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Degree in Business and Technology (2nd ed.) Virtual

Branch of knowledge
Social and Legal Sciences
Ambit of knowledge
Ciencias económicas, administración y dirección de empresas, márquetin, comercio, contabilidad y tur
Faculty of Business Administration and Management
Avda. Alfonso X O Sabio, s/n, 27002
982824430 (Conserxaría)
982824403 (Decanato)

The present proposal for the degree emerges from the need to adapt the new reality and from the need from the organisations and the professional and academic training of the business management and direction professionals. There is a demand for professionals able of managing the technological innovations and apply information technologies solutions to the problems of the organisations. Therefore, besides extensively knowing the different areas of business and their interrelations to the economic environment, the professional must be able to implement and manage technology in the field of business, both in terms of strategies and pursuit of competitiveness.

  • Duration: 4 academic years
    RUCT code: 1500218
    ECTS Number: 240
    Seats number: 10

    Dean or center director:

    Title coordinator:
    Ada Maria Perez Pico

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician

    MECES Level: 2

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Orde do 15/07/2024 (DOG 24/07/2024)

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

  • The study plan for the Business and Technology Degree consists of 276 credits ECTS, of which students must complete 240, distributed into 4 years of 60 credits, including all the theoretical and practical training acquired by the students.
    · Basic training: 60
    · Compulsory: 120
    · Optional: 40.5
    · Compulsory Internship: 12
    · Final Dissertation: 7.5
    · Total: 240

  • The study plan has been organized into 5 modules:
    • Basic training module: 60 credits, which are offered through 10 subjects of 6 credits each in the first half of the study plan. Of them, 36 credits are linked to the basic subjects in the field of knowledge Economic sciences, business administration and management, marketing, commerce, accounting, and tourism.
    • Mandatory training subjects: 120 credits corresponding to mandatory subjects that are distributed throughout the entire Degree depending on the results of the training and learning process that the students must acquire.
    • Optional training module: 40.5 credits offered in the last year.
    • External Practices Module.
    • Final Dissertation Module.
    · The student has the possibility of choosing between two mentions:
    • Business Development and Entrepreneurship
    • Information and Technology Management.
    Students who do not want to obtain a specific specialization can choose among the 17 elective subjects offered.

  • The degree in Business and Technology offers the students the training to:
    1. Know the fundamentals of the integration of technology in business management.
    2. Enable them to handle calculation and analysis tools that enable us to understand the economic and social environment and its legal frame.
    3. Acquire the skills necessary for decision making and execution in the fundamental areas for business management and direction.
    4. Know and teach how to plan and implement technological solutions to multiple areas of business management.
    Training objectives of the mentions
    The mention in Business development and entrepreneurship aims at enabling the students to analyse and develop new business opportunities on a global context.
    The mention in Information and Technology Management aims at enabling the students to apply advanced technological solutions to multiple areas of business management.

  • Mobility

    Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programmes are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programmes (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):


    Students of the Degree must take 12 credits of internships carried out in companies related to the degree. This subject is offered in the last semester. These internships can be carried out both in person and virtually depending on the way the company works.

  • The Final Dissertation is 7.5 credits offered in the last semester. The topic of the TFG will be related to the major that the students take, if they opt for a minor, or with a topic related to the results of the training and learning process, if they do not take a minor.

The contents of this page were updated on 07.30.2024.