificultades socioemocionales. Ministerio de AsuntosSociales.
GARAIGORDOBIL, M. (2003). Intervención psicológica para desarrollar la personalidad infantil. Juego, conducta prosocial y creatividad. Pirámide.
GARCÍA SEVILLA, J. (2007). Mejorar la atención del niño. Pirámide.
INGLÉS SAURA, C. J. (2003). Enseñanza de habilidades interpersonales para adolescentes. Pirámide.
HULME, CH. Y MACKENZIE, S. (1994). Dificultades graves en el aprendizaje. El papel de la memoria de trabajo. Ariel.
LARROY, C. Y PUENTE, M.L. (1998). El niño desobediente. Estrategias para su control. Pirámide.
LÓPEZ SOLER, C. Y GARCÍA SEVILLA, J. (1997). Problemas de atención en el niño.Pirámide.
LÓPEZ VALERO, A. Y ENCABO FERNÁNDEZ, E. (2001). Mejorar la comunicación en niños y adolescentes. Pirámide.
MACIÁ ANTÓN, D. (2002). Problemas cotidianos de conducta en la infancia. Pirámide.
MARTÍN DOMÍMGUEZ, D. (2008). Psicomotricidad e intervención educativa. Pirámide.
MÉNDEZ, F. (1998). El niño que no sonríe. Estrategias para superar la tristeza y la depresión infantil. Pirámide.
MENDOZA LARA, E. (2001). Trastorno Específico Del Lenguaje. Pirámide.
MIRANDA CASAS, A., VIDAL-ABARCA GÁMEZ, E. Y SORIANO FERRER, M. (2000). Evaluación e intervención psicoeducativa en dificultades de aprendizaje. Pirámide.
MORENO GARCÍA, I. (1995). Hiperactividad. Prevención, evaluación y tratamiento en la infancia. Pirámide.
PAZ BERMÚDEZ, Mª. (2000). Déficit de autoestima. Pirámide.
PÉREZ, E. Y SERRA, M. (1998). Análisis del retraso del lenguaje. Ariel.
RIVAS TORRES, R. Mª. Y FERNÁNDEZ, P. (2011). Dislexia, disortografía y disgrafía. Pirámide.
SALDAÑA GARCÍA, C. (2001). Detección y prevención en el aula de los problemas del adolescente. Pirámide.
SALVADOR, F. (1999). El aprendizaje lingüístico y sus dificultades. Grupo Editorial Universitario.
SANTACREU, J. Y FORJÁN, Mª.J. (1993). La tartamudez. Guía de prevención y tratamiento infantil. Pirámide.
SOPRANO, A. Mª. Y NARBONA, J. (2007). La memoria del niño. Desarrollo normal y trastornos. Barcelona.BASICS And GENERALS
CB1 - That the students have showed to possess and comprise knowledges in an area of study that splits of the base of the secondary education general, and is used to find to a level that, although it supports in books of text advanced, includes also some appearances that involve pertinent knowledges of the avant-garde of his field of study
CB2 - That the students know to apply his knowledges to his work or vocation of a professional form and possess the competitions that are used to to show by means of the preparation and defence of arguments and the resolution of problems inside his area of study
CB3 - That the students have the capacity to gather and interpret notable data (usually inside his area of study) to issue trials that include a reflection on notable subjects of índole social, scientific or ethical
CB4 - That the students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a so much specialised public as no skilled
CB5 - That the students have developed those skills of necessary learning to undertake back studies with a high degree of autonomy
CG1 - That have capacity to tackle his professional and formative activity from the respect to the Deontological Code of the psychologist, that includes, amongst other more specific, the principles of the respect and the promotion of the fundamental rights of the people, the equality between the people, the principles of universal accessibility and design for all and the democratic values and of a culture of peace.
CT1 - Capacity of synthesis
CT2 - Capacity of resolution of problems and taking of decisions
CT3 - Capacity of work in team and collaboration with other professionals
CT4 - Capacity of self-criticism
CT5 - Capacity of communication
CT6 - Capacity of development and up to date maintenance of the competitions, skills and own knowledges of the profession
CE1 - Show knowledges and understanding of the functions, characteristic, contributions and limitations of the distinct theoretical models of the Psychology.
CE3 - Show knowledges and understanding of the processes and main stages of the psychological development along the vital cycle in his appearances of normality and abnormality.
CE6 - Show knowledges and understanding of the methods and designs of investigation and the technicians of analysis of own data of
the Psychology
CE7 - Show knowledges and understanding of the distinct methods of evaluation, diagnostic and psychological treatment in different fields applied of the Psychology %or2013clinical and of the health, social, educational
CE8 - Know identify the needs and demands of the addressees in the different fields of application and establish put them of psychological performance
CE9 - Know identify the notable characteristics of the behaviour of the individuals, groups, organisations and contexts mediantes the methods, technical and own instruments of the psychological evaluation
CE10 - Know promote the health and the quality of life, through the own methods of the profession, in the individuals, groups, communities and organisations in the distinct fields and contexts: educational, clinical and gives saúde, do traballo and ace organizacións, grupal and comunitaria
CE11 - Know select and administer technical and own and specific instruments of the Psychology
CE12 - Know define the aims, elaborate the plan and the technicians of intervention in function of the needs and demands of the addressees, and evaluate the results obtained
CE13 - Know transmit to the addressees, of suitable and precise form, the results of the evaluation
CE14 - Know elaborate psychological reports in distinct fields of performance, headed to the addressees and to other professionals
CE15 - Know adjust to the deontological obligations of the PsychologyThe subject will be taught through explanatory lectures for the theoretical contents and participative classes with teacher-oriented debates, individual work (preparation of materials, contents, glossaries and case studies) and teamwork (pooling of topics, preparation of glossaries and discussion of cases).
In order to more easily follow theoretical explanations, students will be provided with a teaching guide presenting each unit in detail and including recommended readings for consultation.
In the expository classes, will present the contents of the asignatura, providing a vision organised and integrated of the distinct approaches and explanatory models of the difficulties in the development and in the learning. To continuation, will tackle each one of the difficulties in the development that affect to the distinct fields -psycomotor, cognitive and linguistic-, as well as those that affect to the instrumental learnings, developing the basic and fundamental appearances of each one and, complementing the explanation with diverse audiovisual materials.
For the realisation of the interactive classes, will facilitate him , to the alumnado, a dossier that includes the necessary material for the realisation of the distinct practical.
In the interactive classes will implement activities of practical character and applied (p.e., design of protocols of evaluation-intervention psycoeducational, study of cases, preparation of cases, analysis of programs of intervention) linked to the theoretical contents studied, boosting, particularly, the autonomous and cooperative learning, as well as the taking of decisions. Also it will treat to boost the implication of the students in debates headed to promote the critical thought.
Besides, to the start of each subject or practical, will put to disposal of the students the necessary documentation through the Classroom CESGA.The evaluation of the matter includes the following appearances:
1. Evaluation of knowledges on the contents explained and worked in the expository classes and interactive by means of the realisation of a final examination type test. The qualification of this (corrected according to the formula tarpaulins-errors/2) will suppose 60% of the final qualification. To surpass the examination, has to obtain a minimum of 4 (on 6) so that they can him add the rest of qualifications obtained through varied individual works and the realised in group.
The examination will realise at the end of the cuatrimestre. The content of the examination includes so many relative questions to the content of the classes expositivas, to the readings recommended, as to the interactive classes.
2.Individualizated realization of varied activities on, fundamentally, study of cases that, evaluated of continuous form, will have a weight of 25% in the final qualification.
3. Realization, in group ( máx. 4 students), of a report on a study of case, with a weight of 15% on the final qualification.
In the final evaluations of both works, as a continuous evaluation activity, the participation and responses of the students in the follow-up of the different activities are included.
To be able to realise and present both reports -individual and in group-, has to assist to 80% of the interactive classes. In the case of not covering said assistance, only will be able to realise the final examination, having to obtain 5 (out of 6) to surpass the matter.
During tutorial hours, the teacher may also require individual or group interviews to verify the degree of achievement and participation in the objectives of the different activities carried out. Failure to attend said appointment will mean failure to pass the activity(ies) in question. In addition, the works of the classes that are not attended, will not be graded.
Students with an attendance waiver must inform the teacher in the same week that their exemption is approved in order to specify their work plan and the specific evaluation of the subject. The evaluation procedure, taking into account the temporary characteristics of the student, will follow the general evaluation conditions of the subject: a final exam type short question, whose grade represents 60% of the final grade, and must obtain a minimum of 4 (out of 6) to be able to add the qualifications obtained in the individual work; In addition, they must carry out various individual activities with case studies, which will have a weight of 40% in the final grade. In addition, this evaluation plan entails the follow-up of the students in scheduled virtual tutorials (minimum 3), being the /student/ the one who must request them.
In accordance with the systems of evaluation of the matter, the competitions that evaluate , are: CE7, CE8, CE12, CE14, CE15, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, and CT5.
In any case, if it detects the fraudulent realisation of exercises or proofs will be of application the collected in the " Rule of avaliación do rendemento academic two estudantes and of review of cualificacións".
Note: To surpass the matter, the students linked to an interuniversity program have to follow the criteria of evaluation that appear in the program and in the educational guide, being able to fulfil them of virtual way.This subject is awarded 4.5 ETCS credits (28 hours of lectures and 10 of interactive classes). Students are estimated to require 75 hours (45 of study and 30 of assignment preparation) to pass it.
1. Assistance and active implication in the dynamics of class from the beginning of the same.
2. Punctual realization of the works.
3. Basic command of the English tongue.
4. Possess some rudimentos computer like the handle of a processor of texts and of Internet.
5. Attend tutoring throughout the semester.At the beginning of matter, it is provided to students teaching guide of the subject in which the broader aspects of the program are described in detail .
Rosa María Rivas Torres
Coordinador/a- Department
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Area
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Phone
- 881813743
- rosa.rivas@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Natalia Rosa Bohorquez Villanueva
- Department
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Area
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- natalia.bohorquez@usc.es
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 09:45-10:45 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Classroom 9 10:45-11:45 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 8 Thursday 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 8 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Classroom 9 Exams 01.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 3 01.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 01.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 5 01.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 5 01.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 6 01.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 6 01.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 7 01.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7 06.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 3 06.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 06.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 6 06.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 6 06.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 7 06.23.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7