ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Clinical Psychology and PsychobiologyAreas:
Faculty of BiologyCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
1. To acquire the necessary kwnowledge and habilities on event-related potential (ERP) technique in the context of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychophysiology research
2. To develop the hability of critic valuation of posibilities and limitations of this technique in basic and applied research of human behaviour
3. To know and to control the conceptual principles of both ERP technique and different ERP modalities
4. To know and to know how to access the most important documentary sources on ERP research
5. To acquire the necessary abilities to be able to independently record ERPs, and to learn how to interpret the recordings in the context of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychophysiology
6. To learn how to elaborate research reports (in both written and oral formats) in the context of psychophysiological studies with ERPs.
Keywords: Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychophysiology, humans, psychological processes, EEG, ERPsTheoretical contents:
- Introduction: Definition of ERP and neural origins.
- Recording methodology: Description of the recording equipment. The international 10/20 system for electrode placement. Artifact sources and methods of control. Amplification and filtering. Analogic-to-digital convertion. Description of averaging technique: signal to noise ratio
- Main ERP components: Definition of component. Classification of ERPs.
- Short and Middle latency Auditory ERPs: short latency ERPs: components and neural bases. middle latency ERPs: components and neural bases.
- Visual ERPs: components and neural bases of flash and pattern-reversal visual ERPs.
- Introduction to cognitive ERPs: description of main components.
- Introduction to the use of ERP recording equipment in a psychophysiology laboratory. Security measures to take into account
- Execution of a psychophysiological study with event-related potentials. Control and performance of the compounding phases: Sample selection. Informed consent. Subject preparation. Stimulation parameters and task planning. ERPs acquisition: parameters and procedure. . Processing of EEG signal to obtain ERPs. Identification and measuring of ERP variables. Statistical analysis. Interpretation of results. Preparation of the research written report.Cacioppo, J.T., Tassinary, L.G. & Berntson, G.G. (Eds.) (2000). Handbook of Psychophysiology, second edition. Capítulo 3. Cambridge University Press
Carretié Arangüena, L. (2001). Psicofisiología. Pirámide: Madrid. Capítulos 1 e 2.
Electrode Position Nomenclature Commitee (1991). American Electroencephalographic Society guidelines for standard electrode position nomenclature. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 8(2), 200-202.
Hugdahl, K. (1995). Psychophysiology: The mind-body perspective. Harvard University Press. Capítulo 12.
Handy, T.C. (Ed.) (2005). Event-related potentials. A methods handbook. The MIT Press.
Luck, S.J. (2014). An introduction to the Event-related potential technique. The MIT Press.
Luck, S.J., Kappenman, E.S. (2011). The Oxford Handbook of event-related potential components. Oxford University Press.
Picton, T.W., Bentin, S., Berg, P., Donchin, E., Hillyard, S.A., Johnson Jr., R., Miller, G.A., Ritter, W.,
Ruchkin, D.S., Rugg, M.D. & Taylor, M.J. (2000). Guidelines for using human event-related potentials to study cognition: Recording standards and publication criteria. Psychophysiology, 37, 127-152.
Rugg, M.D. & Coles, M.G.H. (1995). Electrophysiology of mind: event-related brain potentials and cognition. Oxford University Press. Capítulo 1.
Stern, R.M., Ray, W.J. & Quigley, K.S. (2001). Psychophysiological recording, second edition. Oxford University Press.General:
1. Capacity of analysis and sinthesis of scientific documentation
2. Capacity of oral communication and written of scientific results
3. Capacity of management of the information
4. Problems resolution capacity
5. Capacity of decisions taking
6. Capacity to work in team and to collaborate efficiently with other people
7. Ethical commitment with the investigation
This subject attends to the next specific competences from the memorandum of the Degree:
1. Understanding the biological bases of cognition and emotion, namely attention, learning, memory and executive control, and taking into account changes with age in this processes.
2. Knowing the main methods in cognitive neuroscience, with special attention to psychophysiological, neuropsychological and neuroimaging techniques.
3. Becoming familiar with applications of cognitive neuroscience to the study of normal psychological processes and pathologies.
4. Achieving specific skills to use event-related potentials to the study of psychological processes.
This competences are specified, to this subject, in the objectives listed above.Teaching of this subject will be based on the combination of attended sessions with the following tasks fulfilled by students and oriented by teachers: laboratory training, bibliographic searches, and elaboration of written and oral reports.
Attended theoretical sessions will consist of seminars. In the first seminar, students will be given bibliographic documentation and they will be guided through the subject and future work for the following seminars. Also, students will go over strategies for bibliographic research and scientific communication skills. The second will be oriented to supervision and problem solving about the readings done by the students. In the following seminars, students, working in groups, should prepare an oral presentation on the theoretical and methodological foundations of ERP technique.
In the practical module, attended sessions will be held at the laboratory of psychophysiology of the Faculty of Psychology. Students will be trained in the general procedure of ERP acquisition, recording and analysis; the teacher will present and explain to students the design of ERP recordings and analyses that they will have to perform under the supervision of teachers: then, students will perform the ERP recordings, processing and analysis under teacher´s supervision, who also will review the results.
Personal work by students will consist, for the theoretical part, of reading and synthesis of specific research literature and essential concepts, preparation of an oral presentation on the foundations of ERP technique.
In the practical module, students will elaborate a written report of their results from the ERP recordings, with the format of a brief scientific paper that has to be delivered for evaluation at the end of the course.
There will be individualized tutories for problem solving and work orienting in both theoretical and practical parts. The Virtual Campus will be used to facilitate access to documentation and to submit activities and papers.Assessment will consist of continuous evaluation of students work and execution during the attended sessions, and revision of students´ reports. Theoretical and practical parts represent both the 50% of subject cualification. Attending and participation in classes will modulate the final qualification of each module in a 10%.
Attending classes is compulsory, as the activities that students have to develop in those sessions (oral presentations, laboratory recordings) have to be assessed and there are not alternative activities to replace them.This subject has 3 credits, from whom 30 hours correspond to attended sessions. The remaining 45 hours are devoted to student personal working.
Have undergraduate-level training in Life Sciences and Health Sciences, particularly in Psychology, with knowledge in the biological bases of human behaviour (Fundamentals of Psychobiology - Neurophysiology and Neuroanatomy-, Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychophysiology).
Have graduate-level training in descriptive and inferential statistics in Health Sciences and Life Sciences.
This matter belongs to the Cognitive Neuroscience module of the master, and thus it is essential to follow other subjects in the same module.
Classse languages: Spanish (theoretical module) and Galician (practical module)
María Teresa Carrillo De La Peña
Coordinador/a- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Psychobiology
- Phone
- 881813798
- mteresa.carrillo@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Socorro Rodríguez Holguín
- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Psychobiology
- Phone
- 881813911
- rodriguez.holguin@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
1º Semester - January 13th-19th Wednesday 16:30-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Faculty of Psychology