ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
History of ArtAreas:
History of ArtCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
-Understand the principles and the development of the theory of museography and the Museoloxia
According to Museum programs that have been developed since the enlightenment
even today.
-Meet the new trends in the science of the Museoloxia - critical Museoloxia - which way to apply
in museums since the 1980s.
-To know the temporary programacions and museum collections which are to carry out
Since that together architecture of museums.
-To know the lines of collectibles, the world of exhibitions and major forms
commercial art, by applying the market trends and analyses on the price of the
works of art.
-Knowledge of market and acquisition of the art systems.
-Knowledge of the systems of cataloguing, valuation and valuation of works of art.
-Knowledge of labour practice in the different fields linked to museums, the
Exposition and the art market.PART I
I.1.- Museography.
Topic 1.- Exhibition. Concept, curation and discourse.
Topic 2.- Resources at the service of the museographic discourse.
Topic 3.- Preventive conservation in the museum.
I.2.- Museology.
Topic 1.- The concept of the museum. Origin, evolution and current events.
Topic 2.- State and regional regulations on museums.
Topic 3.- Planning, models and financing for museum management.
Topic 4.- Museology. Definition and evolution.
Topic 5.- Civil society and museums.
Topic 6.- Cultural marketing in museums.
Session 0:
Reading two following texts. They will be evaluated through a control (test)
A.- Pedro Lorente, Jesús: Reflections on Critical Museology, Inside and Outside Museums. Trea Editions. 2022. Gijón. 978-8418932-97-7
B.- ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums. UNESCO 2006. ISBN. 978-92-9012-422-1.
Basic manual of the museographic assembly. Paula Dever Restrepo, Amparo Carrizosa. 2010. ISBN. 978-62-8752-5443
Education with a gender perspective in Spanish Museums. Approaches and Discourses. Sofía Ángela Albero Verdú and Amaia Arriaga, in Géneros Muitidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studis. 2018, 1531-1555. ISSN. 2014-3613.
Session 1-5
Expository critique workshop.
Session 6-10
The architecture of museums.
Session 11.
Lecture "The Role of the Museum in Contemporary Society".
Complementary activities
1.- Going out in the field on a visit to museums. Given the schedule of the interactive sessions, this work will be done outside the time slots established by the center as a voluntary activity.
2. Presentations by professionals from the world of museums and the art market.
(Given the need to make the visits coincide with the opening hours of the museums, it will be necessary to
these are held outside of course hours).
3.- Field Practices:
Practice 1.- Duration 1 day. Forecast 2 buses. Visit to the network of Museums of Vigo: MARCO, Quiñones de León, Museo do Mar and O Castro. Tentative date to be determined in accordance with the granting of the travel aid.
Practice 2.- Duration: 1 day. Forecast 2 buses. Visit to the Castro de Viladonga Museum, Meira Monastery, Mondoñedo (Museum and Cathedral, Printing Museum), Sargadelos. Tentative date to be determined in accordance with the granting of the displacement aid
Cataloguing, exhibiting and assembling an art collection.Bibliografía de apoyo (V. aula virtual)
Museologia eta museografia hiztegia
Gobierno Vasco = Eusko Jaurlaritza, Servicio Central de Publicaciones = Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia, 2016. ISBN 978-84-457-3401-8
Os Museus e a(s) Sociedade(s). Teorias, contextos, histórias, experiências, desafios: textos das comunicaçoes a presentadas no II Fórum Ibérico de Investigação em Museologia, decorrido em Lisboa em 13 e 14 de dezembro de 2018
coord. por Joana Baiao, Raquel Henriques da Silva
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2019. ISBN 978-989-54405-2-8
Museologías: teorías, contextos, experiencias, retos : I Foro Ibérico de Jóvenes Investigadores
coord. por María Bolaños Atienza , Javier Arnaldo
Museo Nacional de Escultura, 2019. ISBN 978-84-09-07463-1
Arqueología de los museos. 150 años de la creación del Museo Arqueológico Nacional: actas del V Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Arqueología / IV Jornadas de Historia SEHA - MAN
coord. por Andrés Carretero Pérez , Concha Papí Rodes, Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero
Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte, Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones, 2018
ArTecnología: conocimiento aumentado y accesibilidad
coord. por Vinícus Andrade Pereira, Arturo Colorado Castellary , Isidro Moreno Sánchez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2014. ISBN 978-84-697-1450-8
Bibliografía de referencia:
Andrés Gutiérrez Usillos. Museología y documentación: criterios para la definición de un proyecto de documentación en museos. Trea, 2010. ISBN 978-84-9704-494-3
Antonio Rafael Fernández Paradas. Museología aplicada: didáctica, casos prácticos y materiales docentes. Antequera, Málaga : ExLibric, 2015. ISBN 978-84-16110-42-1
Cristóbal Belda Navarro , María Teresa Marín. La Museología y la Historia del Arte. Murcia : Universidad de Murcia, 2006. ISBN 84-8371-311-X
Eduard Carbonell i Esteller. Introducció a la museologia. Butlletí del Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, ISSN 1133-6455, Nº 8, 2005, págs. 61-62
Francesc Xav ier Hernández Cardona Joan Santacana Mestre . Museología crítica. Ediciones Trea, S.L.. ISBN 84-9704-226-3.
Francisca Hernández Hernández Manual de museología. Síntesis, 1994. ISBN 84-7738-224-7
Francisca Hernández Hernández Planteamientos teóricos de la museología Trea, 2006. ISBN 84-9704-225-5
Francisca Hernández Hernández . Manual de museología. Síntesis, 1994. ISBN 84-7738-224-7
Francisco Javier Zubiaur Carreño. Curso de museología. Trea, 2004. ISBN 84-9704-132-1
Jesús Pedro Lorente Lorente. Manual de historia de la museología. Somonte-Cenero, Gijón, Asturias : Trea, D.L. 2012. ISBN 978-84-9704-668.
Museología y museografía. Serbal, 1999. ISBN 84-7628-276-
Olga Nazor, Jorge Fernando Navarro. La Museología en la encrucijada. Biblios: Revista electrónica de bibliotecología, archivología y museología, ISSN-e 1562-4730, Nº. 7, 2001.-Distinguish between different types of museums.
-Distinguish the main lines of museum programs since the eighteenth century
-Expand the information given in the classroom with those provided in the bibliography or references to newspapers and magazinesExpositive sessions: In the sessions of docencia expositiva, the profesorado will explain the theoretical concepts-practical of the contents, supporting in presentations multimedia. As regards the material for the follow-up of the subject, to main of the bibliography recommended, the alumnado dispondrá of the material docente complementary.
Interactive sessions: the sessions of docencia interactive will carry out in the classroom and in sessions out of the classroom fixed with antelación. In this session also will work on the analysis of concrete cases for what the students dispondrán of the necessary material.
Personal Tutorship: The tutorships are used to the follow-up of the learning of the students. In the sessions of tutorships will realize a follow-up of the work of the students so much in the practical cases and in the resolution of problems derived of the work end of course.
1ª And 2ª weeks: 4 weekly hours.
3ª To 8ª weeks: 2 weekly hours.
10ª To 14ª weeks: 2 weekly hours.
3ª To 8ª weeks: 1 weekly hour.
10ª To 14ª weeks: 1 weekly hour.
15ª week: 5 weekly hours corresponding with the practice of field.
4ª And 5ª weeks: 2 hour.
9ª week: 1 hour.
Work to develop.The assessment of learning must include both the process and the result obtained. The
The student's performance in the subject depends on, among other things, the combination of two
Factors: the effort made and the student's own ability. The examination endorsed the
This is the result obtained, but it does not allow us to accurately assess the learning process. This
process, through ECTS credits, is adjusted to a continuous assessment that must
contribute decisively to stimulating students to follow the process and to get involved
more in their own training.
The evaluation will be carried out through two joint and complementary actions:
Continuous assessment, final theoretical-practical test and voluntary group work.
The first will be developed with the periodic evaluation of the interactives, with exhibitions
and active participation in both theoretical lectures and seminars, reaching a
in the final assessment even 40%.
This percentage shall be applied as follows:
1.- Participation in the classroom and carrying out work for the classroom, readings, etc.: 40%. Session 0 will be evaluated in two tests through the virtual classroom.
The final test, which will be theoretical and practical, will have a weight of 60% of the final assessment. In this
A grade higher than 2 out of 6 must be achieved. This test will consist of an examination
Type of test to be developed through the virtual classroom in the computer rooms of the Faculty with the following
Features: 60 questions, sequential navigation, 1 attempt, 90 minutes long.
The assessment of the group work will be equivalent to 20% of the final grade achieved by the student.
In the event that any student is unable to meet the requirements of the
requirements established for continuous evaluation, after justification of the reasons for doing so.
prevented, the specific procedure will be established through which to be able to cover that part of the
Final grading through the materials, assignments and readings refereed by the teacher.
Such materials must be delivered in good time to
their corresponding evaluation in the virtual classroom, five days before the date set for the exam.
This same procedure will be applied to those students who could not comply with the call
with the requirements established for continuous evaluation, always prior
justification of the reasons that prevent it. In this case, these materials will be delivered to the
day and time on which the examination of the said call for the subject was set.
Students who are granted exemption from class attendance (following Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat on the exemption from class attendance in certain circumstances), will be evaluated with a specific final test that will account for 100% of the grade.
Fraudulent performance of exercises or tests:
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Evaluation Regulations of the
Students' academic performance and grade review.
0.5 points may be added to the final qualification of the subject to students who accredit that they have completed the advanced training course in information skills offered by the Library during the semester. https://www.usc.gal/gl/servizos/biblioteca/servizos/competencias.htmlTIME PRESENCIAL OF THE STUDENT: 51 hours.
Expositive Session: 32 hours.
Interactive Session: 16 hours.
Personal Tutorship: 3 hours.
Individual autonomous study or in group: 60 hours.
Readings recommended, activities of library and similar: 28 hours.
Preparation of oral presentations, debates and similar: 8 hours.
Other tasks proposed by the professors: 7 hours.The assistance to the expositive and interactive sessions is basic for the follow-up and superación of the subject.
The student will have to realize all the activities recommended by the teacher (analysis of cases, review of bibliography and practical exercises) to surpass successfully the subject.
The material will put to disposal of the student through the Virtual Campus of the USC.The teaching material will be made available to students through the USC Virtual Campus.
Other complementary activities will be programmed for a more complete development of the subject: field practices, visits to museums and temporary exhibitions, attendance at conferences, etc.
This subject is included in a degree in the process of extinction, so it will be valid in the face-to-face modality during the academic years: 2024-2025 and 2025-2026. In the 2026-2027 and 2027-2028 academic years, students who have to take the subject will do so remotely.
David Chao Castro
- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- Phone
- 881812595
- david.chao@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Juan Manuel Monterroso Montero
Coordinador/a- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- Phone
- 881812716
- juanmanuel.monterroso@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Jennifer Novoa Dominguez
- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- jennifer.novoa.dominguez@usc.es
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 15:00-17:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 10 Friday 17:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 10 Exams 06.02.2025 12:00-14:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10 06.02.2025 12:00-14:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12 07.07.2025 12:00-14:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12