ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Evolutionary Educational PsychologyAreas:
Evolutionary Educational PsychologyCenter
Faculty of PsychologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
Upon completion of the subject, students should be able to:
1- Analyze and critically assess the main Theories of Development and Learning and their contributions to education.
2- Understand the relationship between Development, Learning, Education and Schooling.
3- Assess the need to know the development to adequately exercise the professional activity.
4- Analyze educational processes and reflect critically on the purposes of education and on the role it plays in people's lives.
5- Provide the necessary instruments and promote attitudes that ensure students' involvement (in their future professional practice) in processes of reflection and assessment of their own practice.
6- Show interest and initiative to search, organize and critically analyze information in relation to the contents of the Subject.
7- Actively participate in group analyzes and discussions, cooperate with other classmates in the development of group work and properly and correctly communicate their own ideas and reflections.Part I. Developmental Psychology and Education in the context of psychological science
1. Conceptual Approach to Developmental Psychology and Education
1.1 . Developmental Psychology
1.2 . Psychology of Education
1.3 . The relationship between development and education.
Part II. Theoretical explanations of development and educational processes
2 . Theories of development and educational processes I
2.1. Psychoanalytic and Ethological approach
2.2. Behavioral and social approach to learning
3 . Theories of development and educational processes II
3.1. The cognitive perspective
3.2. Cultural -contextual approaches
4 . Theories of development and educational processes III
4.1. The theory of meaningful verbal learning
4.2. Constructivist approach as an explanatory model of educational processes
Part III. Methods of study
5. Development research and teaching-learning processes .Basic:
Berger, K. S. (2016). Psicología del desarrollo. Infancia y adolescencia. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana.
Coll, C.; Palacios, J. y Marchesi, A. (comps) (2014). Desarrollo psicológico y educación. Vol.2. Psicología de la educación escolar. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Delval, J. (2008). El Desarrollo humano. Madrid: Siglo XXI
Palacios, P., Marchesi, A. e Coll, C. (Comps.) (2014). Desarrollo psicológico y educación: Vol. 1. Psicología evolutiva. Madrid: Alianza.
Marchesi, A., Palacios, J. & Carretero, M. (Comps.) (2002). Psicología evolutiva: Teorias y métodos. Madrid: Alianza.
Martí, E. (2022) Comportamientos que nos hacen humanos. Una mirada desde la Psicología evolutiva. Barcelona: Horsori.
Sampascual, G. (2011). Psicología de la Educación. Madrid: UNED
Shaffer, D. R. e Kipp, K. (2007). Psicología del desarrollo. Infancia y adolescencia (Cap. 2, pp. 43-77). México: Thomson.
Woolfolk, A. (2010). Psicología Educativa. México: Pearson.
Barajas, C., De la Morena, M.L., Fuentes, M.J. y Gónzalez, A.M. (2004). Perspectivas sobre el desarrollo psicológico: teoría y prácticas. Madrid: Pirámide.
Berk, L. E. (2004). Desarrollo del niño y del adolescente. Madrid: Prentice-Hall.
Fogel, A., King, B. & Shanker, S. (2008). Human Development in the twenty-first century. Cambridge University Press.
Gilibrand, R. , Lam, V. & O'Donnell, V.L. (2016) Developmental Psychology. Harlow Pearson Education
Papalia, D.E., Feldman, R.D. & Martorell, G. (2012). Desarrollo Humano. México. MacGraw Hill
Schaffer, D.R. (2000). Psicología del desarrollo. Infancia y adolescencia. Thomson
Trianes, V. & Gallardo, J.A. (coords). (2004). Psicología de la Educación y del Desarrollo. Madrid: Pirámide.
Vasta, R., Haith, M.M. y Miller, S.A. (2001). Psicología infantil. Barcelona: Ariel.BASIC and GENERAL
CB1 -Students have showed to have and understand knowledges in an area of study at a level that, if well support in books of text advanced, includes also some knowledges of the vanguard of his field of study
CB2 - Students possess skills of development and defense arguments and solving problems within their field of study
CB3 - Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (typically within their field of study) for making judgements that include a reflection on issues of social, scientific or ethical nature l
CB4 - Students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized as non-specialist audiences
CB5 - Students have developed learning skills needed to undertake studies with a high degree of autonomy
CG1 - Be able to address your professional and educational activity from respect for the code of ethics of the psychologist, which includes, among other more specific, the principles of respect and promotion of the fundamental rights of persons, equality between persons, the principles of universal accessibility and design for all and democratic values and a culture of peace
CT1 - Capacity of synthesis
CT2 - Capacity of resolution of problems and take of decisions
CT3 - Capacity of work in team and collaboration with another professional
CT4 - Capacity of self criticism
CT5 - Capacity of communication
CT6 - Capacity of developmental and maintenance updated of the competences, skills and knowledges of profession
CE1 - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the functions, characteristic, contributions and limitations of various theoretical models of the Psychology.
CE3 - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the processes and main stages of the psychological development throughout the life cycle aspects of normality and abnormality.
CE9 - Learn to identify the relevant features of the behavior of individuals, groups, organizations and contexts through methods, techniques and tools of psychological assessment
CE15 - Learn to conform to the ethical obligations of psychologyLECTURES: lectures give an overview of the contents of the different subjects, clarify important concepts and relate knowledge to facilitate the meaning of learning..
FORMATIVE ACTIVITIES. In some sessions will perform activities to foment the reflection and the understanding of the contents. The students will receive at the end a feedback with the correct answer so that they can value his level of understanding and knowledge.
WORK IN TEAM: students carry out in small groups a directed project on a topic of the subject.The ultimate goal is that they learn to extract information from scientific sources, synthesize the information obtained, prepare a report of an academic nature, and transmission and oral defense of the final work. In addition, through group work in team, the confrontation of different points of view and the elaboration of shared meanings will be facilitated. Indirectly, students will also exercise their abilities to work cooperatively, defend their own ideas, accept others, integrate arguments and reach agreements.
The teacher will indicate the topics of the work and will establish the successive phases with specific tutorials
TUTORING. They are group and individualized tutoring for students who require it.
The student will have in the virtual campus the necessary documents for the follow-up of the subject and the instructions for the development of the interactive activities.Evaluation criteria:
For the evaluation, the results obtained in the final exam (75%) will be taken into account, which includes all aspects of the subject, as well as the results obtained in the continuous evaluation (25%), which includes the presentation of the work in team ( 15%) and formative activities (10%)
Final exam:
75% of the mark: Contents of a theoretical nature will be evaluated by means of a final exam on the date that appears in exam schedule of the Faculty of Psychology. It will be a multiple-choice test and the minimum score to pass it is 3.75 out of 7. It is essential to pass this exam to be able to add the mark for other activities. A second opportunity will be added in July for those who have not passed the subject in January.
With this test evaluates the skills: CB1, CE1, CE3 and CE9
25% Of the note: Directed works, formative activities.
The score of these activities will be added to give rise to the final grade of the subject, if the theoretical exam is passed. The evaluation of these activities will be carried out using the following indices:
a) Students will be able to obtain up to 1.5 points for directed group work on a topic. The written report and the oral presentation of the same will be valued, according to the clarity, the relevance of the bibliographic sources and the organization of the work. With this test evaluates the skills: CT1 to CT6, CE15, CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5 and CG1
b) Students may obtain up to 1 points for carrying out the training activities carried out in class. With these activities evaluate the skills: CE15, CG1, CB1, CB2.
The final evaluation will be expressed in a numerical grade from 0 to 10 (with a decimal). In order to pass the subject, the sum of the group of evaluation grades must be greater than 5 out of 10 (respecting the previous criteria)
2) Evaluation system in cases of students exempt from class attendance:
They will be able to acquire the skills that are worked on in the different sessions by following the subject through the Virtual Campus, where they will have all the materials and activities to develop.
It will be necessary to adapt the evaluation system, requiring them to carry out specific individual work, which is an alternative to the group work carried out by the rest of the students.
Likewise, it is necessary that they attend individualized tutorials throughout the course.The subject has 6 ECTS credits, which corresponds to an estimated total of 150 hours of student work, which are estimated as follows: Classroom activities: practical classes, tutorials for class activities, formative assessment activities, exam:55 hours Personal work of the student: 95 hours.
Students are encouraged to make use of tutorials.
Module A (Office 51)
Tuesday: from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Friday: from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Maria Josefa Castro Balsa
Coordinador/a- Department
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Area
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Phone
- 881813738
- fina.castro@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Eva Villar García
- Department
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Area
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Phone
- 881813949
- evavillar.garcia@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary supply professor for IT and others
Sonali Arora
- Department
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Area
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Phone
- 881813949
- sonali.arora1@usc.es
- Category
- USC Pre-doctoral Contract
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 09:00-10:15 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Classroom 2 10:15-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician, Spanish Classroom 1 Tuesday 09:00-10:15 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Classroom 2 10:15-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish, Galician Classroom 1 Exams 01.16.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 01.16.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 3 01.16.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 5 01.16.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 5 01.16.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 6 01.16.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 6 01.16.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 7 01.16.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7 06.23.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 3 06.23.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 06.23.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 6 06.23.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 6 06.23.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7 06.23.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Classroom 7