ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Organisation of Companies and CommercialisationAreas:
Business OrganisationCenter
Faculty of Labour RelationsCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
Study organisations in the environment in which they develop their actitivity, focusing on economic, technological and social factors that determine their performance.
Develop basic knowledge related to organisation management and its sub-systems.
"Empresa e Organizacións" introduces basic knowledge which makes easier to develop extensions in the next subjects of this field.1. Organisations. Basic concepts, elements and typologies.
2. Introduction to the management process in organisations.
3. Planning foundations.
4. Organisational design foundations.
5. Managerial foundations.
6. Control foundations.CURTO, GARCÍA y CASTRO (2016): "Introducción a la Dirección de Empresas". Pearson.
MÜNCH (2011): "Administración. Proceso administrativo, clave del éxito empresarial". (2º edición). Pearson.
GONZALEZ y VENTURA (2003): “Fundamentos de Administración de Empresas”. Pirámide.
ROBBINS y COULTER (2014). "Administración" (12º edición). Pearson – Prentice Hall.
Further references:
BUENO CAMPOS: “Organización de Empresas. Estructuras, procesos y modelos”. Pirámide, 1.996
CLAVER, LLOPIS, LLORET Y MOLINA: “Manual de Administración de Empresas”. Civitas, 1.996
CHASE Y AQUILANO: “Dirección y Administración de la producción y de las operaciones”. Irwin, 1.995
DIEZ , GARCIA, MARTÍN Y PERIAÑEZ: “Administración y Dirección”. McGraw-Hill, 2.000
DONNELLY, GIBSON E IVANCEVICH: “Fundamentos de dirección y administración de empresas”. Irwin 1.995
FERNÁNDEZ SÁNCHEZ, E.; VÁZQUEZ ORDÁS, C. (1995): Dirección de la Producción (II. Métodos Operativos). Cívitas.
GARCIA Y CASANUEVA (Coordinadores): “Fundamentos de gestión empresarial”. Pirámide, 2.000.
GARCÍA-TENORIO, GARCÍA, RODRÍGUEZ, SÁNCHEZ, SANTOS (2006): "Organización y dirección de empresas". Thomson.
LUQUE , BUENO Y SANTOS: “Curso práctico de Economía de la Empresa. Un enfoque de organización”. Pirámide, 2.001
KOONTZ Y WEIHRICH: “Elementos de Administración”. McGraw-Hill, 2.002
SUAREZ, A.: “Curso de economía de la empresa”. Pirámide, 1996General and basic competences:
CG2 - Identify, analise, summarise and manage different sources and typologies of information.
CG5 - Make both oral and written presentations regarding general or specific issues related to their specialisation.
CG6 - Work individually or in groups.
Specif competences:
CE5 - Identify, describe and apply techniques, as well as take decisions on organisational and human resources issues.The classroom sessions dedicated to the expository classes will be used to introduce the basic contents of the topics that make up the program, emphasizing the especially relevant aspects and the relationships between them. In the interactive sessions in a small group it is about the students applying the theoretical concepts. For this, cases will be analyzed, text and article readings will be commented, and questions raised by the teachers will be discussed. Additionally, students must prepare a group work on a topic and present it orally. All of this is intended to stimulate cooperative work and develop argumentation and communication skills. The students' personal work activities include, in addition to the time dedicated to study, reading the material provided by the teaching staff, searching for information in the library, newspaper library or databases, and preparing group work. In the tutorials, the teachers will guide the students on the practical cases, readings, works and exhibitions; They will also serve to solve doubts and solve problems that students face in the learning process and as a channel of feedback on its results.
Virtual support will be used for teaching. This autonomous work will be guided by the teachers in the hours assigned to tutoring.
The tutorials will be primarily face-to-face. During the course, the "virtual classroom" will be used for communication, teaching and evaluation tasks.The assessment system will take into account all the activities carried out by students: active participation in the case analysis, discussion and review of readings, articles or press releases, presentation and exhibition of works, etc. There are two opportunities to pass the subject. Students who do not pass the course at the first opportunity will be entitled to a second, which will be shown on your transcript when it exceeds the mark achieved.
The assessment system is the following:
First ordinary opportunity
A) Continuous assessment: Class participation, resolution and participation in the case analysis, discussion of readings, elaboration and presentation of works in group and other activities related to interactive classes. Weight in final grade: 30%. Competences: CG2, CG5, CG6, CE5.
B) Final exam. Weight in final grade: 70%. Competences: CG2, CG5, CG6, CE5.
A minimum of 2.8 points in 7 scale in the exam will be necessary to take into account B.
To pass the course it is necessary to obtain at least an overall mark of 5 points out of 10.
Second opportunity
The same assessment system that at the first opportunity will be used, i.e. there will be a final exam again, with the weighting fixed for the first opportunity, which will add to the score achieved in the continuous evaluation.
According to Normativa de Permanencia at the USC for Bachelor and Master Studies (art. 5.2), the mere attendance and/or participation in any of the activities subject to assessment assumed that the student's final grade is different from NO PRESENTED.
The repeater students will follow the same evaluation system.
Following the Instruction Nº 1/2017 of Secretaría Xeral, students who are exempt from attendance in certain situations will be evaluated with a final exam (100%). Exemption from attendance must be authorized in advance by the university.
The continuous assessment tests and exercises and the final exam will be done in person.- Presence time: 48 hours
- Distance learning time: 57
-Student's individual work: 45
- Assessment time: 2No previous knowledge is required to take this course.
To maximize learning, students must prepare readings before classes to a better understanding, perform all the activities outlined by the teacher and attend regularly theoretical and practical clases.
Eduardo Curto Rodriguez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Organisation of Companies and Commercialisation
- Area
- Business Organisation
- Phone
- 881811636
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Nailya Saifulina
- Department
- Organisation of Companies and Commercialisation
- Area
- Business Organisation
- Phone
- 881811610
- nailya.saifulina@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Jesyca Maria Salgado Barandela
- Department
- Organisation of Companies and Commercialisation
- Area
- Business Organisation
- jesyca.salgado@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Tuesday 17:00-19:00 Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) Spanish Classroom 5 Wednesday 09:00-11:00 Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) Spanish Classroom 5 Exams 01.21.2025 09:30-12:30 Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) Classroom 3 01.21.2025 09:30-12:30 Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) Classroom 3 01.21.2025 09:30-12:30 Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) Classroom 5 01.21.2025 09:30-12:30 Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) Classroom 5 01.21.2025 09:30-12:30 Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) Classroom 6 01.21.2025 09:30-12:30 Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) Classroom 6 06.18.2025 09:30-12:30 Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) Classroom 3 06.18.2025 09:30-12:30 Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) Classroom 3 06.18.2025 09:30-12:30 Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) Classroom 5 06.18.2025 09:30-12:30 Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) Classroom 5 06.18.2025 09:30-12:30 Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) Classroom 6 06.18.2025 09:30-12:30 Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) Classroom 6