ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Modern HistoryCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
- The History of Galicia in the Early Modern Age is not only an academic subject, but it is the preferential research area of the professors who deliver such subject at the USC, so in this area the objectives to be pursued can be summarized as follows:
1. Students must obtain fundamental knowledge of the evolution of Galicia in the Early Modern Age.
2. A basic domain of documentary sources.
3. A baseline of the historiographic lines and most meaningful and up-to-date bibliography.
4. Transversality with appropriate knowledge to allow students to frame Galicia in the context of the History of Western Europe in the Early Modern Age.
5. To get cross-cutting expertise that enables the approach to other related subjects within the Humanities and Social Sciences - History of Art, Anthropology, Sociology, etc.1. Introduction to the era. Evolutionary lines and end of the Old Regime
2. The Galician population
3. The agricultural system
4. Industrial activities, fishing and trade
5. The Galician society of Old Regime
6. Political-administrative organization and Government
7. Popular culture and legal cultureBasic bibliography:
DUBERT, I.: Historia de la Galicia moderna, Santiago, 2012.
REY CASTELAO, O.: A Galicia Clásica e Barroca, Ed. Galaxia, Vigo, 1998.
SAAVEDRA, P.: La vida cotidiana en la Galicia del Antiguo Régimen, Ed. Crítica,Barcelona, 1994.
SAAVEDRA VAZQUEZ, M.C.: Historia de Galicia. Galicia na Idade Moderna IV. Vía Láctea, A Coruña, 1995.
Complementary bibliography:
BARREIRO FERNÁNDEZ, X.R.: A Galicia do Antigo Réxime. O encino, a Ilustración e a Política. A Coruña, 1993
COSTA, A., Historia da Educacion e a Cultura en Galicia no contexto europeo, Vigo, 2004.
DUBERT, I: Cultura popular e imaginario social en Galicia, 1480-1900, Santiago, 2007.
EIRAS ROEL, A.: Estudios sobre agricultura y población en la España Moderna, Santiago, 1990 (Semata.Ciencias Sociais e Humanidades, 3).
EIRAS ROEL, A.: La historia social de Galicia en sus fuentes de Protocolos, Santiago, 1981.
EIRAS ROEL, A.: La población de Galicia, 1700-1860. Santiago, 1996.
GARCIA QUINTELA, M.V. (edt.): Las religiones en la Historia de Galicia, Santiago, 1996.
REY CASTELAO, O., Libros y lectura en Galicia. Siglos XVI-XIX, Santiago, 2003
REY CASTELAO, O. & RIAL GARCIA, S., Historia das Mulleres. Idade moderna, Santiago, 2010.
Revista Obradoiro de Historia Moderna. Santiago, 1990 ff.
SAAVEDRA, P.: A Galicia do Antigo Réxime. Economía e sociedade, edit. Hércules, A Coruña, 1992, vol. III.
SAAVEDRA, P. & SOBRADO; H., A Gran Historia de Galicia. Volumes referidos ao Antigo Réxime. Ed. Recife, 2007.
SOBRADO CORREA, H.: “Un reino moi poblado. A Galicia do Antigo Réxime, (1480-1835). Poboación e economía”, en Gran Historia de Galicia, t. 6, vol. 1, A Coruña, 2007.
VARIOS: Atlas histórico de Galicia, Vigo, 1998.
VILLARES, R., Historia de Galicia, Vigo, 2003.Through theoretical and practical teaching, students are expected to achieve the following skills:
1. Mastery of the theoretical programme
2. A basic domain of the bibliography and current trends in the Modern History of Galicia
3. Basic knowledge of the main documentary sources - locating them, seeing their possibilities of using them-
4. Introduction to research with primary sources
5. Directing the implementation of the obtained knowledge to the practical teaching or to the work in archives, libraries, museums and all activities related to the conservation and dissemination of the cultural heritage of Galicia
6. Domain of oral skills when presenting assignments and participating in discussionsLectures will deal with the programme content.
Theoretical and practical teaching will be taught face-to-face.
Interactive classes will consist of the development and commentary of tables, graphics, charts, maps... and the commentary of historical texts.
Each student will do a practical assignment on bibliography or archival documents.
Field practice will include the visit to archives, libraries, museums and exhibitions.There will be a Final Exam on the date fixed in the official calendar of the Centre, and in which the student must answer several questions related to the issues explained during the course lectures. This examination will count as 40% of the Final Mark, and it will be taken into consideration if the student obtains in the above-mentioned examination a score of at least 5 out of 10.
The remaining 60% of the mark will be distributed as follows:
(a) 5% as a result of the student’s assistance at different classes.
(b) 55% will come from the score obtained by the participation of the students in interactive lessons, culminating in the submission of one or several assignments. In order to calculate the arithmetic mean taking into account the score of this part and the one of the previous examination, all assignments, without exception, must achieve an overall average score of 5 out of 10.
The following criteria will be taken into account for subsequent chances:
1.- Students who have submitted all the practical assignments and have obtained an overall average score of at least 5 out of 10 will have no obligation to resubmit them. These students must pass only one examination on the issues explained in the lectures in the corresponding examination period.
2.- Students who had not submitted all the practical assignments or had not attained the minimum required score during the ordinary course, will have to hand in at the time of the examination in the second (or successive) examination sessions a minimum of two-thirds of the practices carried out during the course. We will not assess the examination of those students who do not submit their assignments.
Any student who has not showed up for the exam and who has not submitted any of the practical work will be assigned a “No-show” in the Final Mark.Classroom work:
1. Full group activities: lectures, conferences: 30 hours
2. Small group activities: colloquia, discussions, oral presentation of assignments, visiting archives, etc.: 15 hours
3. Tutorials in very small groups: consultation of published works, organization of working groups, assignment guidance, preparation of presentations: 3 hours
Total: 50 hours
Individual work:
1. Study: 40 hours
2. Assignment writing: 30 hours
3. Preparation of activities for small groups or single students: readings, search for bibliography and materials, etc.: 30 hours
Total: 100 hoursThe basic recommendation is to read the general or specialized bibliography provided by the teaching staff when giving the programme, and also the more specific one supplied with each theme in order to get a more complete picture than that obtained in the lectures. These readings must include the consultation of magazines such as Obradoiro de Historia Moderna , Cuadernos Feijonianos, Cuadernos de Estudios Galegos, etc.
You must read and consult specific bibliography in order to dominate the techniques for textual analysis, graphics or tables and the elaboration of assignments.
We recommend that you visit sites such as those of the archives and libraries of Galicia or outside of Galicia."En caso de fraude académica tal como se define en el artículo 42 de la Ley de Convivencia de la USC de marzo de 2023, se aplicarán las sanciones previstas en el artículo 11 de producirse plagio en trabajos académicos o exámenes o bien el empleo no consentido de herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial".
Roberto Javier Lopez Lopez
- Department
- History
- Area
- Modern History
- Phone
- 881812612
- robertojavier.lopez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Ofelia Rey Castelao
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Modern History
- Phone
- 881812610
- ofelia.rey@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Mario Sixto Puente
- Department
- History
- Area
- Modern History
- mario.sixto.puente@usc.es
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Antonio Gonzalez Lopez
- Department
- History
- Area
- Modern History
- antoniogonzalez.lopez@usc.es
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 11:00-13:00 G5021329/CLE_02 Spanish Classroom 05 Wednesday 11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 12 Friday 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 12 Exams 05.26.2025 11:30-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10 05.26.2025 11:30-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 07.04.2025 12:00-14:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10