ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.5
Hours of tutorials: 2.25
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 112.75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and MedicineAreas:
Preventive Medicine and Public HealthCenter
Faculty of PharmacyCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
- Know the fundamentals of the epidemiological method as the essential core of Public Health.
- Know and apply the criteria of causality in epidemiology and health sciences.
- Know the keys to epidemiological analysis: designs (observational and analytical); measures of frequency (prevalence and incidence), measures of effect (relative risk, attributable, aetiological fraction); identification of biases (selection, information, confusion); clinical epidemiology: diagnostic tests, clinical decision, meta-analysis.
- Know and know how to apply the fundamentals of demography as an auxiliary science of epidemiology and public health: identification and analysis of populations, both static and dynamic.
- Know and apply the main socio-health indicators in the diagnosis of population health.
- Know how to interpret an epidemiological publication.
- Know how to plan, with the appropriate design, an epidemiological study.Programme of lectures:
Topic 1. Public Health: Concepts and contents. Historical evolution.
Topic 2. Health and its determinants. Natural history of disease. Levels of prevention.
Topic 3. Static and dynamic demography. Health information systems and health indicators.
Epidemiology: historical evolution, concept and applications.
Topic 5. Measures of frequency and effect.
The scientific method in epidemiology. Causal inference in epidemiology.
Systematic and random errors.
Experimental studies.
Cohort studies.
Topic 10. Case-control studies.
Topic 11. Cross-sectional and ecological studies.
Topic 12. Diagnostic test studies.
Topic 13. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Interactive class programme:
Practice 1. Demographics
Practice 2. Frequency and effect measures
Practice 3. Experimental
Practice 4. Cohorts
Practice 5. Cases and controls
Practice 6. Cross-sectional and ecological
Practice 7. Validity of diagnostic tests
Practice 8. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses.- Escuela Nacional de Sanidad (ENS). Instituto de Salud Carlos III - Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Miguel Ángel Royo Bordonada, Javier Damián Moreno, “Método epidemiológico”. Madrid: ENS-Instituto de Salud Carlos III, octubre de 2009.
- De Irala J, Martínez-González MA, Seguí-Gómez M. Epidemiología Aplicada. 2º Ed. Barcelona: Ariel, 2008.
- Piédrola et al. Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública. 11ª ed. Masson. Barcelona, 2008
- Hernández-Aguado MJ, Lumbreras Lacarra JL. Manual de epidemiología y salud pública para grados en ciencias de la salud. , 3º ed. Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2018.
- Ahlbon A, Norell S. Fundamentos de epidemiología. Madrid: Ed s XXI, 1992Knowledge:
Con 03. Know how to apply the scientific method and acquire skills in the handling of legislation, sources of information, bibliography, preparation of protocols and other aspects considered necessary for the design and critical evaluation of preclinical and clinical trials.
Con 07. Knowing, evaluating and assessing problems related to drugs and medicines, as well as participating in pharmacovigilance activities.
Know one's own limitations and the need to maintain and update professional competence, giving special importance to self-learning of new knowledge based on the available scientific evidence.
Know the fundamentals of public health and intervene in health promotion activities, disease prevention in the individual and collective spheres and contribute to health education, recognising the determinants of health in the population, both genetic and those dependent on sex and lifestyle, demographic, environmental, social, economic, psychological and cultural.
Con 42. Know and apply the legal, social and economic conditions related to the health field and in particular with the medicine.
Con 43. Know information retrieval techniques related to primary and secondary information sources (including databases with the use of computers).
Con 46. Know the principles and scientific methodology applied to pharmaceutical sciences, including the history and social function of Pharmacy.
H/D 01. Intervene in health promotion and disease prevention activities at individual, family and community level, with a comprehensive and multiprofessional view of the health-disease process.
H/D 06. Promote work and collaboration skills in multidisciplinary teams and those related to other health professionals.
Promote the rational use of medicines and health products.
Comp 01. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
Comp 03. Oral and written communication in one's own language.
Comp 06. Information management skills (ability to search for and analyse information from different sources).
Comp 07. Problem solving.
Comp 19. Research skills.
Comp 20. Ability to learn.- Large-group lectures: Lectures given by the lecturer. The teacher will be supported by audiovisual and computer media. These classes will usually follow the contents of the reference manual.
- Interactive classes in small groups: Theoretical/practical class in which applications of the theory, problems, exercises, etc. are proposed and solved. The student will actively participate in these classes in diverse ways: solving exercises in the classroom, etc.
- Tutorials in small groups: Supervised work, clarification of doubts about theory or practices, problems, exercises, readings or other proposed tasks will be supervised, as well as the presentation, exhibition, debate or commentary of individual work or work done in small groups.Final exam: 70% of the mark, by means of a multiple-choice test.
Continuous assessment: 30% of the mark.
- 25%: multiple-choice tests on the content of the two-hour interactive session and randomised multiple-choice tests in lecture classes. These controls in lectures will be carried out on all the material taught in the subject up to the time of the control.
NOTE: If a student answers any of the continuous assessment questionnaires, without being present in the classroom, he/she will be graded with a zero in the overall continuous assessment.
- 5%: continuous assessment will be assigned by the teacher according to participation in classes and seminars.
To pass the subject: minimum score of 5 points.
In the extraordinary evaluation, the evaluation system and the weight of each part will be maintained.
Continuous assessment marks will not be "saved" for successive courses.About 67.5 hours of personal work.
- Class attendance
- Class participation
- Use of recommended bibliography
- Use of class notes
- Use of materials and documents provided by the lecturers.
- Continuous dedication of at least 30 minutes after each class to the study of the subject.
- Personal work by the student in solving problems and carrying out assignments.NOTE: If a student answers any of the continuous assessment questionnaires without being present in the classroom, he/she will be graded with a zero in the overall continuous assessment.
Adolfo Figueiras Guzman
Coordinador/a- Department
- Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and Medicine
- Area
- Preventive Medicine and Public Health
- Phone
- 881812276
- adolfo.figueiras@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Angel Salgado Barreira
- Department
- Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and Medicine
- Area
- Preventive Medicine and Public Health
- angel.salgado.barreira@usc.es
- Category
Narmeen Mallah Nasrallah
- Department
- Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and Medicine
- Area
- Preventive Medicine and Public Health
- narmeen.mallah@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 10:00-11:00 Grupo C /CLE_03 Spanish 5035 Classroom 9. Faculty of Law 16:00-17:00 Grupo A /CLE_01 Spanish 5035 Classroom 9. Faculty of Law 18:00-19:00 Grupo B /CLE_02 Spanish 5035 Classroom 11. Faculty of Law Thursday 10:00-11:00 Grupo C /CLE_03 Spanish 5035 Classroom 9. Faculty of Law 16:00-17:00 Grupo A /CLE_01 Spanish 5035 Classroom 9. Faculty of Law 18:00-19:00 Grupo B /CLE_02 Spanish 5035 Classroom 11. Faculty of Law Friday 10:00-11:00 Grupo C /CLE_03 Spanish 5035 Classroom 9. Faculty of Law 16:00-17:00 Grupo A /CLE_01 Spanish 5035 Classroom 9. Faculty of Law 18:00-19:00 Grupo B /CLE_02 Spanish 5035 Classroom 11. Faculty of Law