ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 135.5
Hours of tutorials: 10.5
Interactive Classroom: 4
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Final Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Parasitology, Physiology, Morphological Science, Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics, Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities, Statistics, Mathematical Analysis and Optimisation, Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and MedicineAreas:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Physiology, Human Anatomy and Embryology, Histology, Pharmacology, Pathological Anatomy, Legal and Forensic Medicine, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Paediatrics, Toxicology, Surgery, Dermatology, Stomatology, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Statistics and Operations Research, Medicine, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Psychiatry, Radiology and Physical MedicineCenter
Faculty of Medicine and DentistryCall:
End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree ProjectsTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
To check that students have acquired the professional, research and communication skills set out in the curriculum.
The subject is organized in two parts aimed at verifying, in the first part, that the students have acquired professional skills and in the second part, research and communication skills.
The verification of the acquisition of professional skills will be carried out by attending skills seminars and carrying out a series of 20 simulation activities (clinical cases with standardised patients, interpretation of complementary tests, etc.).
To be able to carry out the second part of the subject (the presentation of the research work) it is necessary to have carried out and passed the first part. To do so, it is necessary to attend all the programmed seminars and to satisfactorily complete the 20 simulation stations.
The second part of the subject is aimed at checking that the research skills have been acquired, for which the student will have to carry out research work and defend it before a court.According to the student's knowledge and the nature of the TFG, the tutor will recommend the bibliography he or she considers appropriate
Qualification competences to which the subject contributes: From CG01 to CG37. Subject specific competences: CEMV.02
In the part of assessment of professional skills, the methodology is based on the performance of practical activities that allow the acquisition of the professional skills of the medical profession to be verified.
In the part of carrying out the research work, the student will be supervised by a Tutor who will propose relevant questions that can be the object of a research work in which the student can apply the knowledge and skills previously acquired.
Under the supervision of the Tutor, the student will write a report with the contents proposed as a work, using the sources of bibliographic information, consultation of clinical, experimental and epidemiological data, etc.
The tutor will guide the student and will follow the process of elaboration of the TFG.In the part of assessment of professional skills, the methodology is based on the performance of practical activities that allow the acquisition of the professional skills of the medical profession to be verified.
For the research skills assessment part, the tutor must evaluate the work done by the student and the memory of the research done. The grade of the TFG will be between 0 and 10 with the expression of one decimal place, at
that a corresponding qualitative qualification will be added: Not Submitted ( NP); Failed ( SS, 0-4.9); Passed (AP, 5.0-6.9); Remarkable ( NT, 7.0-8.9) or Outstanding ( SB, 9.0-10).
To pass the course, the grade must be equal to or higher than 50% of the maximum mark in each of the two parts (tutor(s)/a(s) and defence). The qualification of the tutor(s) will be of 6 points maximum, being necessary to obtain a minimum of 3 points to pass the subject. The defence qualification will be of 4 points maximum, being necessary to obtain a minimum of 2 points to pass the course. The final grade of the course will be the sum of the tutor's grade (out of 6 points) and the grade of the panel (out of 4 points). To obtain less than 3 points in the tutor(s) part and/or less than 2 points in the defence part, implies obtaining a grade of 4.9 points (failure, SS) even if the arithmetic sum of the two parts exceeds 5 points. If the work has two tutors, the mark for this part will be the arithmetic mean of the mark given by each of the tutors.
The public defence of the research work will be carried out on the dates established for each of the existing calls in each academic year. The defence will be made before a panel of three members, all of whom are professors of the Bachelor of Medicine. The defence will last a maximum of 25 minutes, of which a maximum of 15 minutes will correspond to the presentation, followed by 10 minutes for questioning by the members of the panel. The panel will issue a single score reached by consensus of the members or by the average of the qualifications of each member in the event that consensus is not reached.
In order to present and defend the TFG in the established calls, students must have passed all the credits, both theoretical and practical, corresponding to the syllabus of the Degree with a Master's in Medicine level and have completed and passed the first part of the subject.
Once the act has been completed, the Board will proceed to deliberate on the qualification. To pass the public defence, the mark issued by the panel must be equal to or higher than 5.
The final qualification of the matter shall be made in accordance with the following scale:
- 60% Qualification of the tutor (0-10)
- 40% Defence rating (0-10)
Those students who do not pass the public defence will be able to carry out a new defence of the work in the second call. If they do not pass the two examinations, they will have to take a new TFG.
Any work that may be considered to be plagiarism or fraudulent will be classified as a failure, without prejudice to any disciplinary measures that may be taken.
Once the evaluation process of the research work has been completed, the TFG Committee will study whether any of the work qualified with an "A" is worthy of the "Matrícula de Honor", taking into account the proposals made by the panels.Face-to-face work: 8.5h
Tutorial: 5h
Evaluation: 3.5h
Individual work: 66.5hReview the knowledge acquired in the subjects of Initiation to Research, Biostatistics and Epidemiology.
On October 22nd a modification of the TFG regulations of the Degree of Medicine was approved and ratified by the Governing Council of the USC on October 30th of this year 2020, which can be found at the following link https://www.usc.gal/gl/centros/medodo/tfg.html