ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 15ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 370
Hours of tutorials: 3.5
Interactive Classroom: 1.5
Total: 375Use languages
Spanish, Galician, EnglishType:
Work placements for Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Botany, External department linked to the degrees, Particle PhysicsAreas:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Botany, Área externa M.U en Química na Fronteira entre a Bioloxía e a Ciencia de Materias, Condensed Matter PhysicsCenter
Faculty of ChemistryCall:
Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's DegreesTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The main objective of this subject is for the student to acquire a general vision of the state of the art in the scientific fields of the degree.
- Knowledge of the methodology to follow for the development of a research project: bibliographic search, design, planning and development of experiments, data analysis, improvement proposals and conclusions of the work.
- Learn the management of instruments and specialized laboratory materials for the synthesis, characterization, purification and / or analysis of chemical products, nanomaterials, biomolecules or cell samples.
- Learn to treat the experimental data obtained and relate them to the appropriate physical, chemical and biological theories, using the primary bibliographic sources.
- Recognition of the risks associated with the development of an experimental project, and of the appropriate security measures.This introductory project is aimed at acquiring a practical apprenticeship prior to the completion of the main research project of the Master. The student will be able to develop this project:
- in a research laboratory of the center (not necessarily in the same group in which you will carry out your TFM, to favor multidisciplinary training).
- in other national or international research laboratories (international mobility).
- in collaborating companies of this Master (transectoral mobility).
The scientific tutor and the master coordinator will provide advice to the student regarding the choice of the Initiation to Research Project.
The content of the training program will depend on the project assigned to the student, but in any case, it will include:
-An advanced experimental training,
-Exhibition to a real research environment in the academic or industrial field, tools for the planning and execution of a project,
-Analysis and interpretation of results,
-Writing a scientific report, etc.CB6 Possess and understand the knowledge that provides a basis or an opportunity for being creative and unique in the development and/or implementation of ideas, often in a research context.
CB7 Students should know how to use the knowledge acquired and their problem-solving capacity in new or little known environments within wider (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.
CB8 Students should be able to integrate knowledge and deal with the complexity of making judgements from information which – being incomplete or limited – includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the use of their knowledge or judgements
CB9 Students should know how to communicate their findings and the knowledge and underlying reasons underpinning them to specialised and non-specialised audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
CB10 Students should have the learning skills that allow them to carry on studying in such a way that should be mainly self-directed or autonomous.
CG1 Know how to use the knowledge acquired for practical problem solving in the field of research and innovation, in the multidisciplinary context of biological chemistry and molecular materials.
CG2 Know how to apply the scientific method and acquire skills for developing the necessary protocols for the design and critical assessment of chemical experiments.
CG3 Be able to discuss and communicate ideas, in both oral and written form, to specialised and non-specialised audiences (congresses, conferences, etc.) in a clear and reasoned way.
CG6 Have leadership, creativity, initiative and entrepreneurship abilities.
CG7 Be capable of working in multidisciplinary teams and collaborating with other specialists, both nationally and internationally.
CG8 Be able to use scientific literature and develop the judgement needed for its interpretation and use.
CG9 Be capable of handling chemical substances safely and work in a chemical laboratory without risks.
CG10 Be able to develop the different research stages (from the conception of an idea and the literature search through to target setting, experiment design, analysis of the results and drawing conclusions).
CT1 Develop teamwork skills: cooperation, leadership and good listening skills. Adapt to multidisciplinary teams.
CT2 Draft scientific and technical reports and defend them publicly.
CT3 Perform day-to-day research or professional activity in an independent and efficient manner.
CT5 Apreciar el valor de la calidad y la mejora continua, actuando con rigor, responsabilidad y ética profesional.
CT7 Show critical and self-critical reasoning when seeking scientific rigour and quality. Handle IT tools and information and communication technology (ICT), as well as on-line access to databases.
CE2 Be capable of comparing experimental data and theoretical assumptions in a critical manner.
CE3 Know the rules on risk prevention in the laboratory and within the chemistry-related industry.
CE5 Know how to analyze and use the data obtained autonomously in complex laboratory experiments by relating them to the suitable chemical, physical or biological techniques.
CE9 Use advanced instrumentation related to research on biological chemistry and molecular materials.
CE19 Know how to carry out, submit and defend individually, and once all curriculum credits are obtained, a comprehensive research project on Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials which synthesizes the skills learnt in the Masters course.
CE20 Know how to plan and carry out new laboratory experiments in an autonomous and independent manner.Experimental (or computational) individual work under supervision, with the appropriate infrastructure and necessary means to achieve the proposed objectives.
- Tutorials for the planning and supervision of the work and the analysis of results.
- Use of specialized software, databases and web resources. Online teaching support (Virtual Campus).
- Presentation and discussion of partial results of the project in the research seminars of the group or center.
- Preparation of a report of the research carried out.
- Presentation and defense of the research work carried out, results and conclusions.- Experimental work.
- Written report detailing the most relevant results of the work carried out and the competences acquired.
- Oral presentation and defense of the work carried out and the competences acquired.
The acquisition of competences will be evaluated through the research memory: 25% -35%; Oral presentation and defense: 25% -35%; Report of job tutors: 30-50%; Dexterity in the laboratory and practical skills: 0% -15%.Formation activities:
Attendance: Tutorials for planning and monitoring the project: 4 h; Experimental work in synthesis, analysis and determination of properties used in research laboratories both at the university and/or in the chemical and / or biotechnological industry, 280 h; Analysis and data interpretation, up to 30 h; Public presentation of the report of the work carried out, 1 h;
Non-contact: Preparation of report of the project, 50 h; Bibliographic searches and use of databases, 10 h.