ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
The student:
1. will know and will understand the fundamentals and basic knowledge of the general diachronic structure of the past.
2. will acquire critic conscience of the spatial and temporal coordinates.
3. will recognize the interdisciplinary nature of Social Science studies.Introduction to the Middle Ages
I. The beginnings of the Middle Ages (4th-7th centuries)
1. Crisis and transformations of the Late Roman Empire. Migrations and settlement of the Germanic peoples
2. Political, economic and social development of Western Europe
3. Religion and culture between the 4th and 7th centuries
II. Early Middle Ages (8th-10th centuries)
4. Political spaces in Europe. Formation and development of the Frankish kingdom
5. Economy and society in the 8th-10th centuries
6. Religion and culture in the Early Middle Ages.
III. High Middle Ages (11th-13th centuries)
7. The expansion of the High Middle Ages: the maturity of feudal society
8. Roman Pontificate, German Empire and feudal monarchies
9. Church and culture: clergy, monks and heresies. From schools to universities
IV. Late Middle Ages (14th-15th centuries)
10. Crisis and socio-economic renewal in the Late Middle Ages
11. The late medieval political transformations
12. Church and culture in the Late Middle AgesÁlvarez Palenzuela, V.Á. (coord.) (2013), Historia universal de la Edad Media, Barcelona: Ariel.
Bartlett, R. (2003), La formación de Europa. Conquista, colonización y cambio cultural, 950-1350, València: PUV.
Baschet, J. (2009), La civilización feudal. Europa del año mil a la colonización de América, México: Fondo de Cultura económica.
Blockmans, W., Hoppenbrouwers, P. (2007), Introduction to medieval Europe, 300-1550, London: Routledge.
Claramunt, S., Portela, E., González, M., Mitre, E. (2014), Historia de la Edad Media, Barcelona: Ariel, 2014.
Donado Vara, J., Echevarría Arsuaga, A. (2014), Historia Medieval I (siglos V-XII), Madrid: Ed. Universitaria Ramón Areces - UNED.
Duby, G. (2007), Atlas histórico mundial, Barcelona: Larousse.
Echevarría Arsuaga, A., Rodríguez García, J.M. (2013), Atlas histórico de la Edad Media, Madrid: UNED, Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces.
García de Cortázar, J.Á. (2014), Historia religiosa del occidente medieval (313-1464), Madrid: Akal.
García de Cortázar, J.Á., Sesma Muñoz, J.A. (2014), Manual de historia Medieval, Madrid: Alianza.
Le Goff, J. (1999), La civilización del occidente medieval, Barcelona: Paidós.
MacKay, A., Ditchburn, D. (eds.) (1999), Atlas de Europa Medieval, Madrid, Cátedra.
Nieto Soria, J.M. (coord.) (2016), Europa en la Edad Media, Madrid: Akal.
The New Cambridge Medieval History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995-2005.
Wickham, C. (2017), Europa en la Edad Media. Una nueva interpretación, Barcelona: Crítica.
Arias Guillén, F. (2024), Las cruzadas. La guerra santa cristiana, Madrid: Catarata.
Bois, G. (2006), La gran depresión medieval: siglos XIV-XV. El precedente de una crisis sistémica, Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
Bühler, J. (2005), La cultura en la Edad Media. El primer renacimiento de Occidente, Barcelona: Círculo Latino.
Cabrera, E. (2012), Historia de Bizancio, Barcelona: Ariel.
Echevarría Arsuaga, A., Martín Viso, M. (2019), La Península Ibérica en la Edad Media (700-1250), Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educaicón a Distancia.
Flori, J. (2003), La guerra santa. La formación de la idea de cruzada en el Occidente cristiano, Granada- Madrid: Universidad de Granada - Trotta.
Huizinga, J. (2005), El otoño de la Edad Media. Estudios sobre la forma de la vida y del espíritu durante los siglos XIV y XV en Francia y los Países Bajos, Madrid: Alianza.
Le Goff, J. (2004), Mercaderes y banqueros en la Edad Media, Madrid: Alianza.
Lewis, D.L. (2009), El crisol de Dios: el Islam y la construcción de Europa (570-1215), Barcelona: Paidós.
Manzano Moreno, E. (2010), Historia de España. Vol. 2: Épocas medievales, Barcelona – Madrid: Crítica- Marcial Pons.
McCormick, M. (2005), Orígenes de la economía europea. Viajeros y comerciantes en la Alta Edad Media, Barcelona: Crítica.
McKitterick, R. (2002), La Alta Edad Media. Europa 400-1000, Crítica: Barcelona.
Wickham, C. (2008), Una historia nueva de la Alta Edad Media. Europa y el mundo mediterráneo. 400-800, Barcelona: Crítica.
Wickham, C. (2023), The Donkey and the Boat. Reinterpreting the Mediterranean Economy, 950-1180, Oxford: Oxford University Press.Specific:
The student will be able to:
1- Propose, analyze, validate and interpret models of simple and real situations, using historiographical tools.
2- Acquire skills in the management of new technologies for the study and dissemination of the Work of Art.
3- Become aware of the importance of developing the capacity for initiative and self-criticism.
The student will be able to:
1- Use bibliography and search tools for general and specific bibliographic resources of Art History.
2- managing working time well and organizing available resources, establishing priorities and alternative routes.
3- Develop the ability to argue logically in the debate.
4- work in interdisciplinary groups, giving order, information, analysis and arguments.
5- Read relevant texts in the scientific field.As it is a subject without teaching because it belongs to a plan in extinction, students are recommended to work with the basic and complementary bibliography and consult possible doubts in tutorials arranged with the teacher responsible for the evaluation of the subject.
As it is a subject without teaching because it belongs to a plan in extinction, 100% of the evaluation will be done through a written exam on the official date set by the faculty.
The subject has a teaching load of 6 ECTS credits, which are equivalent to 150 hours of personal work.
- Work with the basic and supplementary bibliography and go to tutorials in case of doubts.
- Have or acquire basic knowledge of History, Latin and modern languages.
- This subject is closely related to History and Ancient Culture, History and Culture of the Modern Era, Literature and Art in the Ancient and Medieval World, History of Romanesque Art and History of Gothic Art.
Mariña Bermudez Beloso
- Department
- History
- Area
- Medieval History
- Phone
- 881812620
- marinha.bermudez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Exams 12.19.2024 09:00-11:30 Grupo de examen Classroom 05 06.16.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 05