ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Modern HistoryCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
To provide students with the most remarkable progress achieved by the research carried out in recent years in Modern Spanish History in demography, economy, society, mentality, culture, politics and administration. In addition, we will provide them with those formative and informative knowledge and the skills necessary for the acquisition of the discipline contents.
We will study the main economic, social, cultural and political features of the History of Spain during the Modern Age - sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth c.-. The subject will be structured in eight major thematic units.
1. Population: evolution, models and behaviours
2. Agriculture: types, ownership, exploitation and production
3. Industry and trade
4. Structure and social groups
5. The social dynamics: mobility, exchange and riots
6. Culture in Spain during the Early Modern History
7. Government and administration under the Hapsburgs
8. Government and administration under the BourbonsBasic bibliography:
MARCOS MARTÍN, A; España en los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII; Barcelona, 2000.
MARTÍNEZ RUÍZ, E, et al.; España Moderna; Madrid, 1992.
MOLAS RIBALTA, P; Edad Moderna, 1478-1808; Madrid, 1988.
RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA, J; & CASTILLA SOTO, J; Diccionario de términos de Historia de España. Edad Moderna; Barcelona, 1998.
Complementary bibliography:
ARTOLA; La Hacienda del Antiguo Régimen; Madrid, 1982.
BERNARDO ARES, J.M; & MARTÍNEZ RUÍZ (eds); El municipio en la España Moderna; Córdoba, 1996.
DOMÍNGUEZ ORTIZ, A; Sociedad y estado en el siglo XVIII español; Barcelona, 1976. -El Antiguo Régimen: Los Reyes Católicos y los Austrias; Madrid, 1988.
EIRAS ROEL, A; Estudios sobre agricultura y población en la España Moderna; Santiago de Compostela, 1990.
ELLIOT, J; España y su mundo, 1500-1700; Madrid, 1990.
GRICE-HUTCHINSON, M; El pensamiento económico en España (1177-1740); Barcelona, 1982.
KAGAN, R; Universidad y sociedad en la España Moderna; Madrid, 1981.
LOBO CABRERA, M, & SUÁREZ GRIMÓN (eds); El comercio en el Antiguo Régimen (Actas de la III Reunión Científica de la Asociación Española de Historia Moderna); Las Palmas, 1994.
LORENZO CADARSO, P.L; Los conflictos populares en Castilla (ss.XVI-XVII); Madrid, 1996.
LYNCH, J; Los Austrias; Barcelona, 1993. - El siglo XVIII; Barcelona, 1994.
MARCOS MARTÍN, A; España en los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII; Barcelona, 2000.
MARTÍNEZ RUÍZ, E, et al.; España Moderna; Madrid, 1992.
MOLAS RIBALTA, P; Edad Moderna, 1478-1808; Madrid, 1988.-La burguesía mercantil en la España del Antiguo Régimen; Madrid, 1985.
NADAL, J; La población española. Siglos XVI al XX; Barcelona, 1984.
PEREIRA, J.L; El préstamo hipotecario en el Antiguo Régimen; Cádiz, 1995.
PÉREZ MOREDA, V; Las crisis de mortalidad en la España interior, siglos XVI-XIX; Madrid, 1980.
RIBOT, L.A. & DE ROSA, L. (eds); Ciudad y mundo urbano en la época moderna; Madrid, 1997.
RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA, J. & CASTILLA SOTO; Diccionario de términos de Historia de España. EdadModerna; Barcelona, 1998.
RUÍZ MARTÍN, F,& GARCÍA SANZ, A (eds); Ciudad y mundo urbano en la época moderna; Madrid, 1997.
SAAVEDRA, P. & VILLARES, R. (eds); Señores y campesinos en la Península Ibérica (siglos XVIII-XIX); Barcelona, 1991.
TOBOSO SÁNCHEZ, P; La deuda pública castellana durante el Antiguo Régimen (Juros); Madrid, 1987.
VÁZQUEZ DE PRADA, V; Historia económica y social de España. Siglos XVI-XVII; Madrid, 1978.Training the student to identify the different chronological periods in the Modern Age in relation to his/her basic political, economic and social constants.
Identifying and outlining the main individual and collective protagonists in the Modern Spanish History.
Developing the capacity to discriminate between the accessory or scholar and the essential historical substrate that shapes the social, economic and institutional foundations of the Modern Era.
Ability to analyze History in perspective, surpassing the close chronological frameworks, providing the student with tools to interpret it from a global perspective.
Competence to discern the multiplicities of historical time, separating the specific things from the permanent and structural ones.
Favouring and strengthening student’s autonomous work and individual responsibility in the knowledge acquisition process through the application of historical thought of analytic, critical, logical and creative type.Lectures will be devoted to carry out a transfer of scientific knowledge based on the specific objectives of the subject, with the help of different didactic materials.
Interactive classes will be guided by the professor and the student will have to develop a series of activities and assignments to enable him/her to acquire skills and competences needed for setting and expanding the already acquired knowledge.
In individual tutorials or in a very small group, we will pay attention to students in order to clarify doubts about specific issues related to the explained themes, the tasks that they must carry out or any other difficulty related to the performance of practical assignments.There will be a Final Exam on the date fixed in the official calendar of the Centre, and in which the student must answer several questions related to the issues explained during the course lectures. This examination will count as 40% of the Final Mark, and it will be taken into consideration if the student obtains in the above-mentioned examination a score of at least 5 out of 10.
The remaining 60% of the mark will be distributed as follows:
(a) 5% as a result of the student’s assistance at different classes.
(b) 55% will come from the score obtained by the participation of the students in interactive lessons, culminating in the submission of one or several assignments. In order to calculate the arithmetic mean taking into account the score of this part and the one of the previous examination, all assignments, without exception, must achieve an overall average score of 5 out of 10.
The following criteria will be taken into account for subsequent chances:
1.- Students who have submitted all the practical assignments and have obtained an overall average score of at least 5 out of 10 will have no obligation to resubmit them. These students must pass only one examination on the issues explained in the lectures in the corresponding examination period.
2.- Students who had not submitted all the practical assignments or had not attained the minimum required score during the ordinary course, will have to hand in at the time of the examination in the second (or successive) examination sessions a minimum of two-thirds of the practices carried out during the course. We will not assess the examination of those students who do not submit their assignments.
Any student who has not showed up for the exam and who has not submitted any of the practical work will be assigned a “No-show” in the Final Mark.Every hour of theoretical class must be accompanied by a complementary assignment performed by the student of approximately two hours, in the form of a systematic study of the subject and by readings that contribute to the consolidation and widening of the issues explained in class.
It is estimated that for each hour of interactive teaching the student should spend, as a minimum, four hours of personal work.
Taking into account the teaching load of the subject and the above-mentioned forecasts, it is considered that the personal work of each student should be about 150 hours.Attend and participate in the development of lectures and interactive classes.
Ensure that the study and individual work is regular and on a daily basis.
Supplement class explanations with the reading of general or specialized bibliography that we recommended in the programme of the subject, but also with that one more specific indicated in each theme, in order to achieve a more broad and comprehensive vision than that one that can be offered during the lectures.
Address in a personal and individualized manner the development of the assignments that are part of the interactive lessons in order to get the skills and competence necessary to facilitate the advance of the knowledge acquisition process.
Attend tutorials to clarify the doubts that may arise during the learning process.
Roberto Javier Lopez Lopez
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Modern History
- Phone
- 881812612
- robertojavier.lopez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Mónica Fernández Armesto
- Department
- History
- Area
- Modern History
- monica.fernandez@usc.es
- Category
- Xunta Post-doctoral Contract
Tomas Manso Fraga
- Department
- History
- Area
- Modern History
- Phone
- 881812707
- tomas.manso.fraga@usc.es
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 12 Wednesday 11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Classroom 05 Thursday 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Classroom 05 Exams 06.03.2025 12:00-14:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10 06.03.2025 12:00-14:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 07.09.2025 12:00-14:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10