ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Foundations of Economic AnalysisAreas:
Foundations of Economic AnalysisCenter
Faculty of Medicine and DentistryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The general aim of the course is to examine the application of the principles and foundations of economic theory to the healthcare sector. In particular, to provide students with tools to analyze the operation and economic fundamentals of the health system, as well as the effects that different health policies have on the aforementioned system.
1. Introduction
2. Microeconomic analysis of health services
3. Intervention and regulation on health services
4 Criteria: effectiveness, effectiveness, efficiency and equity
5. Uncertainty and health insurance
6. The problem of asymmetric information on healthcare markets
7. The macroeconomics of health servicesBasic:
• Antelo M. (2022), Notas de economía de la salud, Santiago de Compostela: mimeo.
• Antelo M., Fraga J.M., Reboredo, J.C. (eds.) (2010), Fundamentos de economía y gestión de la salud, Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
• Oliva M., González B., Trapero M., Hidalgo Á., Del Llano J.E. (2018), Economía de la Salud, Madrid: Pirámide.
• Oliva J, Brosa M, Espín J, Figueras M, Trapero M, Antoñanzas Villar F.J. (2015), Cuestiones controvertidas en evaluación económica (I): Perspectiva y costes de intervenciones sanitarias. Revista Española Salud Pública 89, 5-14.
• Phelps Ch.E. (2009), Health Economics, New York: Addison Wesley.
• Trapero-Bertrán M, Brosa M, Espín J, Oliva J, Key Value-Grupo II (2015), Cuestiones controvertidas en evaluación económica (II): Medidas de resultado en salud de las intervenciones sanitarias, Revista Española Salud Pública 89: 125-135.
• Zweifel P., Breyer F. (1997), Health Economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.• To know the factors that affect the optimal behavior of the economic agents that are involved in the health system.
• To apply the analysis and economic principles and theories to the identification, forecasting and resolution of problems related to the efficient allocation of economic resources in healthcare.
• To analyze the advantages and limitations of the market mechanism in the allocation of resources in the health system.
• To examine the basic principles of health regulation.The dynamics of the subject will consist of a face-to-face initial session according to the established academic schedule. For the teaching of the rest of classes, different distance-learning techniques will be used (materials on the web, interaction through e-mail, articles, videos...). Tutorials will be offered via email or, whenever possible, through videoconference.
The students will have from the first session of the course the didactic materials on the contents of the subject and that will be sufficiently detailed and self-contained, so that they can be used independently by each student. Likewise, the materials of the subject will contain bibliographical references and guidelines related to the topics that will serve as support and guidance for individual or group work.The evaluation of the subject will consist of two activities or tasks in the form of separate essays on relevant aspects on health economics (continuous evaluation), as well as a written final exam. The objective of the first task is to cover the contents of the first part of the course and the objective of the second part, those of the last part. Then, the written exam will try to test the knowledge of the whole subject. Both the essays and the final exam are aimed at evaluating the general, specific and transversal competences that students must acquire during the course.
Students will complete the two assessment tasks and the final exam at a distance and before a certain deadline that will be specified in each case and at the time of submission. Once completed each task, each student will sent by telematic to the professor in charge of the subject.
Both the tasks and the final exam will be mainly focused on the evaluation of the acquired knowledge. The work throughout the course (continuous evaluation) will be aimed, mainly, to assess the ability to apply knowledge in the development of studies that combine theoretical analysis and empirical work, the ability to make judgments and propose solutions to problems, the effectiveness in group work and the oral and written expository capacity. The continuous evaluation will take into account all the programmed activities. In addition to the domain of the subject, the evaluation process will also consider all aspects such as the ability of analysis and synthesis, the clarity and expository capacity and the participation and contribution to the proper development of the course activities. The continuous evaluation will have a weight of at least 30% in the final evaluation.Students must dedicate the number of hours of personal work necessary to cover satisfactorily the autonomous study of the contents of the subject (either individually or in group), the analysis of cases, the readings of references other than the basic ones that are necessary, and the realization of the activities involved in the continuous assessment process.
To successfully pass the subject, students are recommended:
• To endeavor and dedicate continuous attention to the subject throughout the course,
• to understand the basic principles that make up the contents,
• to work with the analytical spirit on the contents of the subject and those related to the recommended bibliographical references.Para los casos de realización fraudulenta de ejercicios o pruebas será de aplicación lo recogido en la Normativa de evaluación del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y de revisión de cualificaciones.
Manel Antelo Suarez
- Department
- Foundations of Economic Analysis
- Area
- Foundations of Economic Analysis
- Phone
- 881811535
- manel.antelo@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor