ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Medieval HistoryCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
1. Provide a rational and critical knowledge of humanity's past in order to understand the present.
2. Provide precise knowledge of the events and processes of change and continuity in a diachronic perspective.
1. Provide the student with the ability to examine the economic, social and institutional dimensions of a certain society throughout historical time, verify the ability of the changes that have occurred and adequately evaluate the historiographical concept of "feudal society" through the use of primary and secondary sources.
2. Development of transversal themes as the axis of the changes in the societies of the past.SUBJECTS AND CONTENTS. The subject will address the European space, but not only it. We will thus explore forms of society and power in medieval Europe, but also in Asia, and the Near and Far East. And we will equally attend to the individual, to the people and their perception of power. So, the content is organized into the following topics and thematic lines:
1. Power in medieval society. Construction of a transversal issue.
2. The main charachters of power in medieval societies: between the collective and individualities.
3. Medieval societies and the exercise of power (8th-12th centuries): articulation and symbolic dimension.
4. The power and construction of the monarchy in the medieval West (5th-13th centuries).
5. Power over the territory. The political-administrative dimensions of full medieval power: between fief, 'coto', and lordship.
6. Great powers and universal powers in the Middle Ages: the Church, the Empire, the caliphate, and the Shōgun (and others).
7. The social dimensions of medieval power (9th-15th centuries): groups, individuals and their relationships.
8. In the construction of the State. Changes in the institutional articulation of medieval power since the 13th century.
9. The perception of power in the late Middle Ages. Women and men in the changing forms of an evolving society.ÁLVAREZ BORGE, I.: Monarquía feudal y organización territorial: alfoces y merindades en Castilla (siglos X-XV), Madrid, 1993.
ÁLVAREZ BORGE, I.: Poder y relaciones sociales en Castilla en la Edad Media. Los territorios entre el Arlanzón y el Duero en los siglos X al XV, Salamanca, 1996.
ÁLVAREZ BORGE, I.: La plena Edad Media: Siglos XII-XIII. Madrid. Síntesis, 2003.
ÁLVAREZ PALENZUELA, V. A.: Historia de España de la Edad Media, Barcelona, 2011.
AYALA MARTÍNEZ, C., RÍOS SALOMA, M.: Fernando III, tiempo de cruzada. Madrid. Sílex, 2012.
BENITO MARTÍN, F.: La formación de la ciudad medieval: La red urbana en Castilla y León, Valladolid, 2000.
BERMÚDEZ BELOSO, M., O espazo do occidente peninsular e a súa organización territorial ca. 700-ca. 1250, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2017.
BLOC, M.: La sociedad feudal, Madrid, Akal, 1987.
BONNASSIE, P., P. GUICHARD y M. C. GERBET: Las Españas Medievales, Barcelona, 2001.
CARVAJAL CASTRO, A., Bajo la máscara del regnum. La monarquía asturleonesa en León (854-1037). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2017.
COLLINS, R.: España en la Alta Edad Media (400-1000), Barcelona, 1986.
COLLINS, R.: Califas y Reyes, Barcelona, 2013.
DESWARTE, Th., De la destruction à la restauration. L'idéologie politique du royaume d'Oviedo-Léon (VIII-XI siècles), Turnhout, 2003.
DOMÍNGUEZ ORTIZ, A. (dir.), Historia de España. 3: Al-Andalus, musulmanes y cristianos (siglos VIII-XIII), Barcelona, 1988.
FERNÁNDEZ CONDE, F. J., Estudios sobre la monarquía asturiana, Gijón, 2015.
GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR Y RUIZ DE AGUIRRE, J. A.: Sociedad y organización del espacio en la España medieval, Granada, 2004.
GERBET, M. C.: Las noblezas españolas en la Edad Media. Siglos XI-XV, Madrid, 1997.
ISLA FREZ, A., La Alta Edad Media, Madrid, 2002.
JULAR PÉREZ-ALFARO, C., Los adelantados y merinos mayores de León: siglos XIII-XV. León, Universidad de León, 1990.
JULAR PÉREZ-ALFARO, C., "Alfoz y tierra" a través de documentación castellana y leonesa de 1157 a 1230: Contribución al estudio del "dominio señorial", Studia Historica. Historia medieval, 9 (1991), pp. 9-42.
La Historia Medieval en España: un balance historiográfico (1968-1998), XXV Semana de Estudios Medievales de Estella, Pamplona, 1999.
LADERO QUESADA, M. A., La formación medieval de España, Madrid, 2004.
MARQUES, A. H. DE OLIVEIRA: História de Portugal 1. Das Origens ao Renascimento, Lisboa, 1999.
MATTOSO, J.: Identificaçâo de um país. Ensaio sobre as origens de Portugal 1096-1325, Lisboa, 1985.
MATTOSO, J.: História de Portugal. I. Antes de Portugal, Lisboa, 1997.
MATTOSO, J.: História de Portugal. II. A Monarquia Feudal (1096-1480), Estampa, Lisboa.
MÍNGUEZ, J. M., Las sociedades feudales. 1. Antecedentes, formación y expansión. Historia de España II. Madrid, 1994.
PALLARES MÉNDEZ, M. C. y E. PORTELA SILVA: La reina Urraca, San Sebastián, 2006.
PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZ, F. J., Los monasterios del Reino de Galicia entre 1075 y 1540: de la reforma gregoriana a la observante. Santiago de Compostela, Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento, 2019, 2 vols.
PORTELA SILVA, E.: García II de Galicia, el rey y el reino (1065-1090), Burgos, 2001.
REILLY, B. F., The kingdom of León-Castilla under queen Urraca. 1109-1126, Princeton, 1982.
REILLY, B. F., El reino de León y Castilla bajo el rey Alfonso VI. 1065-1109, Toledo, 1989.
REILLY, B. F., The Kingdom of León-Castilla Under King Alfonso VII, 1126-1157 [Recurso electrónico], Philadelphia, [2016].BASIC AND GENERAL SKILLS
Already in the last semester of the degree, it is about consolidating and perfecting the following:
CG1 - Know and analyze the diachronic structure of history
CG2 - Use, order, and interpret historical sources
CB4 - That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences
Also, in this case, it is about consolidating and perfecting the following:
CT1 - Apply analytical, critical, logical and creative thinking demonstrating innovation skills
CT2 - Work independently with responsibility and initiative
CT3 - Collaborative teamwork and corporate responsibility
CT4 - Communicate information and ideas clearly and effectively in public
The subject lends itself to strengthening the following competencies:
CE3 - Know and interpret history as a discipline under construction
CE4 - Know and analyze the issues and problems that are the subject of historiographic debate
CE5 - Critical awareness of the relationship between the social, economic and institutional dimensions of the past
CE7 - Understand, interpret and elaborate historiographic texts or original documents in one's own language.In order to facilitate and rationalize the teaching of the subject, the teaching will be distributed in:
-LECTURES: in which, preferably, a seminar will be held on the basic theoretical contents of the subject and upon the most significant sources. It is an activity that recquires presence in the classroom.
-INTERACTIVE SESSIONS: to work through sessions in small groups. The sessions will be dedicated to the discussion of the readings by the students, as well as to the elaboration and follow-up of the progress of the final work. The content of the interactive classes will aim to deepen the knowledge of aspects of special relevance for understanding the evolution of different aspects of Society and Power in the Middle Ages.
-A course will be opened in the Virtual Campus in which there will be various support materials and resources such as CODOLGA and GALLAECIAE HISTORICAL MONUMENT will be used.The assessment will be made taking into account the attendance and participation in the classrooms (40% of the final grade) and the result of a written test consisting of the preparation of an original essay in the language itself, in which you can choose between several options of obvious formulation and you can bring supporting materials (notes, etc.). This will weigh 60% of the final grade. There will be mandatory a minimum qualification of 1 in the attendance and participation sessions.
For the qualification of the second chance call, the mark obtained for attendance and participation in the classrooms (40%) will be maintained.
For those people with a dispensation, only the written test will count (100%) and they will have the obligation to go to a personalized tutoring session at least once a month, by appointment with the teacher of the subject.
For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions contained in the "Regulations for the evaluation of students' academic performance and review of qualifications" will apply.Each hour of expository teaching must be accompanied by a complementary work of the student of about two hours. At the same time, for each of the hours of interactive teaching, the student must use at least four hours of individual work.
Taking into account the teaching load of the subject and the aforementioned forecasts, it is considered that the student's personal work time should be around 150 hours.Attendance at classes and carrying out the proposed activities.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of grades" will apply.I n case of academic fraud as defined in article 42 of the USC Coexistence Law of March 2023, the sanctions provided for in article 11 will be applied if plagiarism occurs in academic works or exams or non-consensual use of Intelligence tools. Artificial.
Xose Manoel Sanchez Sanchez
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Medieval History
- xosemanuel.sanchez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Mariña Bermudez Beloso
- Department
- History
- Area
- Medieval History
- Phone
- 881812620
- marinha.bermudez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
2º Semester - March 03rd-09th Wednesday 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 13 Friday 15:00-17:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 13 Exams 05.19.2025 18:30-21:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10 06.30.2025 18:00-20:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 08