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History of Art Degree

  • In extinction
Branch of knowledge
Arts and Humanities
Faculty of Geography and History
Praza da Universidade, 1, 15703
Santiago de Compostela
881812585 (Conserxaría)
881812589 (Decanato)
Santiago de Compostela
Pórtico en Fonseca

History of Art is a scientific and humanistic discipline with the main objective of analysing artistic production, its processes of creation and reception, as well as its social contribution within the History of Culture. Among the professional opportunities it stands out the management of cultural heritage, museums and public and private collections and the tasks of research and teaching.

  • Duration: 4 academic years
    RUCT code: 2500974
    Seats number: 85

    Dean or center director:

    Title coordinator:
    Montserrat Capelan Fernandez

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician

    MECES Level: 2

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Decreto 385/2009 do 27 agosto (DOG 16/09/09)

    BOE publication date:
    5 de marzo de 2010; corrección de errores en el BOE del 6 de julio de 2010

    Last accreditation date:

    History of Art is a scientific and humanistic discipline with the main objective of analysing artistic production, its processes of creation and reception, as well as its social contribution within the History of Culture. In recent years, coinciding with its recognition as independent undergraduate studies, it has experienced remarkable curricular advances in related fields such as History of Music, History of Cinema and Audiovisual History, History, Literature, Philosophy and Geography, as well as in other fields such as Cultural Heritage, Museology, Gender studies, the Audiovisual field and advertising...

  • Non se contempla

  • Non se contemplan

  • At present the Faculty of Geography and History has 18 classrooms for teaching. All rooms are equipped with computer resources and adapted to the specific characteristics required by the subjects taught. Within this area the centre has 3 computer rooms, with a total of 60 stations, it also has a cartography classroom (21 places) and two laboratories (1 laboratory for prehistoric techniques and another for geography and prehistory).

    The school library is equipped with a considerable collection and has over 400 reading stations.

    We can also highlight that wireless Internet connection is available everywhere in the Faculty.

  • 1. To provide students critical and rational knowledge in art throughout history and its manifestations in different cultures and through the various artistic languages.
    2. To prepare students in specific training in different fields, functions, and activities of the art historian.
    3. To know the characteristics, functions, and the basic lines of the art in its different manifestations, along the historical discourse and within the framework of different cultures, as well as the root causes of those characteristics, functions and evolution, always incorporate the artwork with the social, economic, political, ideological, religious and individual context in which it was conceived connecting it with other forms of artistic expression and cultural manifestation.
    4. To know different languages formal and visual, so like, the different artistic techniques used by mankind throughout history.
    5. To know the theory of art and aesthetic thought in its historical course and within the different areas of cultural, social, economic, political, ideological, religious, which conditioned the speeches, aesthetics, function, the technical ye formal languages of art.
    6 To know the sources, trends, artists and works most important and representative of the history of art in the context of different cultures.
    7. To know and handling rigorous and set specific language and terminology of the different manifestations of art.
    8. To learn about the different procedures of artistic creation and techniques of conservation, protection and dissemination of the Cultural heritage.

  • Mobility

    La movilidad de los/as estudiantes está regulada a través del “Reglamento de intercambios interuniversitarios”. A través de la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores se gestionan programas de intercambio tanto nacionales (SICUE), como europeos (ERASMUS) y extracomunitarios (intercambios con países de América Latina o países de habla inglesa):

    Portal Internacional


    Los alumnos podrán obtener hasta 6 créditos por la realización de prácticas en empresas optativas.

  • Se podrá realizar una vez superados los 180 créditos obligatorios. En el momento de la presentación del trabajo el alumno deberá tener superado todos los demás créditos necesarios para el título de grado, esto es, por lo menos 228 ECTS. Para no atrasar la graduación de los estudiantes que reúnan los requisitos, la Facultad ofertará trabajos de Fin de Grado para a su realización en ambos cuatrimestres.

The contents of this page were updated on 06.01.2024.