ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 136
Hours of tutorials: 14
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Final Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Parasitology, Physiology, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Botany, Functional Biology, Zoology, Genetics and Physical AnthropologyAreas:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Physiology, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Botany, Cellular Biology, Ecology, Plant Physiology, Physical Anthropology, Genetics, ZoologyCenter
Faculty of BiologyCall:
End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree ProjectsTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
The purpose of the TFG is the individual preparation by the student of an original work where they apply and integrate the knowledge, skills, competencies and skills developed during studies in Biology Grao
The TFG to perform may be bibliographic, experimental or otherwise.
It will include at least tasks search and literature review, reading and integration of information, preparation of drawings, writing and presentation
The TFG will have a maximum of 20 double-spaced pages in Times New Roman, size 11 (including the cover, index, headings, text, references, tables and / or figures).
The document submitted teach the traballo developed by the student, the document did not contain the name of / to tutor / to be taken by the folowing structure:
* Home in which up: Grade name, title of the TFG, full nombe the / the author / a, and academic year.
* Index
* Summary of work
* Introduction.
* Objectives.
* Methodology of work
* Results and discussion
* Bibliography.
* Tables e / ou figures.Which each tutor want to tell the student to considering the topic chosen and also that the student / to be considered.
Understand the concepts, methods and main results of the various branches of biology, including the historical perspective of its development
Gather and interpret data, information and relevant results, draw conclusions and issue reasoned reports on issues related to biology.
Apply both theoretical and practical knowledge acquired as the capacity of analysis and abstraction in the definition and approach to problems and finding solutions in both academic and professional contexts.
Communicate, both in writing and orally, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas in biology, both specialist and non-specialist public.
Study and learn independently, with organization of time and resources, new knowledge and techniques in any scientific or technological disciplineLos TFG serán realizados bajo la supervisión de al menos un tutor/a cuya función será la de orientar al estudante durante el desarrollo del mismo, así como realizar el seguimiento y emitir un informe preceptivo y confidencial sobre este seguimiento antes de la defensa del trabajo para los efectos de que se tenga en cuenta en la evaluación del TFG.
El/la tutor/a programará sesiones de trabajo con los estudiantes, en las que establecerá la programación de las tareas a realizar y orientará en el trabajo. Será responsable de exponer a cada estudiante las características del trabajo, de orientarlo en su desarrollo y de velar por el cumplimiento de los objectivos fijados.The TFG will be defended by the student in front of a tribunal appointed by the dean on a proposal from the Commission of Final Degree Work. The Tribunal shall consist of three members who are teachers of the degree.
The oral presentation and defense of each TFG will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes will be public. The Tribunal may make such questions and issues deemed appropriate for a maximum time of 30 minutes.
The Tribunal will assess the TFG as follows:
Work content (30%). They are valued in 0-10 all items
The student:
In the introduction providing a description and justification of the work overall. That includes sources of reliable, timely and current information.
Clearly defined work goals.
By carefully selecting the materials and methods in relation to the fulfillment of the objectives.
Adequately describes the materials and methods enabling the repetition of work by others.
It presents clear and sufficient results.
Properly interpreted the data of your work.
Contrasting its results with those of other studies, including sources of reliable, timely and current information.
Make a critical analysis of available information sources and its application to the chosen subject.
Work presents conclusions consistent with the objectives formulated synthetically and provides an overview of the subject studied.
Addresses the issue of work in an original way.
(CT = 0.03 * sum of all items):
WRITTEN PRESENTATION (30%). They are valued in 0-10 all items
The student:
Memory writes correctly, using appropriate vocabulary and terminology to the subject.
Pay attention to spelling and syntactic correctness.
It presents a memory that meets the existing regulations regarding the structure (sections), editing (font type and size, interliñado) and extension.
Cited in the text and in the reference list the sources of bibliographic information in the correct format.
It presents the figures and tables necessary to enable compression results easily. These are well designed and conducted
(PE = 0.06 * sum of all items):
ORAL EXPOSURE (40%). They are valued in 0-10 all items
The student:
Used as support for the exhibition proper presentation: good choice of backgrounds and colors and font type and source, there is no grammatical or spelling errors.
By carefully selecting tables, images or graphics to illustrate their work.
Uses appropriate vocabulary and terminology. Explains each of the slides and is not limited to reading the text.
Uses the appropriate tone and volume of voice, projecting his voice to listeners with good diction. The facial expression and body language (upright posture, etc.) are correct throughout the exhibition. Make eye contact with members of the court during his presentation.
Displays a boa communication skills, you are sure / that of himself / herself. Conveys enthusiasm for the subject presented, generating interest in the study. The message is clear and persists after exposure.
The exhibition is well structured in a logical and orderly sequence, properly select their contents.
Adjust the length of exposure to established time (15 minutes) getting present and discuss all aspects of their work.
Accurately answer questions posed by members of the court demonstrating knowledge of the subject and ability criticism and argument.
Demonstrates knowledge of the literature used and consulted in the answers to questions posed by members of the tribunal.
Demonstrates knowledge of the basic concepts acquired during their training in the answers the questions posed by members of the tribunal.
(EO = 0.04 * sum of all items):
FINAL GRADE TAKING into account the report of TUTOR / A (optional):
The report of the tutor / to the following indicate:
. Effort, dedication and interest / a student / in developing the work
. Degree of achievement of the objectives
. Overall rating of TFG
Also the tutor / to evaluate (from 1-5) in its report the achievement of the following generic skills:
• Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
• Capacity for reasoning and argumentation.
• Ability to work in problem situations include group and collectively.
• Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information.
• Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text.
• Ability to make a public display in a clear, concise and consistent manner.
• Commitment to accuracy of the information provided by others.
• Ability to use ICT
• Use of bibliographic and Internet
• Use information in a foreign language
• Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
Once held the last call for the TFG of the academic year, and taking into account the work presented, may be granted "honors" those TFG to obtain more than 9 rating without the enrollment of honor may not exceed the limit established by the University. CTFG will once held the last call, which decide and give ratings correspond honors150 hours