- Área de Operación de Infraestruturas Chalé dos Catedráticos 4
- Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782Santiago de Compostela
The Infrastructure Operation Area is in charge of the activities required to ensure the operation of the physical infrastructures of the USC, except for the telecommunications networks. It is composed of the Existing Buildings Maintenance and Safety Unit and the Energy and Sustainability Unit.
José Ángel Carrillo Presedo
- Job title
- Area Director
- Phones
- 881 814 329
- angel.carrillo@usc.es
Energy and Sustainability Unit
Teodoro Lamela Formoso
- Job title
- Facilities Maintenance Manager
- Phones
- 881 814328
- teodoro.lamela@usc.es
Manuel Folgar Romay
- Job title
- Responsable de mantemento de instalacións
- Phones
- 881814323
- manuel.folgar@usc.es
Juan Manuel Calviño Boquete
- Job title
- Técnico de instalacións (especialidade calefacción)
- Phones
- 881 814 463
- juanmanuel.calvino@usc.es
Ismael Ferreiros Domínguez
- Job title
- Technical Engineer
- ismael.ferreiros@usc.es
Elena García Leon
- Job title
- Control operator
- Phones
- 881 814 303
- elena.garcia@usc.es
Jose Manuel Maneiro Calvo
- Job title
- Control operator
- Phones
- 881 814 304
- jose.maneiro@usc.es
José Antonio Villar Rodríguez
- Job title
- Maintenance coordinator
- Phones
- 881 814 447
- joseantonio.villar@usc.es
Miguel García Regal
- Job title
- Installation technician
- Phones
- 881 843 789
- miguel.garcia.regal@usc.es
Marcos García Suárez
- Job title
- Installation Techanician
- Phones
- 881844275
- marcos.garcia.suarez@usc.es
Marcos Mirás Juncal
- Job title
- Installation technician
- Phones
- 881 840 088
- marcos.miras@ussc.es
Manuel Castro Granja
- Job title
- Carpentry foreman
- Phones
- 881 840 107
- manuel.castro@usc.es
José Antonio García Míguez
- Job title
- Carpentry foreman
- Phones
- 881 844 328
- joseantonio.garcia.miguez@usc.es
Pedro Manuel López Núñez
- Job title
- Trades specialist
- Phones
- 881 845 469
- pedro.lopez@usc.es
Antonio Ramos Sánchez
- Job title
- Foreman
- Phones
- 881 840 099
- antonio.ramos@usc.es
Ramón García-Bodaño Pereira
- Job title
- Trades specialist
- moncho.pereira@usc.es
Alberto García Castro
- Job title
- Trades specialist
- alberto.garcia.castro@usc.es
Marcos Victorio Guitián Lema
- Job title
- Trades specialist
- marcosvitorio.guitian@usc.es
Alvaro Otero Pazos
- Job title
- Trades specialist
- alvaro.otero@usc.es
Manoel Francisco Salgado Ferreiro
- Job title
- Trades specialist
- manoelfrancisco.salgado@usc.es
Miguel Vázquez Leborán
- Job title
- Trades specialist
- miguela.vazquez@usc.es
María Dolores Pasarín Pereira
- Job title
- Head of the Infrastructures and Heritage Division
- Phones
- 881 814 461
- admon.infraestruturas@usc.es
Raquel Chantada Adán
- Job title
- Economic Affairs
- Phones
- 881814347
- admon.infraestruturas@usc.es
Punto de atención, información e servizos
Marta María Cereijo Castro
- Job title
- Janitor
- Phones
- 881 814 345
- m.cereijo@usc.gal