ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 15ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 358
Hours of tutorials: 12.5
Interactive Classroom: 4.5
Total: 375Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
End of master’s Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Social, Basic and Methodological Psychology, Geography, Communication Sciences, Quantitative Economy, Common Law, Pedagogy and Didactics, Political Science and Sociology, Special Public Law and Company Law, Spanish Language and Literature, Theory of Literature and General Linguistics, History, Philosophy and Anthropology, Applied Economics, Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and MedicineAreas:
Basic Psychology, Social Psychology, Regional Geographical Analysis, Human Geography, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, Quantitative Economics (USC-specific), Civil Law, Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education, Political Science and Administration, Sociology, Labour and Social Security Law, Procedural Law, General Linguistics, Modern History, Moral Philosophy, Applied Economics, Economic History and Institutions, NursingCenter
Faculty of Education SciencesCall:
End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree ProjectsTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Academic research or work linked to the professional field of gender and women's issues that demonstrates the ability of the student to develop in a scientific, reflective and methodologically autonomous way, a theme of the central problems focused in the context of the present Master, i.e. the theme of women and the gender.
It is aimed to show the academic ability and research aptitude of the students.It can be developed using as base specific experience in relation to specific interests or professionals practices or research realized. As a general rule be assigned individually a female or male director to the TFM. It's a final scientific work of master that must be defended before a court appointed for that purpose and composed of faculty from the master. It will offer students a specific training through a development seminar of TFM and individual tutoring and group. The methodology follows an interactive approach with emphasis on participation and practical preparation of students. This will apply the theoretical and practical knowledge gained formation itself of the master in equality, gender and Education and in the specific thematic dealt with all the issues related to the subjects of the master.
The specific bibliography of each theme of the TFM will be oriented and specified in each case by the female or male tutor.
3.1. Basic competence:
- Capacity of collection and management of information.
-capacity of decision.
-working in team
- autonomous learning
- -creativity
-initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
3.2. General competence:
- capacity of understanding, analysis and synthesis
-capacity for organization and planning
-ability of solving problems in new areas and multidisciplinary settings
-capacity for the integration of knowledge
-critical reasoning and ability to reflect on social and ethical responsibilities in relation to the knowledge
-ability to communicate both groups specialized as a non-specialist
-ability to continue learning in a continuous and autonomous way
- ethical and deontological commitment.
-recognition of diversity and multiculturalism.
-adaptation to new situations
-motivation for the quality and professional excellence
-sensitivity to issues of social and economic reality
-spirit of overcoming.
3.3.Specific competence:
The TFM has to be research work focused on the theme of gender and women showing the student and/or ability to focus and develop scientific and thoughtful, a topic referred to the professional, social, scientific and educational area in a broad sense, of the central problematic approached in the context of the present Master, i.e. the theme of women and gender equality. This work must show the professional and research sufficiency of the students. Accurately note the following specific skills:
- Competence to develop autonomously a scientific work, under the supervision and direction, on a concrete and delimited topic of the general theme of the master
- Competence to work addressing a scientific theme of the thematic education, gender and equality, integrating scientific knowledge from different scientific fields, with a view to the scientific use.
-Competence to plan and organize the autonomous elaboration, under the supervision of a specific topic of education, gender and equality with a view to their practical use.
3.4. Transversal competence: :
-that students and students are able to boost the implementation of transformative actions of gender equality from a transversal perspective, specifically in the areas of economic and labor
-to students and students are able to make political assessments from a standpoint of interconnections and cross-gender
-that students and students are able to boost the implementation of actions which promote gender equality a cross-cutting perspective gender (mainstreaming), at various levels of formal institutional education, that is, infant, primary and secondary education, and also in the fields of formal education at the community level
-that pupils and students are able to boost the implementation of actions which promote gender equality from a transversal perspective of gender (mainstreaming), in all social administrative and political spheres.As a general rule be assigned individually a female or male director to the TFM. To undertake individual tutoring and will be offered to the students specific training through a development seminar of TFM and individual and group methodological tutoring. The methodology follows an interactive approach with emphasis on participation and practical preparation of students.
It's a scientific thesis of master which has to be defended in a court appointed for that purpose before and composed by professors of the master who comes to the evaluation of the work taking into account the development of the work, the exhibition of the student, all answers to the questions of the Court and the evaluation of the tutor of the preparation of the work, such e as envisaged in the regulation of the USC and the master in this regard.
For obvious reasons accurate of an intensive dedication.
As it is a work linked to the professional field or academic research focused on the theme of women and gender who show the ability of the student to sharp and develop in a scientific, reflective and methodologically autonomous way a theme of the central problems addressed in the context of the present Master, i.e. the theme of women and gender, it is obvious that the work requires the deepening of the students into the specific topic.
-develop a scientifically structured academic work with a maximum length of 40 pages. (To a facet, Times 12 and line-spacing 1.5)
-to defend such work in a court appointed for this purpose. (Defense of the work approximately 10-15 minutes).
- For more detailed information see the Teaching Guide of the TFM on the website of the Faculty of Sciences of Education and the information about the precise dates of delivery, etc. and of the courts approved by the Title Committee.
"In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the Evaluation of Academic Performance of students and for the review of grades will apply."