ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 2
Expository Class: 17
Interactive Classroom: 22
Total: 41Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Organisation of Companies and CommercialisationAreas:
Business OrganisationCenter
Faculty of Business Administration and ManagementCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
After studying this subject, the student should be able to:
• Know the main concepts, methodologies and tools for strategic analysis
• Understand the most relevant aspects related to the design and implementation of strategies
• Know the driving factors of the innovation strategy and its impact on organizational competitiveness1. Strategic management
2. Analysis of the environment
3. Analysis of the sector
4. Analysis of the company
5. Competitive advantage and business strategy
6. The relevance of innovation in the company
7. The strategic dimension of innovation
8. Formulation of innovation strategies
9. Innovative business modelsBASIC:
JOHNSON, Gerry; SCHOLES, Kevan y WHITTINGTON, Richard (2010): Fundamentos de estrategia. Madrid: Pearson Educación.
GRANT,Robert M. (2006): Dirección Estratégica. Conceptos, Técnicas y Aplicaciones. Editorial Civitas.
GUERRAS MARTÍN, Luís A. y NAVAS LÓPEZ, José E. (2012): Fundamentos de dirección estratégica de la empresa. Editorial Civitas.
SCHILLING, M.A. (2019): Strategic management of technological innovation. (6th edition) Ed. McGraw Hill.
SCHILLING, M.A. (2008): Dirección estratégica de la innovación tecnológica. (2ª edición) Ed. McGraw Hill.
TIDD, J.; BESSANT, J.R. (2014): Strategic innovation management. Ed. Wiley.
GRANT, R.M. (2014): Dirección Estratégica. Conceptos, técnicas y aplicaciones. (8ª edición) Ed. Civitas.
FERNÁNDEZ SÁNCHEZ, E. (2005): Estrategia de innovación. Ed. Thomson.
GUERRAS, L.A.; NAVAS, J.E. (2016): La dirección estratégica de la empresa. Teoría y aplicaciones. (5ª edición revisada) Ed. Civitas.
HIDALGO, A.; LEÓN, G.; PAVÓN, J. (2013): La gestión de la innovación y la tecnología en las organizaciones. Ed. Pirámide.
HILL, C.W.L.; JONES, G.R.; SCHILLING, M.A. (2015): Administración estratégica: teoría y casos. Un enfoque integral. (11ª edición) Ed. Cengage Learning.
JOHNSON, G.; WHITTINGTON, R.; SCHOLES, K.; ANGWIN, D.; REGNER, P. (2017): Exploring strategy. Text and cases. (11th edition) Ed. Pearson.
TIDD, J.; BESSANT, J.R. (2018): Managing innovation: integrating technological, market and organizational change. (6th ed.) Ed. Wiley.BASIC AND GENERAL
CB1. That students have demonstrated that they possess and understand knowledge in an area of study that starts from the base of general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, although supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that imply knowledge from the forefront of your field of study.
CB2. That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competencies that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study.
CB3. That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature
CB4. That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences
CB5. That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
CG1. Acquire a set of theoretical and practical knowledge in relation to the process of creating and managing companies in the digital age
CG2. Identify, gather, analyze and interpret relevant data on issues related to the business and technological field
CG3. Learn to plan and implement new technologies to help improve the competitiveness of companies
CE1. Understand the fundamental aspects of the social and economic environment at the macro and micro level, and in particular consumer behavior, in the global framework of the new economy and the information society
CE2. Know and understand the basic elements of business management and its main functional areas under the framework of ethics and social responsibility
CE3. Analyze, diagnose and make decisions in the different functional areas of business management selecting and applying the most appropriate technological tools
CE4. Identify, design, develop, plan, manage and evaluate projects for the creation or transformation of products, services, processes or companies, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship
CE5. Understand the integrating role of technology and know the main technological products and technology trends associated with the various areas of business management
CE6. Develop the strategic analysis of the company and its environment to make strategic and tactical decisions in the different functional areas and be able to formulate a technological strategy that supports a business.
CT1. Think in an integrated and critical way and approach problems from different perspectives
CT2. Search, process, analyze and synthesize information from different sources
CT5. Ability to solve problems and make decisions by applying theoretical knowledge to practiceThe sessions dedicated to lectures will aim to introduce students to the contents of the topics that make up the program, highlighting the most relevant aspects and the relationships between them and the current environment.
The interactive sessions will be based on the practical application of the theoretical contents exposed in the lecture sessions. These sessions will be aimed at the active participation of the students in the resolution and debate of cases, trying to simulate the problems faced by companies. They will be combined with workshops in which executives from different companies will participate, as well as virtual / face-to-face visits to companies.
The expository and interactive sessions will take place in the official schedule published by the center and will be in person.
The teachers will monitor the attendance of the students and their participation in the sessions, be they face-to-face or virtual.
The tutorials will take place in the regular schedule officially published by the teaching staff, in response to the student's demand.
The development of the subject will be carried out with the support of the virtual teaching classroom created for this purpose on the Moodle platform.
A practical session in the form of a lecture or company visit could take place.The evaluation will take into account all the activities carried out by the students (carrying out and participating in the analysis of cases, debate and commentary on readings of articles or press news, viewing and commenting on videos, carrying out and presenting work, carrying out questionnaires on content. theoretical or practical, etc.).
To pass the subject there are two opportunities. Students who do not pass the subject on the first opportunity will have the right to a second, which will be the one that appears in their academic record in the event that the grade obtained is higher.
The evaluation system for these two opportunities is set out below.
Ordinary first chance:
A) Continuous evaluation (50%):
Participation in class, resolution and participation in the analysis of cases, debate of readings, completion and presentation of group work and other activities related to interactive classes.
In this part the following competences will be evaluated: CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CG3, CT1, CT2, CT5.
B) Final content exam (50%):
The evaluation of the theoretical knowledge will be carried out by means of a partial and / or final exam. In order to add the part of the grade derived from the continuous assessment, it is necessary for students to obtain at least a 5 out of 10 in the exam.
The added mark must be equal to or greater than 5 points out of 10 to pass the subject.
In this part the following competences will be evaluated: CB5, CG1, CT5, CT2.
The final test will be in person.
Second opportunity:
The same evaluation system will be applied as in the first opportunity, that is, a new final content exam will be carried out, with the weighting established for the first opportunity, which will be added with the score achieved in the continuous evaluation.
Students who have been granted the exemption from attendance following Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat on the exemption from attending class in certain circumstances, will be evaluated with a specific final exam that will account for 100% of the grade.
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of the student body and the review of qualifications will apply.The course has 4.5 credits, and each credit is equivalent to 25 hours of work.
The hours are distributed as follows:
-In-person (includes teaching hours, interactive tutorials and evaluation): 41 hours
- Student's personal work: 71.5 hoursTo maximize learning, it is recommended that students regularly attend the expository and interactive sessions, actively participate in all the activities proposed by the teaching staff and consult the bibliography and other recommended material.
Tutorials are a useful resource that students should use as often as necessary. Access to the virtual campus and institutional mail to find out about different issues that arise throughout the course and to be able to have and review supplementary material before classes, facilitates student participation and their ability to acquire knowledge.
Begoña Barreiro Fernandez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Organisation of Companies and Commercialisation
- Area
- Business Organisation
- Phone
- 982824421
- begona.barreiro@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Tuesday 17:15-18:15 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 6 Exams 01.10.2025 12:00-15:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 6 06.11.2025 09:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 6